I have a different take than most others - I assume they just started the program with FL residents and would be very surprised if they don't eventually roll it out to everyone once any kinks are worked out.
Pure speculation, but I can think of all kinds of reasons why they would have started with FL residents specifically. For one thing, they must certainly sell many more APs to FL residents than to those outside FL. Second, having a payment plan may require them to comply with regulations, such as banking regulations, by which they might not otherwise be bound, since the payment plan likely constitutes a "loan". If this is indeed the case, then every additional state in which you offer the program is another set of regulations with which you have to ensure compliance.
I strongly doubt that there's any favoritism for FL residents involved. Consider that FL residents pay less for the APs, and use them significantly more, and that Disney therefore already provides more value per $ to FL resident passholders than non-residents. If I am typical of the FL resident passholder, we also represent less revenue potential exclusive of admission, in that we don't dine or shop on property as much as out of state visitors.
I understand your frustration, but it's a new program. I'd just give them a little time and see what happens.