AP Discount Advise from The Experts


New Member
I purchased and annual pass and am hoping to get the discount at the resort in June. Which do you guys think I have a better chance of getting?? CB or PO Riverside? When do the discount codes come out? Three months prior?


Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
I'm confused. What are these codes that everyone talks about? I just called the reservation number told them we have a annual pass and got the AP rate. Why do you need a code if you have the pass? Thanks for any info.
Hi Tink, The AP pass does get you a discount. The discount is lettered to keep track of the specific time frame that the discount is good for. This is called a code. The current code is BEX or something like that and is good for stays until Mid April. We are all waiting for arrival dates later than that, such as late May for me. The AP discounts are not realeased very far ahead of time so we watch for them and try to keep each other updated on the release of any discounts, so we can take advantage of them if it falls within our vacation plans!! See?? Belle
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Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
I'm confused. What are these codes that everyone talks about? I just called the reservation number told them we have a annual pass and got the AP rate. Why do you need a code if you have the pass? Thanks for any info.
Just out of curioisity, when are you going? I was just wondering because if we book a trip for July, and we say we have our AP, will they just give us the rate?
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New Member
DisneyJill said:
I was wondering the same thing :confused:

If you call now and tell them that you want to book for July, they will not give you the rate because it is not out yet. You can always book it now and call back when the AP rates for the summer come out and they will change your rate to the AP. If you do not have an AP currently, you can make a reservation when they come out and tell them that you do. You only have to provide one when you check in. I've always been asked at check-in, but they do not always ask.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for clearing that up....it kind of seemed far fetched, but hey...you never know. I guess I might as well book now, that way we get the days and resort we want.
Thanks again
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Nut4Disney said:
If you call now and tell them that you want to book for July, they will not give you the rate because it is not out yet. You can always book it now and call back when the AP rates for the summer come out and they will change your rate to the AP. If you do not have an AP currently, you can make a reservation when they come out and tell them that you do. You only have to provide one when you check in. I've always been asked at check-in, but they do not always ask.

Right, I understand that part. I was just curious as to when weluvtink's trip was for, as the codes are not out for May yet, and I was wondering if they knew a secret that the rest of us didn't. :wave:
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I get it now. We were going to go in May but changed our minds and are now going in March. I booked at the beginning of February, so I guess we fell in the time frame of not needing a code.
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Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
I get it now. We were going to go in May but changed our minds and are now going in March. I booked at the beginning of February, so I guess we fell in the time frame of not needing a code.
All of the discounts are coded. The code that was used for you was BEX. As I said it was good from Mid February to Mid April so that was the code that was applied to your reservation to get the lower price. You simply asked for it by the type of discount, not the actual letters that indicate the AP discount good from Mid Feb to Mid April, that is all. Within the computer system , the code BEX was applied. Me personally I dont care how it works as long as I continue to get a AP savings on the rooms!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Nope...but here's my theory on why they will becoming out soon- The dates for EMH for May just came out, so codes should be following soon!
I know.....it's a far cry, but here's to hoping they come out soon!
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Well-Known Member
I was able to call Disney and verify that these codes are for real and will indeed be released this weekend. They( the people at Disney) are under strict orders to not book ANYTHING before these codes are officially released. For all of the AP holders, please keep an eye out for any E mails saying that we can call a day ahead of time!!!! I have gotten those the past couple of times and have always posted the information for my fellow AP holders on here!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
Hey thanks everyone, but please remember this was a very cooperative effort involving several people. I have said it before and I will say it again, WDWMagic is the best site on the web for stuff like this. Great people and great information!!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
weluvtink said:
I get it now. We were going to go in May but changed our minds and are now going in March. I booked at the beginning of February, so I guess we fell in the time frame of not needing a code.

I think it's just a question of terminology. We aren't waiting for someone to disover the "code" as in secret, we are waiting for the "code" to be annonuced/activated. It's slang for discount, really, based on how Disney processes them.

We aren't waiting on the code itself, but for the associated discounts to go into effect. As you found out, you don't even have to know the code you booked under in cases of APs - you fell into the window of making your ressie and having a code active in the same period. If you had tried to make a ressie for May you would have been told AP discounts hadn't come out yet, or that there was no "code" for that time period.

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Well-Known Member
OK Folks, Pam of Kingdom Konsultants JUST Called me. The AP rates have been released as of now!!!! The code is EWY as previously mentioned and the check in dates are from 4/17/05-7/4/05. Happy Calling everyone!!! And a special thank you to Pam for alerting us to an early release!!! Belle
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