Anyone use walkie talkies at WDW?


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We have some, pretty new, has a bunch of channels and a 6-8mile range.

Has anyone ever used them? Did they seem to work decent?

We (me,hubby,son) are going w/my mom and her hubby and will be splitting up alot. So we thought these would be ideal. We do have cell phones, but roaming charges would be like $2/min.? (forget it)

So, are they useful? Or are they just added weight to everything you bring in? Dalayney:kiss:


Well-Known Member
We always take our walkie-talkies into the parks, and we have found them to be very useful. They work great when they're on. We turn them off when entering an attraction and occasionally forget to turn them back on right after. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
We had alot of troubles with our walkie talkies... they didn't transmit well in certain areas and even with the different channels we had alot of overlapping (and kids playing games answering all calls). We have mobile to mobile so thats what we use now.


Well-Known Member
We always communicate via cell phone (thank goodness for nationwide coverage).

I've had one experience with walkie talkies and it was a bad one. My aunt and uncle brought them last November and gave us one so we could talk to each other without using their phone minutes. I hated it. There was a lot of static and we could never really make each other out. Often, we couldn't tell if it was them or someone else trying to talk on it. The constant static and noise was so bad that we eventually just turned it off, figuring that they could call us if they really needed us (or if we got separated). They have nationwide coverage too, so it didn't really cost them extra either.

Hopefully yours are better quality and will get better reception. I know that not all are as bad as the ones that my aunt and uncle had. I've used the motorola ones (the decent ones that actually work) at work and haven't really had a problem. Just that sometimes it can be difficult to understand (make sure you speak clearly) and sometimes there is still a little interference.

On another note, if you're using belt clips make sure you don't wear loose fitting elastic waist pants/shorts. :lookaroun The weight, while not a lot, can do bad things. I kept it clipped to the strap of my bag.


New Member
I think they are a great idea! I needed them one day when I was separated from my family because I was sick. When I got to the park I couldnt find anyone in my party. I used the walkie-talkie got ahold of them and was able to meet up and have a great day. One thing I learned is.. when you are using just the regular Motorola walkie talkies dont go into a channel and ask MOM. Your going to get about 50 other parties repond lol (atleast that's what I experienced). :)
I think two cell phones is a better solution for the reasons already mentioned here - forgetting to turn the walkie talkies back on, too many people on the channels, etc. But if cell phones are not a viable option, walkie talkies are a reasonable solution.

By the way, if you do go the cell phone route, remember to put your phone on vibrate in any and all attractions!
Yea I brought them.... they were not that useful.... I mean we were kinda to excited to use them we just ran around together.... I dunno lol... I would just bring my cell phones and do it like that... plus many people might use them to and the reception could be bad lol


New Member
IMO, they are just extra weight. We've tried 2 times and have had all kinds of problems each time. The biggest problem we had was all the interference from other people on them. By the end of our last trip we had left them in the room and were just using the cell phones.


I thought there was too much static and other voices when we used ours at Paramounts Great America, so I haven't either considered using them at a Disney park, although your's sound a bit more powerful.

Here's an idea that may work when you're merely signaling someone that it's time to meet for lunch or something, but don't actually need to talk to each other. Call their cell phone, let it ring a couple of times, and hang up. They see you number, and get the message. If something comes up that you need to discuss, let it keep ringing, and they know that after two rings, you want to talk and they can pick up.



New Member
Depending on the radio you can get excelent coverage. Especaily if you take some time before you get into EACH park.

**with your radio you should be able to "scan" your channels and sub channels. Find a channel not just channel 1 or 4 but something like 8/ with a sub channel of 25. Something that not everyone else is using.

** just use the radio only to meet up. not long talks. It also helps to set up meet times and locations before your parties leave. so everyone knows to turn the radio back on.

** really learn how the radios work, not just "push here, talk there" figure out how to get it on "silent mode" so your not disturbing other guests when you use the "call" button...theres nothing more annoying or embarassing then to hear other peoles radio going off then the remark "wheres the nearest bathroom", or my favorite "johney just puked off of _______, we will be late"!


We purchased a set of expensive ones for our Dec trip (we had 3 groups). After a couple of days I quit using mine since it was driving me crazy. It had 25 channels and we could never find one that 100 other people werent using. If you have cell phones with mobile to mobile I suggest that.


New Member
The FRS radios are great. We only had trouble with them when I was in tommorow land and my girlfriend was on main street. In AK we were able to talk across the park. As said before learn how to use them and set up meeting places. Head to a local park or some thing a try them out to get used to useing them. Most people cut themselves off by letting go of the button.


Well-Known Member
I am up there in the cell phone crowed.

I have seen guest using these and they all say the same thing about 50 other people being the same channels, even with the sub channels.


New Member
The downside..

They are great when you can find a channel that no one is useing.
I had a bad expirence last yer in EPCOT. That morning we agreed on a channel when we got into the park, then we went our own ways, by the time we wanted to meet up for lunch there were people on the channel we agreed to use fooling around non-stop :mad: :brick: , so I wasn't even able to relay a message to switch to a diffrent channel.

Thank to whoever you are, really! :fork:


Well-Known Member
We have used them and they are nice but heavy. For those who said cell phones, how is the coverage on property? Have you had any issues where you could not reach each other? I would prefer to use cells as well as they are lighter anyway. We have LG phones and use Verizon if that matters.


Well-Known Member
T-mobile has decent coverage at MK, Epcot, and MGM.. dont know about AK....

(I use the cell route.. works when the other people are in a group.. or have a cell themselfs...)


Well-Known Member
I have AT&T and get coverage everywhere, including inside space mountain...I think I was the only person that could get a signal in that building.


Well-Known Member
mrtoad said:
We have used them and they are nice but heavy. For those who said cell phones, how is the coverage on property? Have you had any issues where you could not reach each other? I would prefer to use cells as well as they are lighter anyway. We have LG phones and use Verizon if that matters.

I had cingular when I was a cp and got reception everywhere except in the MK tunnels (which you shouldn't have to worry about). Sometimes I couldn't get one deep in the buildings, but at that point there's no need because you're usually on a ride or something.

I had sprint on my November 2003 trip. It was crap. I couldn't even get service in the room at the resort (I had to go outside to make a call). I didn't really get service anywhere in the parks and my battery was always dead by like 3:00 because it would wear itself out constantly searching for a signal. They also have the nation's worst nationwide plan (roaming fees everywhere after the salesman told me I had nationwide service with no roaming).

I've had verizon for my last 2 trips (wow, you must think I switch around a lot!). I haven't really had a hard time at all with finding a signal. Everytime I wanted to make a call, I had a fairly strong signal. BTW, I also have an LG verizon phone.

I would strongly recommend using cell phones whenever possible. I have never really had a problem with the cell phone route (except when I had stupid Sprint :fork: ).


New Member
They were good if you can't use a cell phone.

The only problem is whatever channel we tried someone else was always on it. So, it was hard to tell if the beep was for me or someone else.

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