I'm afraid you seem to have got me confused with somebody else. (And misspelled my name, so the tag doesn't work). What are you talking about, and is there any video then?
I'm sorry, but I can't help but think your hostile passive-aggresive demeanor is based on me stating somewhere that TWDC is the market leader in themed resorts. Well that can not be helped. Rome is the capital of Italy, I can't help it if people get superupset about that either.
But congratulations to those involved for succesfully running that Cabana thread into the ground. Although I fail to see why that should be a laughing matter, nor why that 'succes' should bolster anybody in trying to make this fine thread the next victim.
Alas, looks like I missed the action (dang it now!
). Last I read was that extraordinary slagging off by the anti-Jimmy crowd of this website, of Spirit and followers and of Whylightbulb.