you're kidding right? i am from point pleasant nj, i fortunately still have a home, albeit with some water damage, and a new boat in my back yard. (calling boat owner- getting tired of having it in my back yard!)
many many many of my friends and co-workers are homeless and living in shelters, many who do have homes still, are not allowed to return yet. many of us have lost friends and family. we still have no electricity. i'm not talking about a few unlucky folks, i'm talking about entire middle class neighborhoods, people who never expected to be homeless. we do NOT live in a hurricane or tornade or earthquake area. no one was prepared for anything like this.
clearly those in mourning aren't going. clearly if you have no clothes or suitcases to put clothes in, clearly if you are busy emptying out every possession you have onto your front lawn for pick up, you aren't going.
odds are, if you have a house but no light to find clothes and suitcases, you aren't going. and i'm pretty sure the schools that are back in session (which is not a lot of them) are cancelling the week off.
yup, nothing to fear from Jersey week this year.
but we are JERSEY STRONG!!!