Anyone ever done this?


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Original Poster
We took our son last year for his first ever trip to WDW and stayed at Coronado Springs. We went in April and his birthday is in May, so he was just a few weeks shy of his 4th birthday. We're going again in 3 weeks, and staying at the Wilderness Lodge.

My son has a memory like a computer it sometimes seems and the thought crossed my mind that it may be a fun little excursion, if we have the free time, to stop by Coronado Springs and just see how he reacts; see if he remembers it from last year, see what he says about it, even see if he can show us the way to the room that we stayed in.

I know it must sound and odd, and it probably is. But as much as he remembers things, I'm just dying to see if he can remember his way back to our old room, or even if he just remembers the resort itself. Just curious if anyone else has ever done this?


Well-Known Member
We stayed at WL last trip, but didn't get any time to explore. We're staying at CR in August and I'm thinking of taking the boat over to WL on our relaxation day to check things out and see what our girls remember. DD4 remembers some crazy things, but I have a feeling the big thing they'll notice is that lack of a tree in the lobby. I see them remembering the way to the boat and bus area more than anything else.


New Member
I say create a new experience, if you plan on going back multiple times, I'm sure he will remember it everytime, no need to worry about him remembering the's the fun stuff you want him to remember!!! :)

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