Just to share my experiences.
First, we had no trouble linking my brother's family's tickets from undercover tourist, so I am not sure that is the source of your problem. Although I couldn't get them to go in with the number on them, I had to use the scanner to scan that little square box thing whose name I never remember, but then they went in and I have made lots of FP reservations with them.
Second, yeah, we are all in Trouble if we need IT help. Somehow, MDE has decided to create extra people for us under my family and friends profile- including someone with my name and the title of Doctor, but she is only two years old! Really bright child that one! And they changed the names of folks who are getting magic bands, so now my mini-me is getting my sister in laws band. What a mess, so I spoke to IT, they told me they have no idea how long it will take until they get to it, should be an easy fix, but they are so backlogged it may be weeks. I told them that the magic bands were being send last week and will be wrong, they said nothing they can do, that I will have to get new ones sent to me when it gets straightened out.
Not so magical an experience! I have no idea what happens to the FP I got for folks that are assigned to the wrong people. But bottom line, you are not getting your mess straightened out quickly. we have been waiting two weeks and no word so far, I called back few days ago and was told that I am on the list, keep waiting