Anyone else get annoyed when...


Well-Known Member
What’s in a name? Everybody has emotions in regards to certain names or expressions. I once spent time as an observer with a British regiment in Northern Ireland. I still don’t know which is correct Derry or Londonderry. I do know that whatever I called the place someone got angry.


Active Member
These days, IoA is on the level of a Disney park so I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it was Disney. But I do not like it when they purposely try to educate me or others when they have blatantly wrong info- I think this goes for anything as well.

My American history teacher, a nice woman and all, thinks WDC is in major financial trouble (just recently after their purchasing of Marvel...), Snow White debuted black and white, and China can claim America anytime it wants to.

Yea... some people should not be teaching unless they have their facts straight....


Well-Known Member
These days, IoA is on the level of a Disney park so I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought it was Disney. But I do not like it when they purposely try to educate me or others when they have blatantly wrong info- I think this goes for anything as well.

My American history teacher, a nice woman and all, thinks WDC is in major financial trouble (just recently after their purchasing of Marvel...), Snow White debuted black and white, and China can claim America anytime it wants to.

Yea... some people should not be teaching unless they have their facts straight....

Well one of those is a pretty accurate statement.


New Member
There was a guy at the front desk of our Disney resort once demanding a refund because "You told me my ticket was good for all of the parks. I went to Universal and they said I couldn't use it there."

I think there is a lot of confusion among first time or casual vacationers as to the different destinations in Orlando. The city of Orlando often advertises itself and shows multiple places. The Harry Potter and Fantasyland additions will only add to that.

That's the way it is.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Well actually Disney Parks are Theme Parks. Walt Disney created the modern theme park in 1955 when he opened Disneyland. Universal would definitely fall in to the Theme Park genre too. For your point i think you meant you would consider the other ones Amusement Parks???


Well yes I know it is technically a theme was rather the sheer audacity to lump Disney with the others in their opinion, being that they had NEVER been to compare....just saying it irks me....did not tell them...just venting to fellow junkies...:D


New Member
This April I am going with my family and my brother is taking his girlfriend. She has never been before and knows pretty much nothing about Disney.
She asked me about some of the rides and I mentioned the Haunted Mansion. She just stared at me and asked "Why would they make that a ride? That movie was awful." :brick:

I had to explain to her that the movie is based off the ride and it opened years before the movie came out. She still looked at me like I had no idea what I was saying. :lol:


Well-Known Member
A co-worker once told me their favorite ride at Hollywood Studios was Spider-Man.

They also thought the Magic Kingdom was alright, but there were really only 3-4 rides for adults (Splash, Space, and Big Thunder Mtns I presume) - everything else was mainly for kids.



Active Member
Original Poster
What annoys me is when people get annoyed by honest mistakes made by others :mad:

We're all human - politely correct them in the error of their ways and GET OVER IT
Wow...relax. There's no need to be's just a thread on a message board. Yes, we are all human, and as humans we all have pet peeves. I was simply asking if anyone shared in mine. Apparently, there are those out there that do, so I'm sorry we annoyed you. I hope you can GET OVER IT.

And I don't think anyone here is not polite about correcting someone's mistake.


Active Member
I just get annoyed when I explain it and people refuse to understand it and convince me otherwise that I am the one wrong. I also get annoyed when people assume WDW is in the middle of Orlando and you can simply walk the streets of the city. I can't get them to realize that WDW is four spaced out parks not connected to the City of Orlando.


Well-Known Member
Wow...relax. There's no need to be's just a thread on a message board. Yes, we are all human, and as humans we all have pet peeves.

Rude - that's not rude, its just a post in a thread on a message board about my pet peeves. If you can't handle it..................


What annoys me is when people get annoyed by honest mistakes made by others :mad:

We're all human - politely correct them in the error of their ways and GET OVER IT

:sohappy::sohappy: Every now and then, a thread like this one gets started and they always crack me up! Invariably, there's almost always someone within the thread who gets their facts wrong... yet they're the ones getting irritated by others doing it. Never made any sense to me. Who cares if someone thinks Magic Kingdom is called "Disney World", or they think WDW is IN Orlando? None of those things will degrade from someone's enjoyment of the place.

However, I do agree with the following post, primarily because if someone's job is to educate, they should get their facts straight...

My American history teacher, a nice woman and all, thinks WDC is in major financial trouble (just recently after their purchasing of Marvel...), Snow White debuted black and white, and China can claim America anytime it wants to.

Scary!! :eek:

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