Anybody wish to share their packing list ?


New Member
Be interesting to see what everyone else brings to make the stay enjoyable. Hate to get stuck paying resort prices for the obvious items we needed and didn't think of. We'll be taking our two year old on his first of many trips to WDW. Thanks .


New Member
whizGoofy said:
I read each and everyones post on the things that you put on your packing list and I must say...doesn't it get heavy carring all that extra weight???

My Wife and I always have a large list included are the essentials clothes, sunscreen, shoes, camera, etc. you know all the basic vacation items. I see htat a lot of people mentioned food items, water, cereal, snacks, etc. Well we do the same thing (for long trips, and lets face it going to WDW has to be a long trip) however we do it different.

We make our food/snack/drink list up ahead of time, buy it all, and do not take it with us. What I mean by that is we UPS it to us 2 days before we are to arive (Care Package). We cll our hotel and ask which room they will be putting us in and send it. Last time we sent a 24 pack of water, cereal, fruit snacks, pop terts, cracker snack, and other small items. The purpose of us doing this is very simple:

*Lighten the load from home to the park
*Why take something in your luggage that you are not bringing back with you
*It frees up more room in your luggage for things that you will need to and from the park
*It lightens up your luggage!!!! :wave:
*Your luggage is not as heavy!!!!! :sohappy:
*Luggage not heavy!!!! :p
*Not Heavy!!!! :kiss:
( I think you get the picture) :slurp:

I would suggest everyone tring it. If you feel uncomfortable with it send just a litte package the first time to see how it works and then go larger the next time. Trust me you will be so much more happy.

The snacks, small boxes of cereal etc don't really add that much weight or space. Then, I use that space for souveniers on the way home.... it balances out. :)

We are taking adavntage of the 1/2 hr grocery stop after the flight to pick up water, juice and some other food items. If we didn't stop, I would just buy it at the parks. But the stop will help us same money.
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New Member
This is a packing tip I learned. I have 2 little girls (5 & 11). I take the gallon size zippie bags and label with a girl's name & # for each day we will be there plus a couple. In each bag I put the outfit for the day including underwear, socks and hair accessories. That way each morning the girls grab a bag and get dressed. At the end of the day when they change to their jammies they put the clothes back in the bag and put an x on the bag and they know that it's dirty clothes. I tried this the last time we went. It was my first single mom trip and it helped me out alot. Have fun!!!!
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New Member
GoofyMom2 said:
The snacks, small boxes of cereal etc don't really add that much weight or space. Then, I use that space for souveniers on the way home.... it balances out. :)

We are taking adavntage of the 1/2 hr grocery stop after the flight to pick up water, juice and some other food items. If we didn't stop, I would just buy it at the parks. But the stop will help us same money.

I understand your point as far as the space goes. We actually pack 2 duffle bags for all the extra stuff. We put our dirty clothes in duffle bags and then the Disney Stuff in the luggage.

However my point to sneding this stuff is to SAVE money while you are thier, I personally do not want to pay $2.50 for a bottle of water. I drink a lot of it too. There are times while in the park I will if I want an ICE COLD water, however we always make trips back to our hotel in the middle of the day to swim and such. I go wanting to spend my money on things that I can bring back and entertainment while I am there. I don't like spending all of my money on small snacks and water while I am there. It is just a way to sace some $$ Money $$ while one is there!
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New Member
You think your list is long?...haha
May 8-16 will be the 5th trip I've planned since 2000 and we have 15 ppl in our party...all in a van no less...I don't even know where we are gonna put the luggage:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
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tharmscott said:
This is a packing tip I learned. I have 2 little girls (5 & 11). I take the gallon size zippie bags and label with a girl's name & # for each day we will be there plus a couple. In each bag I put the outfit for the day including underwear, socks and hair accessories. That way each morning the girls grab a bag and get dressed. At the end of the day when they change to their jammies they put the clothes back in the bag and put an x on the bag and they know that it's dirty clothes. I tried this the last time we went. It was my first single mom trip and it helped me out alot. Have fun!!!!

Might have to try that next time with my fiance, that way we will get out of the room before noon!

By the way, I love how organized so many of you are but unless you are really saving big$$ at your local store (including the ups shipping) There is a shopping center just past Downtown Disney (Crossroads) with a grocery store (I think the name is Goodings?) Its usually our first stop when we arrive and then we take stuff back to the room. Seems easier than the shipping method. And I have found that the pricing is not much different then back home.
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Well-Known Member
justducky78 said:

HA HA HA HA HA! You sound like us. We don't leave home without the clorox wipes! We also bring the paper towels, dish pads and purell.

I always wonder about how people bath their children in the tubs?? I won't take a shower in a hotel bathroom without wearing my flip flops so what do people do when they have young children?

This is turning into a post about germs...sorry!
I'm a germaphobe. :lol: After seeing that special on tv. :hurl: I make the kids take showers instead of a bath (after I scrub down the tub with several clorox wipes. :lol: )

As for water bottles, we each carry a Brita water bottle. That way, we just wash it each day and the filter in it gives us great tasteing water.
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New Member
I am a little germ phobic so this may seem over the top. I put a little Comet with bleach in a Ziploc and pack a bathroom scrubbing sponge. I scrub the tub and sink. Then I go through the place with a can of Lysol and spray the floors the toilet bowl. Finally I get antibacterial wipes, such a Clorox wipes and clean the door knobs, light switches, phone and remote control. It takes all of 20 minutes, but I feel better after doing it. I really regret ever watching any of those specials on TV about hotel rooms. I am ruined.
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Pr1nce55 said:
I am a little germ phobic so this may seem over the top. I put a little Comet with bleach in a Ziploc and pack a bathroom scrubbing sponge. I scrub the tub and sink. Then I go through the place with a can of Lysol and spray the floors the toilet bowl. Finally I get antibacterial wipes, such a Clorox wipes and clean the door knobs, light switches, phone and remote control. It takes all of 20 minutes, but I feel better after doing it. I really regret ever watching any of those specials on TV about hotel rooms. I am ruined.
Doesn't seem over the top to me. I'm the same way. :wave:
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tharmscott said:
This is a packing tip I learned. I have 2 little girls (5 & 11). I take the gallon size zippie bags and label with a girl's name & # for each day we will be there plus a couple. In each bag I put the outfit for the day including underwear, socks and hair accessories. That way each morning the girls grab a bag and get dressed. At the end of the day when they change to their jammies they put the clothes back in the bag and put an x on the bag and they know that it's dirty clothes. I tried this the last time we went. It was my first single mom trip and it helped me out alot. Have fun!!!!

All I can say is WOW! Brilliant! Can you come here and pack for us, please?
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New Member
Austin1 said:
You think your list is long?...haha
May 8-16 will be the 5th trip I've planned since 2000 and we have 15 ppl in our party...all in a van no less...I don't even know where we are gonna put the luggage:hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Oh, can I ever feel your pain! :lol:

Last major family vacation, my wife, son and I drove down to WDW, and picked up my mom, aunt & uncle at the Orlando airport. We had an absolute mountain of stuff with us, as we were also meeting 8 other relatives to stay in the same 3 BR suite, with me as the chef! :eek:

Needless to say, this meant our van was packed to the gills on the trip down to WDW, and we'd even attached a small platform to the trailer hitch (something like 3' x 8', I think) to account for the extra stuff from the relatives we were picking up at WDW and then taking back home with us for the 2nd half of their vacation (the non-WDW part. :lol: )

So, after my mom and aunt decided to "shop around the world" at Epcot (while my uncle and various other men in the party attempted to drink our way around) we had waaaay to much stuff to fit 5 adults, 1 child, all of the luggage, plus my entire kitchen on the return trip home.

We actually ended up having to rent a U-Haul trailer to throw all of the luggage and loot into, as the onboard storage and mini platform weren't enough! :eek:

Oh, and one of the most important items to pack when road-tripping with a little one...the porta-potty! :rolleyes: I'm sure this pic will be worth a lot of blackmail points when our son gets to the dating years! :lol:

<img src="">
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Well-Known Member
whizGoofy said:
We make our food/snack/drink list up ahead of time, buy it all, and do not take it with us. What I mean by that is we UPS it to us 2 days before we are to arrive .
What is wrong with purchasing the food stuffs when you arrive in the Orlando area ??
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Well-Known Member
Tickets, Money, Passport..... everything else you forgot can be bought! :wave:

Seriously, as I'm in the UK, we perhaps have to travel lighter than those who drive to WDW.

Camera is a big thing for me, plus plenty of memory cards. Also travel adaptors, batteries, chargers and mobile phone.

I also like to pre-print address lables for postcards, it saves time when writing the postcards, and saves taking an address book.

I actualy like to buy things such as sunscreen when in Orlando so I can have a look round CVS or Walgreens, although we'll usually take one sunscreen to begin with.
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Active Member
I have this enormous fantasy, one day after we've won some huge lottery, I will take the whole family and various extended family with me to WDW. We will simply get on the plane in Chicago with the clothes on our back, whatever medications everyone is on (I take meds for high blood pressure and high cholesterol) and maybe camera equipment and that's it. We will purchase whatever we need while vacationing from clothes to toiletries and simply discard everything for our return trip. Yes it does sound wasteful but this is a "fantasy trip" based upon a "fantasy lottery win". Until that time I will use my master list which is my list of lists; one for clothes for son and I, toiletries list (includes meds), electronics lists (includes camera/batteries/ memory cards, cell phones and chargers, ipod), documentation list (flight, hotel and ADR info), list of who has won DD and why, and miscellaneous list (includes paper, pens for airplane games).
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Active Member
whatnext said:
Be interesting to see what everyone else brings to make the stay enjoyable. Hate to get stuck paying resort prices for the obvious items we needed and didn't think of. We'll be taking our two year old on his first of many trips to WDW. Thanks .

Did My list help?
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Original Poster
Did your list help would be an understatement Brian. It’s definitely got me more organized. Thanks again
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Thanks to all of you as well. Some really great tips.
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New Member
I always make sure to bring extra medication. If I won't have enough, I try to get another prescription, and fill it before I get to WDW. Especially C-2 (controlled substances) drugs. Most of the pharmacies outside of the resort don't carry C-2s. Over the summer, I had to drive out about 10 miles from my apartment complex to get my prescription.

And a HIGH spf sunscreen. I'm really fair skinned, and my mom and grandmother both had skin cancer. I make sure to pack the oil-free sunblock, because it won't feel as greasy in general.

Two pairs of shoes, preferably light ones. I wear my Converse All-Stars some days, and sneakers others.

Extra shirts, if you're not staying for a really long time. I'll sweat so much in the summer when I have a backpack on, I carry an extra t-shirt.

I'm in class right now, so I'll give more answers later.
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