Anybody wish to share their packing list ?


New Member
Be interesting to see what everyone else brings to make the stay enjoyable. Hate to get stuck paying resort prices for the obvious items we needed and didn't think of. We'll be taking our two year old on his first of many trips to WDW. Thanks .


Well-Known Member
I always bring along some snacks for the kids. Laundry soap and lots of quarters to do laundry (on long stays), hand gel, my list of phone numbers (my daughter has allergies and so I always carry her allergist, ENT, and ped. numbers on vacation.), large zip lock bags to carry a full change of clothes for each child in the backpack, sunglasses for everyone (little one included), sunscreen... I'll have to think some more.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks

Went down in early February. In the shuttle from long-term parking to the airport another passenger was talking to DS. He asked my son where we were headed and DS beamed "Disney World!". The gentleman said "I hope you brought some shoes, those winter boots'll be pretty warm in Florida!"

:brick: :zipit: :brick:

...Bought a lovely pair of WDW sandals in the hotel store at DAKL right after check-in :eek:
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Well-Known Member
MontyMon said:

Went down in early February. In the shuttle from long-term parking to the airport another passenger was talking to DS. He asked my son where we were headed and DS beamed "Disney World!". The gentleman said "I hope you brought some shoes, those winter boots'll be pretty warm in Florida!"

:brick: :zipit: :brick:

...Bought a lovely pair of WDW sandals in the hotel store at DAKL right after check-in :eek:
:eek: Oh bless your heart!
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New Member
Yikes is my packing list too long, as we drive down, then stay at OKW and take full advantage of the kitchen there.

I usually break it into various sections, such as clothing, kitchen/laundry, camera/electronics, toiletries, etc.

Over the years I've put it into a spreadsheet to track what actually makes it down there, and what actually gets used, to try and narrow the list down with each successive trip.

We usually have one section of the list for "purchase upon arrival", such as bottled water and soda, milk, bread, eggs, and suchlike that are either too bulky to be worth the haul down I-95, or too perishable to hang out in a cooler for the long drive.

On the family reunion trips where I've ended up cooking meals for a crowd of between 12 and 15 people, we've hauled down a crock-pot, a 2nd coffee maker to supplement the one in the room, thermos, what seems like an entire spice rack, a waffle iron, name it. :eek:

Essentials to me would be things like liquid hand soap, a box of decent kleenex, laundry bags for dirty clothes, coffee beans & grinder & filters, things like that.
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Active Member
There is actually a very long, detailed, and quite amusing list on
You should check it out. When I go to Disney I pack the bare minumum which is funny because I am always the one with the three suitcases weighing 75 pounds a piece, LOL.
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New Member
The only things I can think of that I must be CERTAIN to take are:

medicines, including dramamine & advil
my backpacks that unfold into ponchos...they are really cool
my water jug pack
extra shoes for the kids
plastic grocery bags and ziplocs to wrap stuff in
laundry soap, dish soap
My Braves tickets
My WDW gift certificates
Pepsi's, Diet Dr. Peppers & Bottled water
cameras, films
video camera
portable dvd player for kids on trip down
money, money, money

... oh, and the family, I guess
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Well-Known Member
I always take Clorox wipes to wipe down things in the room. I also take a blanket and my pillow. (I saw that Dateline special on hotel rooms :hurl: )
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New Member
My packing list is pretty long, too, but some things I pack that are not "basics": (in a type of grouping)

Disney passes/tickets, Disney Dollars, rewards card etc if purchased ahead of time....very important!

Snacks (like fruit snacks, small boxes of cereal, crackers etc), Crystal lite packs to add to bottled water, lollipops etc for plane, tea bags

Ziplock baggies (for snacks, wet cloths etc), straws, dish soap packs, dryer sheets (can buy laundry det there), some small dixie cups

Walkie talkies, extra film/batteries/mem card whatever for cameras (and remember camera!), single-use water camera for pools and water parks, travel alarm clock

Small travel pillow for kids love theirs

pack, back pack, hats, water shoes, sandals, sunblock, sunglasses, bathing suits, jacket (it can get chilly even in Florida), chapstick, small packs of tissues

Guidebook for reference and refresher

For young children: diapers, pullups etc....swimmies, anything needed in this department.

Any medicines in bottles with original Rx label on them (put in carry-on), any type of fever reducer you or kids usually take

Toiletries! (how many forget their toothbrush, brush, razor etc?)

Extra set of glasses, contacts if anyone wears these.

I always pack a picture or 2.... kids decide, sometimes the cat at home, Grandma etc

Small surprises for kids purchased ahead of time (Disney lollipops, stickers, small book etc) Helps save money! Familair/favorite toy, stuffed animal, book from home. (also great to have in carry-on for plane ride) Deck of cards, crayons. Autograph books and pens, tradeable pins and lanyard if have them

List of Email addresses (can send free picture Emails from places in parks), list of addresses for post cards, stamps, number of doctor etc at home. Phone number for Grandma or anyone you or kids may want to call.

Small notepad with ressie numbers, flight numbers, any important info etc

Pennies and quarters for pressed penny machines

And this is the small list.....LOL Have a great trip! :wave:

(Guess I can't forget a sense of humor and adventure and patience!)
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New Member
For some reason my wife always seems to forget the swimming related items. The waterparks have a pretty good selection of reefs, surf clothes/bathing suits and sundries. The ironic thing is we live a few minutes from the Gulf in a Coastal town.weird.
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Well-Known Member
Another thing.... I always take some of those Dawn dish soap cloths to wash our mugs each day. I also take a roll of paper towels to dry them.
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New Member

HA HA HA HA HA! You sound like us. We don't leave home without the clorox wipes! We also bring the paper towels, dish pads and purell.

I always wonder about how people bath their children in the tubs?? I won't take a shower in a hotel bathroom without wearing my flip flops so what do people do when they have young children?

This is turning into a post about germs...sorry!
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Well-Known Member
Flight tickets, Holiday booking confirmation, Passports, Villa Rental receipts, Car Rental receipts, Insurance certificates (car and travel), Driving Licence, Disney Passes, SeaWorld / Discoverey Cove Passes, Orlando Road Map and The Unofficial Guide
Camera, Camcorder and watch receipts (just incase customs try it on)

US Dollars, US Travellers Cheques, Credit Cards, and, some UK notes for when we return.

Cameras, film and Digital Memory, Camcorder and tapes, Batteries and rechargers, Plug adaptor,

Only if there's room :lol: , sunglasses

Anything Else
Books to read, Snacks for the flight
Wife and 2 kids
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Well-Known Member
I hate taking up the space with shoes, but it's always nice to have a spare pair of shoes, just in case a pair get wet from rain or a water ride and don't dry out over night.
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New Member
Forgot to add:

Nightlite if little ones need it, a few bath toys if you have little ones, and band-aids.

I agree with the moleskin! While I have never had to use it, it's great to have just in case.

OK, I'm now getting paranoid about tubs etc :lookaroun ......LOL Adding clorox wipes to my list.....:D
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New Member
Care package!

I read each and everyones post on the things that you put on your packing list and I must say...doesn't it get heavy carring all that extra weight???

My Wife and I always have a large list included are the essentials clothes, sunscreen, shoes, camera, etc. you know all the basic vacation items. I see htat a lot of people mentioned food items, water, cereal, snacks, etc. Well we do the same thing (for long trips, and lets face it going to WDW has to be a long trip) however we do it different.

We make our food/snack/drink list up ahead of time, buy it all, and do not take it with us. What I mean by that is we UPS it to us 2 days before we are to arive (Care Package). We cll our hotel and ask which room they will be putting us in and send it. Last time we sent a 24 pack of water, cereal, fruit snacks, pop terts, cracker snack, and other small items. The purpose of us doing this is very simple:

*Lighten the load from home to the park
*Why take something in your luggage that you are not bringing back with you
*It frees up more room in your luggage for things that you will need to and from the park
*It lightens up your luggage!!!! :wave:
*Your luggage is not as heavy!!!!! :sohappy:
*Luggage not heavy!!!! :p
*Not Heavy!!!! :kiss:
( I think you get the picture) :slurp:

I would suggest everyone tring it. If you feel uncomfortable with it send just a litte package the first time to see how it works and then go larger the next time. Trust me you will be so much more happy.
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