Anybody believe in ghosts?


Well-Known Member
Here's a couple that I've heard of (Chicago hauntings):

1) Resurrection Cemetary (3 miles from my house): story goes that a girl in a prom dress will stand on the side of the road somewhere outside the cemetary. She'll flag a car down and ask them for a lift to a place. Well from those who have driven her, she'll get into the car and then she'll vanish into thin air.

2) Story from a friend: Her sister is working in a borders downtown and she says that the place i haunted. Here's the scoop, there was a ship that capsized in the chicago river and there were many casualties (Eastland disaster), don't know the numbers but I've heard it's just as bad as the Titanic. Well all the people who died were brought to a couple of buildings downtown. The bodies laid there as a temporary morgue and family would claim thier family from there. Well it's 2002 and my friend's sister has told her that she's experienced some weird things. She'll see and hear children running and giggling on the 3rd floor. And she's had someone pinch her in the rear. Other stories have it that books will be pushed off the shelves by themselves. All of this usually happens during her shift (3rd) when no ones around so there's no way that it could be faked.

3)There's a High School around here that's haunted. (4 mi away) The 3rd floors supposedly haunted by a ghost. Ya know doors closing by themselves and weird sounds.

There's a whole bunch of them in this city. There's actually 3 or 4 books written up on haunted places in Chicago. Pretty freaky if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
I See Dead Pets, Their Everywhere

I seen Dead Pets, They Live all around my House for some reason. I am not kidding. I also belive it is posable that their are ghosts, I have some Ghost pets around my house, Weard sounds, doors opening when they were closed.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen anything or felt anything that confirms, or denies, the presence of "ghosts" in our plane of existence.


My wife had an "experience" several years ago at my aunt's house with what we believe was my dead uncle. We even had a friend (master's in psychology) hypnotize my wife to see if the "experience" was imagined or real. The session was VERY interesting, leaving us to believe it was a real "experience".

I knew a minister (D.D.) once who sincerely believed that there was a "presence" in a house he rented. His roommate was a youth counselor, and both of them were not the type to falsly lead people to believe in unexplained happenings. The happenings were an old wood stove rocking for a few seconds on it's own, the front door closing on it's own, things changing positions in the kitchen on their own. Nothing happened in the bedrooms or bathroom.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyCP2000
Here's a couple that I've heard of (Chicago hauntings):

1) Resurrection Cemetary (3 miles from my house): story goes that a girl in a prom dress will stand on the side of the road somewhere outside the cemetary. She'll flag a car down and ask them for a lift to a place. Well from those who have driven her, she'll get into the car and then she'll vanish into thin air.


That is one version of the story since urban legends have a way of evolving.

The offically recogonized story researched by Richard T. Crowe The Chicago Ghost Hunter goes like this.

Reserection mary, her documented name is Mary Bregavy, a young Polish girl that was killed in a car accident in 1939 while going home from a dance at the O'Henry Ballroom, now the Willowbrook Ballroom.

Her ghost makes appearances all along the cemetery roads and at the Willowbrook Ballroom. She has been known to dance with men at the ballroom and ask them for a ride home only to disappear from their cars as they pass the cemetery. She been seen hitchhiking on the nearby roads by many creditable witnesses.

One note, in 1989 A taxi cab driver saw young girl walking one evening and picked her up. The two of them were talking and driving but as the cab passed Resurrection Cemetery the girl, (Mary), disappeared from the front seat of the cab.


New Member
Originally posted by Maria

Care to share? :D :animwink:

Ok maria here goes

In 1985 I was working the late shift at Dominos Pizza in a town called Highwood. We were closing at 2am and usually shoot the breeze after work. On one picticular evening Myself and three other guys from the shift were talking and one of the guys asked if we wanted to see something interesting. So we hoped into one car and drove up to an uncorporated area called Rosecrans about 2 miles from the Wisconsin border between Interstate 94 and US 41. We went down a road called Mill Creek Rd. On Mill Creek there is a Cemetary called St Patricks cemetary. Mill Creek is a very rual road just two lanes(barely) and lined with a dense stand of trees along the ditch of the road. When we got to St Patricks cemetary the trees aren't as dense so you could see into the cemetary from the road, As we slowly approached the cemetary we thought we saw something , so we stoped, as we looked into the clearing we could see the grave stones as we looked we all saw two red glowing lights like eyes, and appeared to go behind one of the stones, we all freaked out and the driver floored the gas and we sped away from there, I don't know about the other guys but my heart was racing a mile a miniute and freeked me out. Like I said eariler I don't know if I belive in ghosts but we all saw something that night.

I also had another experience when I was by myself.

I was doing some pick up work for a guy I knew. we were cleaning this house so it could be put up for sale. I was in the master bedroom cleaning the bathroom and I thought I saw someone in the corner of my eye since I can usualy sense when someone is behind me and thinking it was my buddy I started talking and asking him what he wanted me to do next, I got no responce so I turned to look and no one was there, I went downstairs to find my buddy and I asked what he wanted. He said to me nothing , did I finish the Bathroom? I asked him Weren't you upstairs? he said no. The stairs were old and I would have heard him if he came up stairs. I started to get the willies about it and told him I saw someone behind me in the bathroom. He then told me thet the husband of the woman that was selling the house had died in that room a few weeks eariler. I really wanted to get out of there at that point.

Parapsycologists have said that some times you can see a ghost out of the corner of your eve but rarely straght on.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by jmarc63

The offically recogonized story researched by Richard T. Crowe The Chicago Ghost Hunter goes like this.

Reserection mary, her documented name is Mary Bregavy, a young Polish girl that was killed in a car accident in 1939 while going home from a dance at the O'Henry Ballroom, now the Willowbrook Ballroom...

That's the story! I've heard of bits and pieces but that's how it really goes. Thanks.

I saw this on TV once but I don't remember where it was (some rural town)? The story is about the a school bus that stalled on a railroad track. The bus was struck by the train and there were many casualties. To this day, if any train sit's on the tracks the car will get pushed to safety (Even when the car's place on the incline). They did this test where they dusted the back of the car with baby powerd and put it on the tracks. Well the car got pushed and when the driver got out and looked at the trunk, there were small handprints all over the trunk of the car. How freaky is that?


Original Poster
Outstanding stories guys. Very spooky :). OK, I've got a couple for you:

When my younger brother was about two or three years old, he went through a phase where he apparantly saw people that weren't there. He would often talk to someone as if they were there. Sometimes someone would come into a room where he was playing and start to sit down. "Don't!" he would cry out,"There is someone sitting there!" Of course, there was no one there. My parents chalked it up to his age, or thought that he might have created an "imaginary friend." Eventually though, they began refering to my brother's "ghost." When he would act like he'd seen someone, they'd say that it was his ghost friend. This went on for a few months. One day, my mother was going through a photo album containing pictures of our family. My brother was with her, and she would point out different people and ask if he knew who they were. "That's daddy... that's Grandma" he would say as she pointed them out. She then showed him a picture of our Great-Grandmother and asked if he knew who she was. "Yes" he said. My mother was surprised. Our great-grandmother had died many years before we were born, and my brother had never seen a picture of her. "You do?" she asked him, "who is it?" "That's the ghost." he replied.
An interesting twist to that story: My brother and great-grandmother share a name. His middle name is her maiden name.

Second story: I've seen that some of you posting here are, like me, from the great state of North Carolina, and as such, may already be familiar with one of our state's oldest legends: that of the Devil's Tramping Ground. For those not up on their NC ghost lore, some background: According to legend, Satan, Beelzebub himself, the Prince of Darkness, following the whole fallen angel and subsequent smackdown from Heaven deal, has taken up residence in a barren stretch of woods a few miles east of Siler City, NC... what, it could happen. Anyway, there is a spot out in the woods near Siler City. It's a large circle, about 40 ft in diameter, where nothing will grow. Nothing has grown there for hundreds of years. The legend says that at night, Satan himself comes out and paces around the circle, conjuring his demons and scorching the ground as he does so. Thus, nothing will grow there. The legend also says that anything left inside the circle at night will have been placed outside by morning.
So, back when my parents were younger (you know, way before the internet, color TV, the lightbulb, steam engines*... OK, no, it was about 1970 or so, and they were around 20 years old) the big thing among young people was to go out to the Devil's Tramping Ground and, I don't know, do whatever. Of course, they knew all of the legends, particularly the one about leaving stuff in the middle of the circle. Two of my dad's friends decided that they were going to prove that particular legend false. They brought out sleeping bags to the circle with the intention of spending the night, right in the center, to see what would happen. They set up the bags right in the middle of the circle, side by side, zipped themselves up inside and went to sleep. The next next morning, they awoke to find themselves still zipped up in their sleeping bags, just as they had been the night before. Only now, they were 40 feet apart, on opposite sides, outside the circle. To this day, they won't go back.



* kidding :) don't disown me, please


New Member
Originally posted by tenchu
Watch this for a minute.
LOL! Tenchu that was disproven to be a fake! But I have to admit that when I saw it about a year ago,someone had sent it to me in my e mail,that it startled me!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darthdarrel

LOL! Tenchu that was disproven to be a fake! But I have to admit that when I saw it about a year ago,someone had sent it to me in my e mail,that it startled me!:lol:

It gets you the first time, doesn't it!

I've seen some better ones, but cant find them just now!


New Member
My theory on ghosts is not what most people think about them. I think that they are not spirits of people, but imprints that peoples spirits have left behnd. One case in my home town of Richmond VA is of a man who worked at a radio station. He had worked at this radio station for his whole life from the time he was 15 and had his first job there to when he was over 70 and looking to retire. but one fate ful day he got a new boss. They didn't get along and the next week the new boss fired him. That neght the old man died in his sleep from the shok of loosing his job. about a month later the sightings started. the overnight DJ reported multiple sightings of an elderly man wearing a brown-green jacket. (the same kind of jacket that the old man wore). Other wierd thingws were roported such as chairs in this mans old office moving like some one was scooting them accross the flor. many years later a hotell bought the radio station. they Knocked the building down and built a hotell. someone I know who used to work at the radio station went to the hotell to see if the ghost was still there. he asked the manager hersealf and she said that there were never any ghost sightings in her hotell. so evidently this mans imprent vanished along with the building. I think that the man left the imprent of his soul there because he spent most of his life there part of his soul was left behind when he moved on. you may wonder where this power comes from?
i think that it is some kind of spiritual part of the earth that man kind has yet to discover.


New Member
Woow that`s deep!
I don`t know if I believe in ghosts or not,but I have thought of joining the Ohio chapter of the Ghost hunters just to see for myself. If you follow my link in my original post it has segments of what they call electronic voice phenomenon where they have recorded voices of supposed ghosts.


New Member
Originally posted by the_ceo_at_wdw
How can someone live in those kinda places. :( Scary

it all depends on how each person thinks of them and if you got a nice ghost or an evil one, ive said on this siht emany a time that ive had many encounters with spirits and not one has scared or tormented me , aint life great

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