As a relatively new member here I just found this thread.
We were hit kind of hard by the flood ourselves. Our basement took on close to seven feet of water greatly effecting our foundation and destroying the hot water heater, AC unit and duct work, and breakers for the house.
We were displaced for about a week due to lack of water and electricity but have been back in the house for about three weeks now. We've now got hot water and electricty, however the cost we're looking out for replacing the ac, duct work and foundation work is astronomical. FEMA...well the less said about these guys the better. It's been another disaster working with them and we don't know if they're going to be much of any assistance. On top of that we've not been able to aquire financing for the ac foundation work so we're really concerned with what's going to happen. We simply can't afford to get any of it done.
It's tough to feel bad for ourselves looking at the levels of damage that have gone through Nashville with this. Entire homes and businesses washed away. We may have only had our basement flooded...but it has completely disrupted our lives. It's tough keeping it in perspective.
Ok enough with the negativity. I'll say this, Nashville has shown itself to be a strong community through all this and I'm proud of her.