Anoying Guest Habits


New Member
Original Poster
  • Using Flash Photography during SSE, PoTC etc..
  • "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" ing continually during a show


Well-Known Member
Taking forever in the buffet line.

If it looks like Jello and wiggles like Jello, then for goodness sakes, it probably IS Jello.
You don't like Jello.
No need to check with a Cast Member! MOVE ON!

:brick: :brick: :brick: :brick:


Premium Member
  • Groups of like 10 people walking side by side
  • People standing around chatting/looking at a map in the middle of a ride entrance/exit or walkway
  • People who think they know better than the CM who assigned them a row on rides like ToT/M:S/Test Track, decide to change rows, and mess everything up

Edit: Wow, 3 posts at roughly the same time. :)


Well-Known Member
When the Tram operator announces, "No further boarding at this time. Another Tram will be arriving in just a few moments", and the family of 10 decides they MUST get on this Tram and this Tram only.......


Well-Known Member
Kids handing all the food in the buffet, no class.

Idiot's at shows or rides that think they are funny and have to throw in an old or tired joke for everyone to hear.


Well-Known Member
Parents who make up lies to answer their children's questions instead of admitting they don't have a clue....just to shut them up.



Originally posted by BRER STITCH
Parents who make up lies to answer their children's questions instead of admitting they don't have a clue....just to shut them up.


Ahh, remember Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy?

"If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is 'God is crying.' And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is 'Probably because of something you did.'"


Once in It's a Small World (Disneyland Resort Paris version), there was a boat filled with some idiots, who thought it was funny to throw some empty Coke bottles on the sets... I've never seen such of an action at Disney World though


Well-Known Member
People who talk during Fantasmic!, IllumiNations, and every stage show on property because they think that since they don't speak English, they can have their own conversations at other guests' expense. Then there are the people who clap and their groups of 50...

Guests who question height restrictions.

I second guests smoking in areas not designated as smoking areas.

Guests who walk in front of me and then stop.

Guests who don't look where they are walking.

Parents who don't have enought class to take their screaming kids OUT of the Tree of Life Theatre when the screaming starts--rather, they attempt, in vain, to calm them down.

Guests who talk during preshows, blocking out all audio.

Guests who leave their trash at their tables at the counter service restaurants.

Guests who get to the Fastpass Return too early, and block the entrance until their time comes around, disallowing guests with current Fastpasses from entering.

Guests who complain that Disney is too expensive (don't you come to Disney expecting prices to be twice as much as anywhere else?)

Guests who wear Universal or Sea World Ponchos in the sea of yellow.

LINE CUTTERS ("I'm meeting my family up here")

mr snrub

New Member
people who dont wash thier hands after going to the bathroom :hurl:

people who wear the 3-D glasses before they are in the threater and are expecting everything to be in 3-D


Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57

Guests who question height restrictions.

This is a good one :lol:

Originally posted by ISTCNavigator57

LINE CUTTERS ("I'm meeting my family up here")

Can I get a BIG Amen on this one!! BTW... what is Disney official policy on line cutters ???


New Member
It seems that there are several levels of annoyance.

The first level consists of actions that people do while not thinking clearly. I think we have all experienced the 'Disney Fog' effect where our brains are frantically trying to absorb everything that we sometimes forget where we are. This includes stopping in the middle of the pathway, not looking ahead while walking, etc. Although these can be annoying, I don't consider them a big deal and just ignore it.

The second level are things that we feel comfortable doing with our family or close friends, such as talking during a show, talking loudly, etc. I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they have just forgotten that they are in a crowd with other people that would consider these actions rude.

The third level are those actions that a person takes knowing that they are rude- cutting in line, spitting, being rude to CM's, etc. These are the actions that really tick me off. In some situations, I will actually make a comment to a person that there actions can be perceived as rudeness.

Sorry. Didn't mean to write a treatise on the subject here. :rolleyes:

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