Another Bus Crash 4/3


Active Member
I've got the perfect solution.

Everyone parks outside of the property. There will be ABSOLUTELY no other means of transportation allowed on property except what is offered by Disney. No bikes, no cars, no outside operated buses, no limos, no taxis, etc.

All transportation personnel will be aged 26-30. After that age they will be taken to the back of the WDW property and summarily assassinated as they have no further use to society as we know it.

So you want it to be like Gilligan's Isle
No phone, no lights no motor cars,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primative as can be.


Well-Known Member
I didn't comment on the other thread for the previous bus crash, but on this one I have to weigh in...

81 years old and driving a bus at WDW? What is Disney thinking?!? :eek:


New Member
Just a thought

I wonder if stuff is hitting the fan over at transportation? there has to be someone high up thats like okay this is BS! can meg Crofton look this over and review this?? I mean she is the president i would assume she has that ability and control??


Well-Known Member
I wonder if stuff is hitting the fan over at transportation? there has to be someone high up thats like okay this is BS! can meg Crofton look this over and review this?? I mean she is the president i would assume she has that ability and control??
Meg Crofton seems to be a walking talking PR machine. The person with the real power is Erin Wallace.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I didn't comment on the other thread for the previous bus crash, but on this one I have to weigh in...

81 years old and driving a bus at WDW? What is Disney thinking?!? :eek:

I think you guys are blowing this age thing way out of proportion. At 81 he has had a LOT more experience driving than most members of this forum have even been alive.

To dismiss somebody because of their age is not only discrimination and illegal, it's also rude.


New Member
Meg Crofton seems to be a walking talking PR machine. The person with the real power is Erin Wallace.

Oh okay well that's kinda sad.:( But i have to ask who Erin Wallace is cause i have no clue. but id like to know if you could tell me that would be great:)

WDW Vacationer

Active Member
I think you guys are blowing this age thing way out of proportion. At 81 he has had a LOT more experience driving than most members of this forum have even been alive.

To dismiss somebody because of their age is not only discrimination and illegal, it's also rude.
Not rude at all. The elderly don't always have the best awareness of their surroundings,as this demonstrates. I can think of many accidents in my area where the persons age efefcted their inability to control the vehicle or note their surroundings has caused a problem.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The problem here is the media will jump all over this. This doesn't help Orlando's already cynical view of WDW as it is.

Let's hope this doesn't end up being something like Toyota's recent scandal where they saved a ton of money by being careless and it came to bite them in the ______ (although evidently, sales are up) with all the bad PR. I hope the higher ups didn't cut down on training or staff and now it's becoming an issue. Someone on Orlando Sentinel commented recently about how they were working crazy OT hours and it was to the point of exhaustion.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't hear age discrimination from me, that's for sure.

Not to open a whole other can of worms, but the underlying issue may be Disney's notorius reputation for paying diddly-squat. This is why so many senior citizens work there. They're just doing it as a way to keep busy. Nobody working outside of Disney Corporate does so for the money.

No one? Really? No one out of 60,000 employees works there because they need money to pay the bills?


Well-Known Member
No one? Really? No one out of 60,000 employees works there because they need money to pay the bills?

Duh, obviously no one is gonna work there and not expect a paycheck, but I hardly doubt anyone is sitting at home tihnking to themselves "Ya know, I really want to start enjoying the finer things in life. I think I'll go work for Walt Disney World."


New Member
Senior VP. Operations' Walt Disney World Resort.

Oh okay thanks! Well I just hope they change there views and step it up I thought they would be the two to care the most.I would think they would want everything to be perfect cause a good reputation and more guests means more for there wallet. I would just hope and pray someone in upper management cares and put transportation in its place! But it is going to be what its going to be no matter what we hope for or say sigh:(


Does anyone actually know what Disney's training and safety regiment for bus drivers really is? There is so much speculation and blame that this is Disney's fault, so I am curious as to if anyone knows their policies? Obviously the drivers have to pass the State of Florida's licensing requirements, but what else does Disney (or the driver's union for that matter) require? Perhaps there is very stringent training and these accidents have been the result of individuals being careless, not paying attention, etc. and not a result of lack of training on Disney's part.

Disney said in an earlier article that all of its drivers must complete a 4 1/2-week training program, which includes one week of preparation to obtain a commercial drivers license and three weeks of on-property driver training. Now how many hours of actual training does that actually entail. That is probably the question that Disney will find itself answering to the Department of Transportation...

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
I've got the perfect solution.

Everyone parks outside of the property. There will be ABSOLUTELY no other means of transportation allowed on property except what is offered by Disney. No bikes, no cars, no outside operated buses, no limos, no taxis, etc.

All transportation personnel will be aged 26-30. After that age they will be taken to the back of the WDW property and summarily assassinated as they have no further use to society as we know it.
Phew! Good to know I'm still able to get a job driving something at WDW for the next few years before being put out to pasture... :lol:


Active Member
Stick your thumb out and hope for the best.
Are you pretty? Flash some skin and increase the chances...
I've got the perfect solution.

Everyone parks outside of the property. There will be ABSOLUTELY no other means of transportation allowed on property except what is offered by Disney. No bikes, no cars, no outside operated buses, no limos, no taxis, etc.

All transportation personnel will be aged 26-30. After that age they will be taken to the back of the WDW property and summarily assassinated as they have no further use to society as we know it.
Hmm...does Disney property have the appropriate zoning to be a cemetary?

Phew! Good to know I'm still able to get a job driving something at WDW for the next few years before being put out to pasture... :lol:
Yeah Sparky you're good...for now....:lookaroun

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