1) Why do people continue to take FLASH pictures of the castle with a cell phone from Main Street? Do people think the flash is actually doing anything other than annoying people around you? It's like 300 feet away.
2) Why do people continue to shoot terrible, shaky video from a cell phone in Indiana Jones, Festival of the Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, any fireworks, etc, etc? There are PRO shot videos on YouTube that look WAY better than your cell phone video will look and sound.
3) Why do people take pictures of fireworks? I mean, I can understand a few, but I see people doing it constantly, then posting it to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram like real time. They miss like the next 5 fireworks b/c they are bragging about being at Disney.
4) Why do parents let their kids eat and drink whatever they want at all times? I have never seen as many obese kids as I saw this last week. It is shocking. These kids weigh over 200 pounds and are under 12 years old. It's clear these kids get anything they want.
5) Why do parents not discipline their kids or make them have some manners? running around the restaurant, banging silverware for 10 minutes, and screaming constantly is not OK, even if you're having fun at Disney.
6) Why do people constantly complain, particularly about prices? I can't tell you how many times I heard people complaining. Stop going!!!! I would love for you to not be there.
7) Why do people walk 5 and 6 abreast in the park? Just because you have a family, doesn't mean you have to walk arm and arm throughout the park. The walkways aren't super wide and your slow stroll through the park is annoying.
8) Why do people ignore cast member direction? Fill in available space, go to your assigned number, keep up with the party in front of you, etc.