Annoying guests on vacation...Do you say something?


New Member
Our most recent experience was on the ToT and 3 kids (8 - 14ish) with out adult supervision. In the library my daughter whispers to me to block the exit with her because they had almost knocked over a mother and daughter in an attempt to get to the library exit. When the door slid open we politely blocked thier way and allowed the mom and daughter to exit before us and we followed at a leisurely pace with the kids right on our heels. Seriously, do you need to rush to the elevators?
Anyway, they were so excited to get the front row, which they didn't, we did. They were seated right behind us. Loud, fake screaming, awful. So at photo time, all three of us without a word, put our hands up. After the ride it was priceless to watch them run to see the pictures and hear them say "oh man, you can't see any of our faces". I always amazes me that kids are left to run unattended. If thier parents don't want to be with them why assume anyone else does???

It's unbelievable how rude some kids around my age (16) could be.


Active Member
The line cutters are the worst. If I see some coming, I tell all in my group "HW!". That is code for human wall. We all then stand with out hands on our hips and form a line of sorts. LOL It is too funny. We just won't let them past.

I have also found that having a backpack in line help with those that like to stand on top of me in line. If you take a step back and whack them once or twice with a backpack, they tend to step back a few steps.

The ones that insist in stopping in the center of the row in Philharmagic annoy me to no end. If I have to get past them, I usually accidentlaly step on their toes going past with a few "I'm so sorrys" sent their way. :ROFLOL:


Our most recent experience was on the ToT and 3 kids (8 - 14ish) with out adult supervision. In the library my daughter whispers to me to block the exit with her because they had almost knocked over a mother and daughter in an attempt to get to the library exit. When the door slid open we politely blocked thier way and allowed the mom and daughter to exit before us and we followed at a leisurely pace with the kids right on our heels. Seriously, do you need to rush to the elevators?
Anyway, they were so excited to get the front row, which they didn't, we did. They were seated right behind us. Loud, fake screaming, awful. So at photo time, all three of us without a word, put our hands up. After the ride it was priceless to watch them run to see the pictures and hear them say "oh man, you can't see any of our faces". I always amazes me that kids are left to run unattended. If thier parents don't want to be with them why assume anyone else does???

Yet another example of a passive aggressive approach to the problem. How does ruining their on-ride photo address their behavior? Do you think they made the connection in their minds and consequently behaved more politely for the rest of the day? If their behavior bothered you that much, wouldn't it have been more effective to simply speak to them about it directly? It kind of sounds like you were afraid of confrontation with some teens and pre-teens.


Well-Known Member
Yet another example of a passive aggressive approach to the problem. How does ruining their on-ride photo address their behavior? Do you think they made the connection in their minds and consequently behaved more politely for the rest of the day? If their behavior bothered you that much, wouldn't it have been more effective to simply speak to them about it directly? It kind of sounds like you were afraid of confrontation with some teens and pre-teens.

It doesn't but it probably made them feel better to get even with someone. Ruining a picture was ok because the teens ruined the rest of their experience.

Stuff like this doesn't really bother me, but I must admit I cant recall a time I've ran across really ignorant people like some of the stories I've read on here. Yea a few here and there, but never enough where I whine about it and not have a good day.


It doesn't but it probably made them feel better to get even with someone. Ruining a picture was ok because the teens ruined the rest of their experience.

That's what I consider kind of spineless and wimpy though. To me, if something is big enough to get upset over, then it should be big enough to speak to the person about it directly. Ruining their picture doesn't teach the offenders any kind of lesson, or prevent them from continuing to annoy other people throughout the rest of their visit. I'm sure none of these kids looked at their picture and said, "Wow, I wonder if our picture was ruined because of the way we were behaving in the line. Maybe we should be more considerate so that doesn't happen." I think it's just kind of an immature way for an adult to deal with a group of kids, and it doesn't really teach the daughter appropriate social skills. It basically sends a message to the daughter that passive aggressive acts of revenge are the way to deal with other people.

Mr Toad

Well-Known Member
yes, I do confront folks that annoy me in public places and ask them politely to stop...if that does't work...I send in the wife :lol:


Active Member
That's what I consider kind of spineless and wimpy though. To me, if something is big enough to get upset over, then it should be big enough to speak to the person about it directly. Ruining their picture doesn't teach the offenders any kind of lesson, or prevent them from continuing to annoy other people throughout the rest of their visit. I'm sure none of these kids looked at their picture and said, "Wow, I wonder if our picture was ruined because of the way we were behaving in the line. Maybe we should be more considerate so that doesn't happen." I think it's just kind of an immature way for an adult to deal with a group of kids, and it doesn't really teach the daughter appropriate social skills. It basically sends a message to the daughter that passive aggressive acts of revenge are the way to deal with other people.

It's not her job to confront those kids. She got angry and did something to make herself feel better. I think it's hilarious, and I would have done the same thing. If she'd said anything to the teens, she most likely would have just gotten alot of rolled eyes, "we don't have to listen to you" 's, or possibly even worse. That might have ruined her and her daughter's time even more. By taking the so- called "wimpy" action of putting their hands up during the ride, (which alot of people do anyway), they got a laugh out of it and could continue on with their day. You're mostly likely right that the kids didn't get why they did it, but who cares? They weren't trying to give them a manners lesson.

I'm a shy person, and I really don't like confronting people, especially when I'm at WDW. So I occasionally resort to passive/aggressive things to feel better when people are really rude. They might not put it together... but I feel it's all Karma!:ROFLOL:Please don't judge people who don't want to go around WDW lecturing people on their bad behavior. I guess I will be called spineless, too. :zipit:


Give me a break. I'm not the parents of the bratty teens in line. It's not my job to teach them any sort of lesson. (I know you weren't speaking directly to me...but I've done the same thing to kids in photos.)

The bratty kids don't ruin my day or anything. They don't upset me. They are just annoying. We block them in photos because it's funny.

I really couldn't care less if they want to be annoying. That's their prerogative. Just like it's my prerogative to get a laugh out of blocking them in the photo. Afterwards, I just go about my day.

There is a time and a place for confrontations. Annoying kids in line really isn't one of them, in my opinion. Now, if those kids in line are doing something to actually harm another person...that would be a time to step in.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Another thing I find annoying is people in unflattering swimwear, or costumes during the Halloween party.

There is nothing more bothersome than a heavy set person walking around in a thong. Now, I know its nice to feel good about yourself, but there are children around.

As for the Halloween party, when I went last year, I saw too many "sexy" french maids. Some had the body for it, and that was pleasant on the eyes, if I do say so myself, but some did not. One was so bad, I just had to go up to a CM and get them ejected, it was just too offensive.


Well-Known Member
I try not to worry about things that don't directly affect me and my family, especially when I am on vacation. The whole point of the vacation is to leave your everyday worries and problems behind and to just have a good time. Why waste even a minute of my time worrying about what OTHER people are doing or not doing when I could be spending that time enjoying life and making memories with my family. :shrug:


another thing i find annoying is people in unflattering swimwear, or costumes during the halloween party.

There is nothing more bothersome than a heavy set person walking around in a thong. Now, i know its nice to feel good about yourself, but there are children around.

As for the halloween party, when i went last year, i saw too many "sexy" french maids. Some had the body for it, and that was pleasant on the eyes, if i do say so myself, but some did not. One was so bad, i just had to go up to a cm and get them ejected, it was just too offensive.

Hahaha! :ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I try not to worry about things that don't directly affect me and my family, especially when I am on vacation. The whole point of the vacation is to leave your everyday worries and problems behind and to just have a good time. Why waste even a minute of my time worrying about what OTHER people are doing or not doing when I could be spending that time enjoying life and making memories with my family. :shrug:

I agree. I used to get worked up about other people being "stupid" but more recently since I've gotten older and more mature I don't trip about small things that much if at all.


Well-Known Member
Give me a break. I'm not the parents of the bratty teens in line. It's not my job to teach them any sort of lesson. (I know you weren't speaking directly to me...but I've done the same thing to kids in photos.)

The bratty kids don't ruin my day or anything. They don't upset me. They are just annoying. We block them in photos because it's funny.

I really couldn't care less if they want to be annoying. That's their prerogative. Just like it's my prerogative to get a laugh out of blocking them in the photo. Afterwards, I just go about my day.

There is a time and a place for confrontations. Annoying kids in line really isn't one of them, in my opinion. Now, if those kids in line are doing something to actually harm another person...that would be a time to step in.

"We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present."

-Thomas Edison

"The greatest obstacle to those who hope to reform American education is complacency. "

-Diane Ravitch

Take out education and replace it with "society" "teens" "manners" or even for some of you "the state of EPCOT today"

Now I know this is not for everyone, and if you are scared, or nervous, or just plain don't think it's your "job", I don't begrudge you for feeling that way. Thats how some people are. Maybe I sound like an old man or a crank, but quite frankly I have pretty much had it with the way many things in America are going to hell in an handbag, so I make what small changes I can. If that means telling a kid who is pushing though a line "hey, buddy, do you realize how rude you are being. You just almost pushed over that kid" then thats what I am going to do. Baby steps yes, but still.....



Well-Known Member
I agree. I used to get worked up about other people being "stupid" but more recently since I've gotten older and more mature I don't trip about small things that much if at all.

Now that's not to say I won't WATCH people acting stupid and have a chuckle or two at their expense, I just don't interfere in their business or get all worked up about it! :ROFLOL:


"We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present."

-Thomas Edison

"The greatest obstacle to those who hope to reform American education is complacency. "

-Diane Ravitch

Take out education and replace it with "society" "teens" "manners" or even for some of you "the state of EPCOT today"

Now I know this is not for everyone, and if you are scared, or nervous, or just plain don't think it's your "job", I don't begrudge you for feeling that way. Thats how some people are. Maybe I sound like an old man or a crank, but quite frankly I have pretty much had it with the way many things in America are going to hell in an handbag, so I make what small changes I can. If that means telling a kid who is pushing though a line "hey, buddy, do you realize how rude you are being. You just almost pushed over that kid" then thats what I am going to do. Baby steps yes, but still.....


I think knocking over a kid falls into the "harming others" situation I mentioned.


There is a time and a place for confrontations. Annoying kids in line really isn't one of them, in my opinion. Now, if those kids in line are doing something to actually harm another person...that would be a time to step in.

You present it as though it's "not a time and place for a confrontation" as though to say that's because it's not big enough a deal to be worth it. But yet you consider it a big enough deal to do something childish to get even with them?? That doesn't make any sense. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
I would never cut in line.If for some reason I get separated from my party they would let others pass until I catch up or step aside myself until they catch up With me,any one ever think of that?

As for smokers, been there done that W/hubby(he just quit last July).We usually just cover our nose and mouth Quietly to display our distaste for that filthy habit that consumed our life for a long time.Our September trip was so much better because we didn't have to stop after every ride and go to the smoking section:sohappy:


How on earth could you "accidently" light up in a non smoking area? Common sense tells you that if there aren't ash trays within 10 feet, it's not a smoking area.

And most people that I've seen walking around smoking don't look like they did it on accident.

I agree. People don't "accidentally" light up in line. They know they're aren't supposed to smoke there.

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