Animatronics Show? (The American Adventure)


New Member
I have always wanted to see the american adventure,but I have never been able to make it there! I`m going to Disney world in December and I have vowed to see this once and for all! LOL!:D


Active Member
Gee FourFourSeven -

I can't believe that you live in this great country of ours yet have such terribly rude things to say about it!

If you don't want to experience an attraction about it, you don't have to...

That's part of the whole freedom thing :)


Active Member
Okay, let all be polite and remember the 1st amendment.

However, FourFourSeven, I basically disagree with your assesement. Yes the entire show is meant to be uplifting view of America, but it doesn't gloss over the low points e.g., women's rights, race issues, and the indian's point of view.

The song is one the best written for Disney and provides a patritic lift to the show.

I would like to write more but my daughter needs the computer to do homework.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Tramp that the American Adventure is a chance for us to put our best foot forward, not only for ourselves but for visitors from other countries. I think America deserves this chance to celebrate what's great about it - God knows that our dirty laundry is examined in headlines ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!

OK, I've taken a deep breath, and I'm feeling much calmer now.:)


The American Adventure is truly awesome. It chokes many a person up at the finale, and Golden Dream is a moving piece. If you're just a pessimist, though, you might not find anything (including this show) that will make you totally happy. I feel sorry for you if this is the case. America has much to be proud of and this is the reason for the show.
Boy, some harsh comments here! Let's pick on the harshest...

Originally posted by mickeyfanatics
Yeah FourFourSeven, if you do not like this country, feel free to move out!

Does this type of comment terrify anyone else? Our country was formed based on several principles. Two principles are key:
- Principle 1 - Freedom. I can think (and say) whatever the heck I want to, and nobody can stop me or make me move out because of it.

-Yes, I can say I dislike the American Adventure
-Yes, people can burn flags as a form of protest
-Yes, the KKK can wear their ridiculous outfits and march through town (assuming they get the proper permits like everyone else)

I find the KKK apalling, but they have every right to espouse whatever wacky beliefs they have. I can disagree with it. I can shout from the treetops how wrong I think they are. But I can not (and should not) be able to silence them.

-Principle 2 - Self government. In other words, if I don't like something about our country, I shouldn't have to move out. I should try to change it for the better!

Imagine if we had your attitude of "love it or move out" before slavery was abolished, or women's suffrage, or civil rights! We're supposed to change the things that aren't right. That's what the founding fathers intended, that's why the Constitution has processes in place to make it amendable, that's why this country is so great.

Doesn't anyone else get terrified when they see comments like this from people who often claim to be flag-waving patriots but know nothing about our country and what makes it great?

I love America, but not for the pretty flag or the patriotic tunes. I love this country for the principles on which it was founded.

Do you understand these principles, mickeyfanatics?

No, America is not perfect today. But why should we stop trying to make it so?

I was curious to see what the reaction to my comments would be, since they are clearly not part of the majority on this board. Do people on this board truly understand what makes America great? In the case of some people on this board, unfortunately, the answer is no. The entire attempted message of the American Adventure is clearly lost on those with the "love it or move out" attitude.

Thank you to the other people (MouseRight, figmentmom, Fido) who, while they disagree with me on this particular show, understand I have every right to think whatever I want to about it.


New Member
YEs you are 100% right! I agree with the same time though How can you excpect to go on a disney fans website and start ripping apart disney rides ,movies and songs and not feel the wrath? That`s like going into a crowded theatre and scream FIRE! You have to excpect repercussions. I don`t know you or your intentions,but it seems to me you just started posting here to stir up trouble! Forgive me if I`m wrong,but that is exactly how it seems, and not just with this post,but the otther posts of yours are extremely negative aswell. yes you have every right to hate disney or disney rides,movies or songs,but we have the right to be angered by your comments and voice them aswell.:rolleyes:


New Member
Reply to FourFourSeven:

I agree with your reply, in what it says, but not in how you responded.

I agree that some of our basic freedoms (found in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights... and the multitude of other laws that make up our "Code of Conduct") include the freedom of speech and self-rule (as you put it) and I do get this sense from the "American Experience"... which is why I like it so much... it focuses on the positive... We have overcome slavery, women rights issues... but it is true that these issues are not completely overcome as yet. However, your reaction to those who say love it or leave it is as insulting as those who say "love it or leave it."

You said: "Does this type of comment terrify anyone else? Our country was formed based on several principles. Two principles are key:- Principle 1 - Freedom. I can think (and say) whatever the heck I want to, and nobody can stop me or make me move out because of it. "

Doesn't this mean that those who dislike your remarks can say... heck if you dont like it here... leave? If these people scare you more than the KKK... then I'm scared.

You Said: "-Principle 2 - Self government. In other words, if I don't like something about our country, I shouldn't have to move out. I should try to change it for the better!"

I dont think that those that were critical of you would disagree with this. I think that the people who like this show, like it for expressing that we have changed over the years for the better... by this very principle... and the show celebrates our ability to do this... I dont think that anyone made comments that they said they love this country for its flag over its principles... They made a simple reactionary remark... much like yours that follows:

You Said: "I love America, but not for the pretty flag or the patriotic tunes. I love this country for the principles on which it was founded.
Do you understand these principles, mickeyfanatics?
No, America is not perfect today. But why should we stop trying to make it so?"

Again, I think your comments are as direct and insulting as those who said "love it or leave it". I also hope we spend our time trying to change things that matter... such as improving our environment, education, class differential, and humanity rather than making this country better by wanting to change a show that IMHO does a wonderful job at celebrating the very principles that you just used to defend your remarks.

I dont think anyone was really telling you to leave the Country... were they not as you said about the KKK "I can shout from the treetops how wrong I think they are." But maybe they should have used more sophisticated arguments like you did.. (i.e. "Do you understand these principles, mickeyfanatics?")

Then again... dont know if my remarks make any sense as I'm a mickeyfanatic... :wave:


Here we go again. There ought to be an age limit on who can post. I think that would solve the problem with conflict and negative threads.
Hi all:

I wrote a long response to erring's very well reasoned post, then decided this discussion probably doesn't fit on a Disney board.
My apologies if I offended people with my earlier post. I was angry from an earlier response, but that gives me no excuse to respond in kind.

Can we agree on these points and then move on?
1) Most people who have posted really enjoy the American Experience (and I would tell someone who has never seen it to go see it as well)
2) While I enjoy the singing performances before the show, I'm not a big fan. (I didn't hate it, I'm just not a huge fan) But I'm in the minority.
3) I can think (and say) whatever I want and it's allowed and it's okay
4) You can think (and say) whatever you want and it's allowed and it's okay
5) America is a great country!

In the spirit of this board's theme, I will refrain from non-Disney related debate here from now on, including any continuation of this discussion.


New Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Hi all:

I wrote a long response to erring's very well reasoned post, then decided this discussion probably doesn't fit on a Disney board.
My apologies if I offended people with my earlier post. I was angry from an earlier response, but that gives me no excuse to respond in kind.

Can we agree on these points and then move on?
1) Most people who have posted really enjoy the American Experience (and I would tell someone who has never seen it to go see it as well)
2) While I enjoy the singing performances before the show, I'm not a big fan. (I didn't hate it, I'm just not a huge fan) But I'm in the minority.
3) I can think (and say) whatever I want and it's allowed and it's okay
4) You can think (and say) whatever you want and it's allowed and it's okay
5) America is a great country!

In the spirit of this board's theme, I will refrain from non-Disney related debate here from now on, including any continuation of this discussion.
No problem,but non disney related discussion belongs in Chit chat!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Passport
Here we go again. There ought to be an age limit on who can post. I think that would solve the problem with conflict and negative threads.

Why do people always assume that folks with non-majority opinions are some how "too young to have a correct opinion"?

Side note
I never liked the sound of that argument when I was under 18 and now that I am a few months from 35, I still dont like it. The laughable thing about this argument is that here I am at 35 and people still like to tell me I don't have enough experience or am not old enough to have an opinion that is justifiable. Somehow, I imagine this never changes and at 40, 45, 50, 55 etc, there will always be people who are older than me that will feel they are somehow wiser than I am. The truth is I have met 15 year olds that have been through situations that I may never go through and therefore, I consider them much more of an expert on those things that I may ever be.

I pretty much share fourfourseven's observations on the attraction with one major exception. It is no different than the historically innaccurate portrayal of any other country in World Showcase.

Every country tends to glorify moments in its history which may not be seen as flattering by other peoples of the world. However, that is each and every country's right to do so. These events are the things that keep their people united and allow the governments to function. You dont have to look very far in the world today to see what happens when a country is split into many factions who do not believe they share a common history.


Active Member
Chief Joseph, please pass the peace pipe over to this board. It is surely needed.

Now, mind you just my opinion. Every single county in WS presents the best views of their nations. They and we would be foolish to do otherwise.

Everyone have a pleasent evening.:)


New Member
I first want to comment that out of three pages of post (and almost all of them an argument) everyone has failed to tell where the show is. It's in the American Pavillion in World Showcase at EPCOT. It's right in the middle of the building, a shop is to the right and a restaurant is on the left. Go through the big middle doors and the entrance is to the left. This show is amazing. IT is definetly a show everyone must see.

Now, I am so upset that people actually hate the song "Golden Dreams." My marching band is doing a patriotic show this year, and our last song is "Golden Dreams." My band director was so excited when I showed him the song when he was looking for music for the show. The whole school is raving about it; there was even a article in the school paper about the band, but it ended up being about the song. Obviously, the people who dislike this song must not even like music!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FourFourSeven
Hi all:

I wrote a long response to erring's very well reasoned post, then decided this discussion probably doesn't fit on a Disney board.
My apologies if I offended people with my earlier post. I was angry from an earlier response, but that gives me no excuse to respond in kind.

Can we agree on these points and then move on?
1) Most people who have posted really enjoy the American Experience (and I would tell someone who has never seen it to go see it as well)
2) While I enjoy the singing performances before the show, I'm not a big fan. (I didn't hate it, I'm just not a huge fan) But I'm in the minority.
3) I can think (and say) whatever I want and it's allowed and it's okay
4) You can think (and say) whatever you want and it's allowed and it's okay
5) America is a great country!

In the spirit of this board's theme, I will refrain from non-Disney related debate here from now on, including any continuation of this discussion.

I think you make a very, very good point and honestly in regards to all countries in World Showcase, there is nothing that Disney can give you in part of a day that will substitute for a full education. I’d honestly like to see any of critic of the show come up with something less than 30 minutes long that more accurately and informatively represents over 200 years of history and is still in some way entertaining.

I can understand how someone who considers themselves a history buff may not find anything at all in world showcase appealing. I mean, as far as I can tell, there is some part of all those countries histories that could be perceived as dark but I don’t think Disney is the place to go into things like the Nuremberg trials, the 'Red Menace' or any other less than positive aspect of the history of a country. In all honestly, I think that the representation of America is the most honest of all of them because it does at least address things that were wrong. In one scene where they complain about taxes from Britain, a voce points out that tea actually cost more in Brittan at the time. They acknowledge that we had slavery and that it was wrong. They go into the fact that women were not given equality and that the original inhabitants of this land suffered as the result of our coming here. They show footage of Viet Nam as well as Martin Luther King and the death of Kennedy.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to argue but I know how it is when you go into something like this already knowing more than they tell. If nothing else, do you at least consider what they show in that pavilion to be better than nothing at all? :)


New Member
Yes, FourFourSeven, you have a right to you comments under our constitution, but it is your bashing of a great Disney attraction (yes, I said Disney attraction) that upset me. Also, do not try to school me on anything related to this country or its principles because as part of my job I stand for them daily and try to instill them on the youth of our country (with very little help from their parents). Third, it really does not matter to me what you think or care to say about me because none of it really bothers me except for the fact that you would come to this board to bash a Disney attraction. This site is for Disney fans, and if you are not one, why are you wasting your time here. I wish I had that kind of time to waste!


Active Member
Originally posted by SpectroMan
I first want to comment that out of three pages of post (and almost all of them an argument) everyone has failed to tell where the show is. It's in the American Pavillion in World Showcase at EPCOT. It's right in the middle of the building, a shop is to the right and a restaurant is on the left. Go through the big middle doors and the entrance is to the left. This show is amazing. IT is definetly a show everyone must see.

I promise I don't mean this in a rude way...

Guess we just all just thought that since we're discussing this on a Disney board (meaning we're all Disney fans), that anyone who was reading this would know where The American Adventure is located...

That's just my opinion though

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