OK, I came across a few more pics I took back in June of the area near the "secret path".
As you leave Africa, headed for Asia, just after the backstage gate there's a smaller *paved* path that veers off to your left. (This is the one that is shown on the maps)
This is what the smaller path looks like as you're standing at the junction, with the main walkway off to the right of this photo:
Along this path, you will come across a pair of bridges that cross two streams (actually the same stream, just split in two in this section). The bridges look like this:
The African end of the secret path is out of frame to the left of this photo. I don't think it's *immediately* next to the bridge but is a short distance before it. (So if you reach the first bridge, you've gone too far)
The path goes back, away from the paved walkway, and then crosses the two parts of the stream, each with their own stepping stones.
The path then comes out at the smoking area structure/gazebo on the Asian end. Standing in the smoking area and looking into the woods, this is what the secret path looks like:
Obviosuly it's much easier to find from the Asia end of the path...
And while we're in the area, there's another little spot along here that's often overlooked. Back on the African end of the main walkway, there's a small path on the river side:
It leads down to an open area along the river that gives a great angle of the back side of the Tree of Life:
It's a great photo spot for family photos. (When I was taking these photos, I actually volunteered to take a family's photo so they all could be in the shot)
There are great little nooks like this hidden all around the park, if you just take the time to explore and find them. (Joe knew what he was doing...)