Animal Kingdom River Rapids


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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">The drop is about the same height as Pirates drop is. It's about 25 ft high, but the big thing is that it's very streched out and not steep. Don't miss this ride, you'll regret it. It has a great story and message, the drop is nothing to worry about. If you're affriad of getting wet however...</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
The drop is about​


New Member
shoppingnut said:
bring a change of clothes (including underwear!!) because your changes of BEING SOAKED totally are very high.
....and if you forget your extra undies, hopefully you won't be wearing flowery undies under your pants that could be seen straight thru when wet like I did when we rode it Sunday ..... :lookaroun


My fiance and I went on this Sunday afternoon. We were in a raft with a small group and well they left 2 seats empty. Unfortunately we were on the side with all the weight and got completely soaked. Boy was it fun


Well-Known Member
Floridasunshine said:
....and if you forget your extra undies, hopefully you won't be wearing flowery undies under your pants that could be seen straight thru when wet like I did when we rode it Sunday ..... :lookaroun
Oooh...I did that once on Splash Mtn.....not too fun!


Well-Known Member
Mr Bill said:
It's not really a rough ride, just be prepared to get soaked, In reality, no more than four people will end up extremely soaked, but there's no way to tell if you'll be one of the (un)lucky ones or not.

It's been my experience/observation that the heaviest people in the ride vehicle (boat? raft? over-grow inner tube?) will get the wettest. This is due to their weight shifting the ride vehicle so that they are at the bottom of the hill when it hits the water (splash down). I will always try to sit across from the heaviest looking people in the ride vehicle and it usually works out this way. I still wear my poncho - just in case...


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
How wet you get depends on how the craft spins. If you are at the front as it hits the bottom you will get soaked. Try to sit next to a skinny person if you want to minimise the chance of this happening :lol:
Or sit as far away from me as possible. Although I'm very skinny, I always end up the wettest.:lol:


New Member
My three year old and I rode this last week. He loved it. We both got soaked and we were, by no means, the heaviest people on board. I think it is more of the way the raft is turned when you hit the bottom of the drops, waterfalls, etc.

There is a foot rest designed to keep your feet above the level of the water that fills the boat/raft. If you don't use the foot rests, your shoes will get soaked. There is also a small storage compartment in the center that will keep smaller objects, camera bags, etc. dry.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
definately wear quick drying clothes...... ive told this story a millions times (funny at the time and still now) but short version..... 2000, my friend got chaffed.... well, in the crack, walked like a duck all day with a very wide stance. very funny.

moral: if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, he must have a chaffed bum


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