Animal kingdom needs help

Phil Porter

New Member
Went to WDW for the first time in April 13. Enjoyed most of the parks but AK was certainly my least favourite. Was ok for my first visit but wouldn't be that bothered if I missed it next time.

For example how rundown does The primevil Whirl part of the park look. For starters the tarmac needs replacing as it was cracked all over the place..

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
I agree that DAK has a ton of space with little to do, but it actually isn't as big of a park as people seem to think. The size statistics come from including the Safari, which is as big as, or bigger than the park itself. For walking space, Epcot and Sea World are much bigger.

Also, to all of you saying "DAK was meant to be this way" - while giving the feeling of exploring the wilderness and wild, exotic areas is definitely the intention, I don't think you should be so apologetic - they could easily plop down a few more attractions - an E ticket or two, some D tickets, and small diversions and still maintain the feel of the park.


Well-Known Member
I think all four parks are quite spread out. When you go to dl most attractions are just a hop skip and a jump away.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
For example how rundown does The primevil Whirl part of the park look. For starters the tarmac needs replacing as it was cracked all over the place..
Not sure if this is a joke or not, but the cracked pavement is intentional and the area is supposed to look tacky. (yes, it's kind of a cop-out to build something cheap and then say "it looks cheap on purpose!")

Phil Porter

New Member
Not sure if this is a joke or not, but the cracked pavement is intentional and the area is supposed to look tacky. (yes, it's kind of a cop-out to build something cheap and then say "it looks cheap on purpose!")
No me being stupid didn't realise it was supposed to be like that lol. Just didn't seem to fit for me

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
The problem is its in Orlando. People expect a theme park like they see elsewhere.
Very much true, and I in fact appreciate DAK for what it is and think that WDW's parks ought to be varied.

But I'm going to throw in that none of the four parks are theme parks like you see (saw) elsewhere. The MK and EPCOT are also not about hurrying from one coaster to the next E-ticket. These too are about exploration, soaking up the environment, checking out all the nooks and crannies. The problem is, EPCOT and the MK are rewarding, DAK mostly isn't.

The MK and EPCOT are at both ends of the 'density' scale. The MK is densily build, you see a great amount of things walking from Mansion to Thunder. EPCOT is built to contrast with the MK, the anti-MK, and so it consists of large open space. Still, any walk in EPCOT is rivetting, visually stimulating. DAK? In large areas, not so much.

DAK simply does not do all that well what it tries to do. The large paths of DAK are some of the least rewarding in any of WDW's parks, when perhaps by DAK's very mission statement that you correctly remind us of, it should be the reverse.


Well-Known Member
Went to WDW for the first time in April 13. Enjoyed most of the parks but AK was certainly my least favourite. Was ok for my first visit but wouldn't be that bothered if I missed it next time.

For example how rundown does The primevil Whirl part of the park look. For starters the tarmac needs replacing as it was cracked all over the place..

Chester & Hester's was meant to have a carnival-esque theme to it and the Imagineers made the Tarmac look like that as many know that carnival's are in parking lots of all places.


Active Member
Personally speaking, Animal Kingdom is our favorite park at WDW. We often spend two days seeing everything it offers. We do like the attractions, but we like roaming and looking at the landscaping, the different plants as well as the animals. Of course we don't know anyone that agrees with us.
They once offered a booklet to check off the various animals, and flora that you would see walking around the park. It's nice change of pace from the other parks. We would hate to see it sullied by adding in Avatar.

My wife and I agree with you. AK is our favourite park as well.


Well-Known Member
Will be going to AK for the first time in October - I took the list of attractions and am stripping it down to the ones I'm looking forward to:

Expedition Everest
Festival of the Lion King
Finding Nemo - The Musical
Flights of Wonder
It's Tough to be a Bug
Kali River Rapids
Kilimanjaro Safari

I'm looking forward to these, and planning to use the "Unofficial Guide" touring plan to catch them when they're not too crowded:

Maharajah Jungle Trek
Pangani Exploration Trail

The whole Chester & Hester thing looks cute but skipable - but DS4 will probably have none of that. I can see trying Primeval Whirl - I like Wild Mouse coasters, but not so much spinning. Will probably regret it.

Probably won't be able to fit all this in, especially all the shows, but definitely want to see at least FOLK and FoW.

Seems to me like for newbies at least, it's enough for a day, and we have time and tickets to return later in the week if we want to try some of the attractions again.

Plus, we'll have to find and gawk at De'Vine and Bamboo for a little while.

My wife is a bamboo lover (the plant, not the dude) - she covets other peoples' huge shocks of bamboo where we live, and we're growing one ourselves, so she'll love looking at the bamboo and other plants.

I grew up going to the Monkey Jungle, Parrot Jungle, and Seaquarium in Miami instead of WDW - there wasn't actually much to "do" there, but we had fun anyway!

Does anyone remember a place called "Planet Ocean" which was in or near Miami? That place was very cool, more of a museum, but I think not far off from the more educational stuff in Epcot.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Will be going to AK for the first time in October - I took the list of attractions and am stripping it down to the ones I'm looking forward to:

Expedition Everest
Festival of the Lion King
Finding Nemo - The Musical
Flights of Wonder
It's Tough to be a Bug
Kali River Rapids
Kilimanjaro Safari

I'm looking forward to these, and planning to use the "Unofficial Guide" touring plan to catch them when they're not too crowded:

Maharajah Jungle Trek
Pangani Exploration Trail

The whole Chester & Hester thing looks cute but skipable - but DS4 will probably have none of that. I can see trying Primeval Whirl - I like Wild Mouse coasters, but not so much spinning. Will probably regret it.

Probably won't be able to fit all this in, especially all the shows, but definitely want to see at least FOLK and FoW.

Seems to me like for newbies at least, it's enough for a day, and we have time and tickets to return later in the week if we want to try some of the attractions again.

Plus, we'll have to find and gawk at De'Vine and Bamboo for a little while.

My wife is a bamboo lover (the plant, not the dude) - she covets other peoples' huge shocks of bamboo where we live, and we're growing one ourselves, so she'll love looking at the bamboo and other plants.

I grew up going to the Monkey Jungle, Parrot Jungle, and Seaquarium in Miami instead of WDW - there wasn't actually much to "do" there, but we had fun anyway!

Does anyone remember a place called "Planet Ocean" which was in or near Miami? That place was very cool, more of a museum, but I think not far off from the more educational stuff in Epcot.
I'm not sure if I misread your post. However, the Trek and Trail are simply walk-ons. Walk-through attractions. You walk in any time you please, and make your way through them at your leisure.

They are popular, but usually not too crowded to skip. Don't miss 'em, they are the best animal exhibits, the heart of DAK.

Otherwise I think your itinerary is just right. Do allow for some time to explore the Tree of Life gardens, and the smaller Oasis at the entrance. Very beautiful, lots of animals and pretty vies, the heart and soul of the DAK experience.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if I misread your post. However, the Trek and Trail are simply walk-ons. Walk-through attractions. You walk in any time you please, and make your way through them at your leisure.

They are popular, but usually not too crowded to skip. Don't miss 'em, they are the best animal exhibits, the heart of DAK.

Otherwise I think your itinerary is just right. Do allow for some time to explore the Tree of Life gardens, and the smaller Oasis at the entrance. Very beautiful, lots of animals and pretty vies, the heart and soul of the DAK experience.

I understand what the two trails are - the unoffical guide makes it sound like they get crowded at certain times, and it becomes difficult to see the exhibits. Maybe it won't be a problem - especially in late October, just prepared.

We will definitely check out the ToL gardens and Oasis - I took them off the list because I didn't think they really counted as "attractions," but thanks for the tip, we'll be sure to enjoy them!


Well-Known Member
I don't think the park was meant to be full of coasters and rides. It's an Animal Kingdom. You don't find 'rides' in your local zoo. We usually spend a full morning in AK, walking, exploring and a ride on Dinosaur and the Safari. The landscaping is beautiful and it gives you the feeling of what it might be like in Africa or Asia as you walk along the narrow paths full of flowers and vegetation.

Yeah, but Disney wants you to know that it's Nahtazu....


Well-Known Member
I just came back from Disney and it is crazy how much space they have in between each attraction at the animal kingdom. I know avatar is coming eventually. Does anyone think eventually they need to move some animals out to stay open later? Bring in smaller attractions to fill in the gaps.
I like that about AK. But actually if you check it out on google earth, there really isn't that much open space. They did a very good job making it appear that way.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I love the views of the Tree of Life throughout the park. It's Animal Kingdom not Ride Kingdom. Although I agree that there is opportunity for additional attractions at the park, it's not just about rides. Spend time watching the animals, take in the shows, enjoy the atmosphere and the "street" entertainment. Try not running from big ride to big ride and you'll realize that you'll be there the entire day.


Well-Known Member
I see DAK as a different animal all together (pun intended). I think it is exactly what it was meant to be in that you are supposed to experience a journey and not just walk out of one attraction and into the next. I don't know how many times I have seen families talking and decide the Pangani Forest Exploration Trail was too boring or not interesting and leave it behind as they exit Kilimanjaro Safari. While I would have to agree it does not have the blatant mass appeal that the other parks have with their glitz and glamour I think Disney went a different direction. Joe Rhode went so in depth in his transitions and theming that I think many of us fail to notice the nuances and subtleties that were so carefully thought out. I know I myself have done some reading on the park from conception to construction and found that I had been missing a lot of the details myself and when I realized they were there I was actually able to appreciate it a little more.

All that having been said...yes, it would certainly be nice to see maybe two more big name rides in the park and I would love if they could find a way to keep the park open into the evening hours. I have never been in the park after dark but I am sure there is an awesome untapped personality that could be discovered in this park in the evenings with subtle lighting and cool evening breezes.

oh....please fix the Yeti:banghead:
Yep those people have never experienced the Disney magic of the male fruit bat "dominating" each other. Yes I said "dominating"... Uhm it is kind of male on male fruit bat r**e...:eek: you get the idea.


I personally love Avatar, but I feel that it belongs at DHS. They have all of these animals and science stations for kids to learn about biology and nature... and then we have Pandora. Hmmm.


Well-Known Member
I think if I lived near Disney World, I would adore Animal Kingdom.

However, our Disney trips are few and far between, and we come from a long distance away. We have three excellent zoos within a 90-minute drive from our home, so the animals are not a huge draw. Given our time constraints, we just don't have the luxury of spending large amounts of time in a park that is exquisitely beautiful, but has little to do -- and the things that we can do there don't have the same kind of "repeatability" as the attractions in other parks.

I really do appreciate the beauty and detail in the Animal Kingdom -- but if I have to choose between it and any of the other parks (and the fact is, given the brief length of our vacations, that IS a choice we have to make), MK and/or Epcot will always win the day.

Nor will Avatarland change that, unless it's packed with e-tickets: an entire land, ill-suited to the park, based on a film that DH and I thought was pretentious, ham-fisted and utterly forgettable except for its CGI achievements? I'm sure many others will enjoy it (obviously a few million people disagree with my assessment of the movie), but I think we'll pass.

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