Well-Known Member

----- (the area is made up of various anthills, long grass, dandelions and other plants)

It’s Tough to be a Bug
----- (weenie and landmark attraction)
A Bugs Life
----- (formerly unused area)
----- (a dark ride, similar to mister toads wild ride)

Heimlich’s Beautiful Caterpillar
----- (formerly animal area)
----- (caterpillar ride, similar to slinky dog zig zag spin)

Flik’s Flyers
----- (formerly adventures outpost)
----- (balloon ride, similar to inside out whirlwind)

Francis’ Ladybug Boogie
----- (formerly animal area)
----- (whip style ride, similar to alien swirling saucers)

P.T. Flea Market
--- (formerly island mercantile)
Doctor Flora’s Cabinet
--- (formerly discovery trading company)
Blueberry Troop 113
--- (formerly creature comforts)
Food and Drinks
PT’s Pizza
--- (formerly pizzafari)
--- (quick service themed to pt flea’s circus)
The Underground
--- (formerly flame tree)
--- (a quick service themed to the underground dwellings of the ants)
Molt Shop
--- (formerly isle of java)
--- (a walkup, with coffees, shakes and breakfast items)

--- (formerly tiffins)
--- (similar to chez remy in disneyland paris)
Bug Bar
--- (formerly nomad lounge)
--- (serves weird bug drinks)
--- (formerly terra treats)
--- (a walkup with bug related ice creams)
Rosie’s Eight Spoons
--- (formerly eight spoons)
--- (a walkup, with various banana treats and pj's pop)

On a Stick
--- (located towards the front of the park)
--- (a walkup, serving hot dogs, corn dogs and other stick related items)
Tuck and Roll’s
--- (formerly the smiling crocodile)
--- (a walkup, which sells different pastries)
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