Anger towards Six Flags


New Member
Nineinchnailsmk, Six Flags Great Adventure is just as bad as the Chicago park. A lot of low life ghetto trash from NYC and the inner cities of NJ frequent this park. It doesn't help that you can get in with $5 and a six-pack of empty Coca-Cola can or Shoprite register receipts. The new water park next to SFGA, Hurricane Harbor, is just as bad. My wife went with a friend, and she swore never again. Not only was admission high, but you had to pay extra to rent an inner tube, which was required for most of the rides!!! What a rip-off!

Needless to say, I'll take Disney's $53 daily admission, as high prices help keep the riff-raff out.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickey04
I went to Williamsburg last April. Good park, although the layout is confusing and the maps don't help much.
The layout is a circle is a way. This way the people can go around and hit the right spots, I know it is somewhat confusing though. I been there in 99 when apolos chariet opened and it became somewhat confusing but worked out in the end. Lines became low on the correct places.


New Member
Originally posted by smilez4011
I can't get myself to pay to go to our local amusement park (Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom) because the entire time I'm there I compare everything to WDW. lol So, I decided it's better to just save my money and go to Disney where I can actually enjoy myself.

I do the same thing too.....I compare everything to Disney. :hammer:


Active Member
I'd have to agree with the people that commented about SF Great Adventure. Our company holds a "fun in the sun" day annually there. Every year we share the park with a multitude of class trips. It's amazing to wait on line and listen to the vulgar language coming out of these kids' mouths. The employees are not helpful and outwardly display their obvious attitude that they don't want to be there.

I also agree with the comments regarding their version of the fast-pass...completely ridiculous to charge at least $20 to ride the 8 major coasters ( if you even call dull Skull Mt a coaster!). Not sure if anyone remembers what SF Great Adventure had before their "fast pass" would have to stand in line and literally make reservations as far as when you wanted to ride the coasters. They would hand you a slip of paper with a time for each coaster that you had to present to the employee at the entrance of each ride! :brick:

In regard to Busch Gardens - my husband and I made our first trip to Williamsburg last September. We liked the park, but we kept thinking that it could have been a little more accessible for wheelchairs and strollers. We were climbing some hills in a couple of countries! :eek:

It's so true that there is absolutely nothing comporable to a WDW experience!:)


New Member
Originally posted by smilez4011
I can't get myself to pay to go to our local amusement park (Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom) because the entire time I'm there I compare everything to WDW. lol So, I decided it's better to just save my money and go to Disney where I can actually enjoy myself.
Same here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we wnt to six flags in jersey and it was just GHETTO!!!!! the whole day m husband and I compared everything to Disney. We tryed not to out loud so we didnt ruin the kids day but it was horrible and the staff was just not friendly! Honestly, there were many times we had to shield our children from certain language and behavior. It was just disgusting! OR were we just use to the Disney standard? lol. It was then that we said we would never again complain about Disney prices cause you really do get what you pay for. Also I noticed your from PA. We are going to Hershey next week, what do you think about that park? We did visit a few years back and liked it but this visit was before we ever went to Disney. So were a llittle wery. Are we just used to above average now. You think we'll enjoy Hershey?:wave:


Active Member
Yes I'm from Pennsylvania....Hershey...... the chocolate is good!! And yes the whole town really smells like chocolate. The park....well :( ok It doesn't even compare to Disney. I live maybe 20 minutes away and I haven't been to the park for 12 years. They have added 5 new rides this year. In May for my sons birthday I took him to chocolate world which is right across from the park and you can get in free. The ride needs some serious renovations it walks you threw the various stages of how they make chocolate. They show you chocolate beans going across some conveyor belts. You can see where people got off the ride and picked beans off the belt .
Just for the record the first time I went to Disney ....we went to MGM first . We got on the Tower of Terror first. The left side elevator broke down. They had a mechanic in minutes to fix the elevator. In about 25 minutes it was up and working again. At Hershey a ride could be broken down all day . Sometimes simple things to others are BIG things .
Let me know how you make out.

Wilderness Lodge Aug 1997
Carribbean Beach Aug 2003


New Member
Got back last week from WDW with a stop to Universal and IOA. Universal's fastpass clone works similar to Disney's, but they also have a version for their resort guests (not sure how it works) AND one for $25 that in effect gives you an immediate fastpass for every ride (once only). We used it only becuase my brother in law gets affected by the sun very easily and Universal is a very hot park compared to any of the Disney parks. We felt bad using it because it seemed wrong to institute a "class-system" - we get to go in sooner because we could afford the premium pass.

Again - we only did it because my brother in law got heat exhaustion the last time he went to Universal, and he was very worried about it happening again.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
Why is Six Flags under the name "theme park" when it's such a lousy amusement park?

How come people always hear that there coasters get stuck and that people die??? How irresponsable... I was concidering going to one on a trip in holland but now I'm terrified to death!!!

That is why Disney rules!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

EDIT: Is warner bros movie parks anything like that? Because Warner bros. theme parks actually seem nice unlike six flags.. What do you guys think?

How many times is Test Track stuck? Didn't a guy die after getting off Splash Mountain (I know it's dumb but still he died) didn't a little kid get his foot mangled in the SE track, so Disney isn't the safest park in the world


New Member
How many times is Test Track stuck? Didn't a guy die after getting off Splash Mountain (I know it's dumb but still he died) didn't a little kid get his foot mangled in the SE track, so Disney isn't the safest park in the world

Im really getting tired of all you disney hating, immature, and obnoxious posts. First of all 99 out of 100 times test track is stuck is not do to a ride malfunction but rather a safety thing. The ride rarely breaks done however is stoped often due to extremely sensitive computers and sensors that monitor the ride. This is actually a good thing, and we should all wish six flags rides would do the same. About splash mountain well no one should be responsible for the stupidity of others. The way I look at it the man killed himself. As for SE i don't know I've never heard about that but wont say it is not true. While at disney if guest would simply be responsible for themselves and their children there would be very little injuries. No matter what you say Disney always has been and will remain the safest park in the world if not the safest place. And one more thing, SE both inside and outside, in appearance and ride quality beats out every ride at Universal if not any non disney park in the world.


New Member
Originally posted by pan11435
Im really getting tired of all you disney hating, immature, and obnoxious posts. First of all 99 out of 100 times test track is stuck is not do to a ride malfunction but rather a safety thing. The ride rarely breaks done however is stoped often due to extremely sensitive computers and sensors that monitor the ride. This is actually a good thing, and we should all wish six flags rides would do the same. About splash mountain well no one should be responsible for the stupidity of others. The way I look at it the man killed himself. As for SE i don't know I've never heard about that but wont say it is not true. While at disney if guest would simply be responsible for themselves and their children there would be very little injuries. No matter what you say Disney always has been and will remain the safest park in the world if not the safest place. And one more thing, SE both inside and outside, in appearance and ride quality beats out every ride at Universal if not any non disney park in the world.

ok, if I hated Disney I would never go, I love to go, but in MY OPINION I just think that Disney is not the best park around anymore. and you have got to be joking about SE.


New Member
Disney is still the best park around. Sure others may have a great ride here amd there but overall no one has ever and still doesn't compare to disney. SE like no ride at Universal both entertains, and educates, in an interesting and fun way. Yes the ride system is old and needs updated. However the level of detail, music , narration, and overall presentation is not matched any where. And you certainly can't forget the building. Which IMHO is one of the most most beautiful pieces of architecture in the world. As well as represents its park more perfectly than any building in any park with the exception of the tree of life.


New Member
Originally posted by tinkerbell2
I love WDW! It's the only theme park I have ever been to. However, because I have tickets to Six Flags that are buy one, get one free, I am going next month. Can anybody tell me the differences between Six Flags and WDW? I am not a thrill ride person, so how's the shopping?

The biggest difference is that six flags has absolutely no atmosphere. I went to six flags in new orleans a couple of weeks ago and my wife and I spent the whole time comparing everything to disney. I know its not a fair comparison, but attention to detail makes all the difference in the world.


New Member
Think of it this way GoofyMike...if you didn't have awful parks like six flags, what would disney have to stample on??? We need parks like these to remind us how good disney's got it!!!!! GO DISNEY!!!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
ok, if I hated Disney I would never go, I love to go, but in MY OPINION I just think that Disney is not the best park around anymore. and you have got to be joking about SE.

From your profile it sounds like you HATE Disney

And Ill quote from your profile
Next Visit to WDW: When my Sea World and Universal Passes expire

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by pan11435
Im really getting tired of all you disney hating, immature, and obnoxious posts. First of all 99 out of 100 times test track is stuck is not do to a ride malfunction but rather a safety thing. The ride rarely breaks done however is stoped often due to extremely sensitive computers and sensors that monitor the ride. This is actually a good thing, and we should all wish six flags rides would do the same. About splash mountain well no one should be responsible for the stupidity of others. The way I look at it the man killed himself. As for SE i don't know I've never heard about that but wont say it is not true. While at disney if guest would simply be responsible for themselves and their children there would be very little injuries. No matter what you say Disney always has been and will remain the safest park in the world if not the safest place. And one more thing, SE both inside and outside, in appearance and ride quality beats out every ride at Universal if not any non disney park in the world.

Will you please chill? people are allowed to have bad opinions about Disney but it doesn't mean they haven't got good ones.. And if it wasn't for those opinions disney would never bother to put in rides and entertainment so quickly!!! And another thing: I PERSONALY got very bored on SE which automatically doesn't make it "best ride ever"...... And stop offending other people when you write YOUR OPINION. It doesn't scare anyone... And by the way USF has some of the best rides which compete well with Disney... But who ever is here overall likes Disney #1!!!

Originally posted by www
Got back last week from WDW with a stop to Universal and IOA. Universal's fastpass clone works similar to Disney's, but they also have a version for their resort guests (not sure how it works) AND one for $25 that in effect gives you an immediate fastpass for every ride (once only).

They have those Universal Express thingys on almost everything don't they?

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I go to Six Flags Great Adventure a lot, because it is close and season passes cost next to nothing. We go during the week later in the day (for about the last three hours). We also go when the weather is bad. All the people leave and we get the park with no lines. We don't go at other times, because of the people there. They turn the park in to a giant day care center for immature kids. We only go when we know we won't have to deal with that for long.

As for their Fastlane system. That thing me off to no end. I can't understand what they are thinking with this system. They close a row on an eight row train for only fastlane people. So if there are no fastlane people...the row most of the time goes empty. Which cuts the ride capacity by 1/8. Making the line much longer. I was there last night, and we were riding Batman the Ride at about 8:30. We had a half hour wait (which we never have at that time). Since that row was being left open, people were hopping off the ride that they just rode, and going back on. Two rides with one line. This is the part of Six Flags that really ticks me off. No management at all. Sometimes I think I am at the Zoo instead of an amusement park, because it is ridiculous. No one has respect for anyone else (incuding the employees). People will push, shove, and do whatever it takes to make sure they are having fun (and trust me this happens a lot). Then you say something and most of them don't speak english or pretend not to know how to speak it. So I now go only when I know the people won't get me annoyed, and when I can expect not to have t wait because of Six Flags stupid fastlane.

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