And things were going so well...


Original Poster
Well, if your like me, you just read today's (March 5) site update and are feeling kinda depressed. Didn't it seem like things seemed to be looking up for a while- a slight increase in attendance, the return of early entry, a decrease in budget cuts. But with the upcoming war it looks like people are afraid to travel again and Disney has started instituting more cuts. Its hard to blame Disney, they really cant control this stuff. Anyway, anyone else feeling just plain frustrated like me? :brick:

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Originally posted by mickey04
Well, if your like me, you just read today's (March 5) site update and are feeling kinda depressed. Didn't it seem like things seemed to be looking up for a while- a slight increase in attendance, the return of early entry, a decrease in budget cuts. But with the upcoming war it looks like people are afraid to travel again and Disney has started instituting more cuts. Its hard to blame Disney, they really cant control this stuff. Anyway, anyone else feeling just plain frustrated like me? :brick:

i feel frustrated the other hand if attendance is down it means less lines when i go!!! although i encourage people to go on vacation down there all the time.....i wish more people could see past their fears and go on vacation normally


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is pretty sad.

Right after September 11, when people wanted us to prevent that from ever happening again, Bush and others said that we would have to be in it for the long haul to really root out terrorism. But in the long run, it should be successful, especially if these war-torn countries taste freedom and democracy (like WDW celebrates in many ways).

In the meantime, we can encourage family and friends to continue to support the economy and do the fun things that they normally do, including Walt Disney World.

Maybe when the President speaks again tonight, he should repeat what else he said after September 11, 2001: "Go to Disney World!" :animwink:


Well-Known Member
And these are just the cuts being made locally in Florida so that WDW can make the profit projections as they are now. There is no telling what will happen in the coming weeks with the quarter coming to a close and the shareholder's meeting coming up.

BTW, I can't really see how Steve is saying that attendance at the parks is slowing down to what it was two years ago, since this time in 2001 attendance was still doing half decent even with it falling. I don't know if that was a typo or not, but attendance was definitely lower last year in early 2002 with the September 11th fallout than it was in 2001. However, the bottom line-- and what was underscored in the update --is that attendance is spiralling downward even from the levels that the parks were getting in January of THIS YEAR. I can't even begin to overstate how bad this is because when you have attendance falling down from levels that you were getting just 3 and 4 weeks ago (especially when it is not an expected dropoff like you would expect after Labor Day or New Years), there is clearly a sign that something is going seriously wrong. In fact, attendance should be picking up from this point on until the latter half of April when it settles back down for the month of May. It's not, and it is throwing everyone for a loop.

P.S. On a personal note, one cutback mentioned (the reduction of Fastpass attractions) has me doing cartwheels in front of my monitor. Maybe Living with the Land won't be sitting on a 45 minute wait anymore.


Original Poster
Originally posted by pheneix

BTW, I can't really see how Steve is saying that attendance at the parks is slowing down to what it was two years ago, since this time in 2001 attendance was still doing half decent even with it falling. I don't know if that was a typo or not, but attendance was definitely lower last year in early 2002 with the September 11th fallout than it was in 2001.
I think by 2 years ago, he meant Sept. 11, 2001 and the months that followed it (even though that was really 1 and a half years ago.) ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
Sigh... They better start hyping Mission: SPACE to get some butts on down to Florida!

I can't wait to watch the specials and "commercials" on the Disney Channel!!:)


Well-Known Member
>>>I think by 2 years ago, he meant Sept. 11, 2001 and the months that followed it (even though that was really 1 and a half years ago.)<<<

That would explain it. It is unbelievable that it really has been that long since 9/11.


Original Poster
Originally posted by pheneix
That would explain it. It is unbelievable that it really has been that long since 9/11.

Yeah, i was really hoping things would start to turn around by now (not just at WDW, but the whole economy- but especially at WDW) Its getting harder and harder to remember what life was like before you would turn on the news to hear about raised alert levels, companies struggling financially, new terrorism alerts, and how close war is. :(

Well, now I think I'll go watch the president's news conference.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickey04
Yeah, i was really hoping things would start to turn around by now (not just at WDW, but the whole economy- but especially at WDW) Its getting harder and harder to remember what life was like before you would turn on the news to hear about raised alert levels, companies struggling financially, new terrorism alerts, and how close war is. :(

Well, now I think I'll go watch the president's news conference.
Indeed.... I think everyone thought things would be better by now. I watched some of the conference. I don't feel like getting into a political debate but I'll just say this...
Bush = crazy Texan that is hell-bent on war no matter what. :mad:
Another thing people need to remember be it Disney or whoever, people are loosing jobs at a rapid rate. Companies abroad are cutting people out in hopes to line their pockets with gold once again. Who gets hurt.. we all do. Whether we personally loose our jobs, we are affected by those who do. This is a tough time in America, there isn't many positive things to think about, but one gleaming thing to remember here, times will get better. Companies will start hiring again, moral will once again come up. And this isn't the first time Disney has seen hardships so keep all of your heads up and remember, Disney makes us feel good and positive when the state of the world is in dire need of something positive. Keep your head up..:)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Another thing people need to remember be it Disney or whoever, people are loosing jobs at a rapid rate. Companies abroad are cutting people out in hopes to line their pockets with gold once again. Who gets hurt.. we all do. Whether we personally loose our jobs, we are affected by those who do. This is a tough time in America, there isn't many positive things to think about, but one gleaming thing to remember here, times will get better. Companies will start hiring again, moral will once again come up. And this isn't the first time Disney has seen hardships so keep all of your heads up and remember, Disney makes us feel good and positive when the state of the world is in dire need of something positive. Keep your head up..:)
Well said. :D


New Member
Originally posted by goofyfordisney
Disney should offer some major incentives to get people down here.

(buy 1 ticket, get 1 free!) or something like that.

Disney doesn't have to offer incentives for people to visit! True die hard disney fans will visit no matter what. The company will be fine and amaze guest for years to come. Just like it amazes us everytime we visit! I can't wait to go again in July. :D

Hank Scorpio

New Member
I think the news report was slightly over exagerated...

It was only two days ago that there was a news report about Disney stock set to double in next two years... how on earth would the stock double if its major theme park core of their business is doing so badly?

Attendance is probably slightly low due to the lack of international visitors, and that's due to war looming in Iraq. Once they go in, bomb hussain and get it over and done with (I reckon it won't last longer then a week), things will go back to normal.


New Member
I really thin Eisner's time has come and gone. CEO's should have term limits, because after a while they get complacent and un-imaginitive, something that is so crucial at a place like Disney.

I feel like Disney will be back. This war will be over with soon hopefully, and hopefully Bin Laden will be captured soon and people will feel more like travelling then. I am going June 14th and nothing is gonna stop me and my friends from going.


New Member
We are visiting Orlando from the 3rd to the 17th of April, and to be honest this whole war thing has me a bit worried. I mean could it affect the parks dramatically, what happened during the first gulf war?:confused:



First, I hate when people give their opinions on War so stop it right away! Secondly, Disney SHOULD give incentives if the parks aren't doing well. It would make more people come down and then they can make money on everything else that's down there@! Thirdly, IF they are moving CM's from Epcot to MK then it shows to me again, how badly Epcot needs a face lift. If MK is still getting enough people that they can move CM's over there, then it proves the point again about how boring Epcot is becoming!!! I went down to Disney right after 9/11 and I didn't see a big drop in attendance. I didn't understand how bad they could be doing? I haven't been there since December but I know last December it was hopping. If attendance is definitely down, then they have to cut in some spots. Extra hours aren't necessary because you have plenty of time to do everything, that's the kind of thing that should be cut out. Anyway, if I had the money right now, i WOULD BE THERE!!! But unfortunately, I don't. I will go down at the end of the year though@!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mickey04
But with the upcoming war it looks like people are afraid to travel again and Disney has started instituting more cuts. Its hard to blame Disney, they really cant control this stuff
But don't you think that Disney are reacting just a little too quickly - what if they maintained their hours ? Those folks already down in Florida could forget reality and enjoy themselves. Those who were about to travel may just keep their reservations, and what about those who decide to travel on the spur of the moment ?
I think that Disney are cutting their own throats by reacting to something which might not yet happen (God, lets hope)


New Member
I can tell you things are bad down there right now. Closing shops, cutting part timers and college program majorly and closing early. But after people feel safe again Disney will have its appeal.

Its hard to feel like going back when they are searching your bags at the gate. Which they need to do, but gave me a eerie feeling.

Plus they closed the parks on Sept. 11th, because they are number 5 on the list of things the US goverment is concerned about.

It's hard to decide to go right now, but if you try in what happens will happens you may as well be at the "happiess place on earth"

Flying in 3 weeks to Miami and Disney in Sept, you can't stop living.

STOCKS will always get back to where they were!!

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