And if everything IS going fine with the people you came to WDW with.....


New Member
Original Poster
do you tend to find yourself in the hotel room next to a group that is apparently NOT getting along? I always find myself next to them-- it's kind of entertaining, I must admit!


Well-Known Member
I agree- either I'm always the last of all my "neighbors" to get in for the night or something- regardless, I never hear the people next to me and I pretty much collapse immediately after a long day taking on WDW!


Well-Known Member
I gotta go with TigsMom and Wild01Ride - I'm usually exhausted after being on my feet all day and usually pass out after taking a shower. I sleep hard at WDW.

Now the morning is different, especially if you stay at an All Stars - kids running up and down the hall in front of your door sounds like a herd of elephants.


New Member
A girl friend and I are traveling buddys. This includes Disney with my 3 girls and her 2 boys. On of our favorite thing to do at night is tuck the kids in, (we go for rooms next to eachother), pull chairs outside, usually in front of the rooms, but perfect to see the parking lot, grab a cold one and laugh at all the "happy couples" coming home from a long long long day at the park. Almost everyone is either arguing while dragging the kids, or doors are being slammed and no words exchanged. We feel terrible but repeat over and over that we are glad our husbands are happy at home, or on their own trips and that at least on this trip, those couples are not us. Disney is certainly the best place on earth, but very stressful.


New Member
I have never had any problems with any of my neigbors in any of the hotels or Condos we have stayed in. (Knock on wood) I think that if you do your thing and they do there thing then you shouldn't have any problems at all. Every one is happy when they go to Disney. That happiness stays with you!


Active Member
For my honeymoon back in 2002, we stayed at POR and we were always hearing yelling and the toilet flushing or running water almost all of the time. Not something you always want to hear. But it's always nice when it's really quiet.


Premium Member
Gucci65 said:
I sleep hard at WDW.

OMG me too. I never sleep so good as I do at WDW. My whole family just passes out at night and doesn't move a muscle until the alarm goes off!


Well-Known Member
wdwfanaustria said:
On my last trip I found myself next to a couple that got along very, very good almost every night!!!! :eek:

Pics and or recordings will verify your story...please submit promptly. :D


Well-Known Member
I have heard people fighting really bad for hours and then those people who like to knock the walls at night if you catch my drift.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
bgraham34 said:
I have heard people fighting really bad for hours and then those people who like to knock the walls at night if you catch my drift.
are you sure it wasnt the first couple making-up :D

OMT- im glad this is a family site because id get myself in so much trouble if i could say what i want to say........... but reframing, cleaning thoughts..... exhale


New Member
Yes, this has happened to me also. One of the reason I will no longer stay at a value hotel is because you can hear everything and the noise level is just horrible. Some people need to be more considerate and realize that the people next door may not want to hear their arguments all night! I find the moderate hotels are at lot more peaceful!


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
OMG me too. I never sleep so good as I do at WDW. My whole family just passes out at night and doesn't move a muscle until the alarm goes off!

You know you slept hard when you wake up in the same position you went to sleep in AND the covers haven't moved. It's all that walking and carrying a heavy backpack with everyone's goodies in it. Best sleep I get all year. Only bad thing is that I really need a day to recup, but always go right back to work the next day! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
MayKit said:
do you tend to find yourself in the hotel room next to a group that is apparently NOT getting along? I always find myself next to them-- it's kind of entertaining, I must admit!

I would rather be sleeping next to a couple NOT getting along than a couple getting it on :)

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