New Member
Hey guys. I haven't read any other posts than this^ (so I'm sorry if I'm missing something).Thanks guys. I'm shocked, too. Here I am, wanting so much to work at a place I care so deeply about, then they go and hire people who hate their lives at Disney. And I made my passion for Disney known in the interview... I wasn't going to tell you guys 'cause I was embarassed. I really don't believe it's a hard program to get into.
Everything wasn't in my favor...I hate talking on the phone. Hate. And I was so sick I couldn't even understand my voice I was so stuffed up. Not trying to make excuses for not getting it, just saying I didn't have the best of luck in the situation. :lol:
This is the second time I"ve been denied by them. Blah. I'm gonna keep trying, though. An in person interview will go over so much better for me.
Nicole... THANK YOU. If you had read my post I made earlier today, you would know just what an impact the bolded part has made. I wish I had half of your confidence and drive when it comes to going after a job you want. You're an inspiration to me today. THANK YOU. :kiss: