Well-Known Member
Not kidding, I was there. It was a happy coincidence. I don't know exactly when it was, but it had just opened and I think this was only like the second time we had been on it, so we were waiting in the big switchback queue they had set up infront of the building (45 Min. line) and the ride had just come back up from being broken for a few minutes. Minutes later, there he is in his Baseball cap with the entourage of security and executives, coming out from the bypass hallway and out the front doors, looking very upset.
We were all stunned (Never saw him ever or since) and asked one of the Cast Members, and said it was indeed him, and they were all panicking about getting the ride working again, and that they got it up with only five minutes to spare.

Now if Eisner rallied for more than Figment to return.... :lookaroun