American Idol Positive Influence on DHS


Original Poster
I kind of mentioned this is in the original AI post, but it got lost in the shuffle of the flaming of each other's comments. But I really wonder if anyone else feels the way I do.
First off, not a watcher of the show. I think reality shows have been the fall of TV. Just not my cup of tea. To each his own, if you like it fine. That being said, this is how I feel about this Attraction and the impact on the studios.
Couple of things, if I remember correctly when the studios was young, didn't they film Star Search there for a season. I know I have an old video and I am sure that was one the shows that was in production then. So at least the show kind of recreates the idea of a "Studio."
With that said, let me get to the meat and potato of my comment. This is a cheap way to replace an empty studio. Many people have said that it will have a short lifespan. Someone else said that when Simon is done with the show he will leave. So roughly give the show 2-4 more years of above average ratings. I have been saying for years, this season will be the downfall of the show, and again and again it has proven me wrong. So this thing is so dang popular this is a no brainer.
I feel when this show opens, it will be huge. I can see a separate entrance in the morning for people who want to see the American Idol show. I can see all fast passes gone by 9:15. During Spring break, summer, Pop Warner, the studios will be a zoo full of college and teenage kids who want to get that shot on the show. I picture Orlando locals coming everyday to try to get the exclusive tryout. I just see the park that needs a spike in attendance get one. Even if for two or three years, that show will pack them in.
Now imagine, DHS is the hottest Disney park because of this show..Can't you see stuff that has been rumored finally get the greenlight? Monsters Door attraction, Indy Coaster, renovate Great Movie, new Star Tours..etc. One or more of the things we have wanted may come true because of the increased attendance due to a show that the purists dislike. I am fine with that. I might go see the show, but there is no way I will wait more than a half hour for it. But there will be families that will make a trip to the studios just to see this show and possible get a child on the show.
And you know that next season they will bring in Paula, Randy, Simon, and Ryan and have one of their tryouts at DHS. What great synergy.

Does anyone agree with me? I am not a fan, and I think it really lacks creativity, but it gives me hope to get some attractions we have wanted for a while.


Active Member
In the end, even if AI leaves in a few years, the building can easily be converted into a generic Disney singing-talent show. :shrug:


I do agree with you it lacks all creativity and I think it's a huge waste of time, money, and land. I mean why not put in something that EVERYONE would like, not just targeting people who want to sing and be on american idol. I have no desire to be anywhere near this attraction because I don't watch the show.
The other thing that I don't like about this is that what about the adult population who is too old to audition for the show. Are they going to tell them that they can't participate? So this is targeted for a small group of people from 13-30 and that's it.
I just wish they would do something different, like based on their own ideas from an actual disney movie. and look what has happened to something that is a fad, exactly like who wants to be a millionaire? Disney should read our blogs to realize they are making a huge mistake!
Sure it would increase attendance, but it's for all the wrong reasons.
Stop american idol from taking over the world!!!!! I am soooooooo sick of it. :goodnevil


I think it will be wildly popular and it will send signals to Disney management that cheap shows like this can pull in loads of people so why spend so much on others when something cheap with a big brand attached can pull people in. I also see it bringing loads of those vile pushy parents you see trying to live out their dreams through their kids. That in turn will bring arguments when people that are not as good as them on the stage they will have a go at CM's over why they or their kid wasn't chosen. This is the only thing I have seen Disney do that I hate the idea of. Don't get me wrong I watch the show but I don't want to see it in the parks.


How is this bad?

I agree there will be positive effects even if some don't view it that way. Will it increase attendance? Yes and it won't cost $100 million dollars like a E ticket would. Is it better than an empty theater? Sure is! Even Doug live was better than an empty theater, (even though I slept through it the little kids there liked it.) Will it be gone in a few years? Probably, but I actually didn't want Millionaire to go as soon as it did. There was something about almost being at the really Millionaire and getting a feel for how the show really operated. I think that aspect of it will also give guests some insight about how a TV show is staged even though it won't have the stops, starts, and pauses a real production would have. Is it likely they would actually use it to do an audition stop next season? Why wouldn't they? If an empty arena in some random city pulls in 10,000 people who would stand in bad weather for hours work why wouldn't this? Use an empty sound stage to filter down who would actually see Simon, Paula, and Randy and let they do auditions after park close in the evenings, maybe even as a upcharge hard ticket event, Ka-ching!

For the entertainment value I hope people in tryouts will have music to back their singing. At the least soundtracks like they did on the show in the early seasons but I'd really like to see some of the WDW musicians back them live they as they do on the TV show now.

There is one thing I would hope they don't do which the TV show does. That is to put those trying out into the performance show before guests that really can't sing. I know it is part of the appeal for the TV show in the early episodes but I don't see that as a good match for what guests expects from Disney. Sure there are audiance participation sets that have some good fun with guests but nothing actually takes a personal shot at anyone. To see someone fail on stage and endure the embaressment would make me feel uncomfortable. It is the least appealing thing about the TV show and I'd just as soon not see it imported to the park version.


Account Suspended
I do agree with you it lacks all creativity and I think it's a huge waste of time, money, and land. I mean why not put in something that EVERYONE would like, not just targeting people who want to sing and be on american idol. I have no desire to be anywhere near this attraction because I don't watch the show.
The other thing that I don't like about this is that what about the adult population who is too old to audition for the show. Are they going to tell them that they can't participate? So this is targeted for a small group of people from 13-30 and that's it.
I just wish they would do something different, like based on their own ideas from an actual disney movie. and look what has happened to something that is a fad, exactly like who wants to be a millionaire? Disney should read our blogs to realize they are making a huge mistake!
Sure it would increase attendance, but it's for all the wrong reasons.
Stop american idol from taking over the world!!!!! I am soooooooo sick of it. :goodnevil

They are supposed to watch and vote for and cheer on the most talented performers - remember, no one wants to be passive at all anymore according to Jay Rasulo. Nope, not at all, that's why we're making a theme park attraction based on a reality TV show, because that's about as un-passive un-voyeuristic of a premise to base something on as possible.

Again, he's an idiot.


The whole age thing is confusing me....

So to go on the tv show you have to be 18-27? & in the park you have to be what ages? Also if you are not from the States you can still do it but there will be no prize?


Well-Known Member
Just think of it this way--

This is a one-for-one, even-stevens replacement swap for "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" (and the old "Lets Make a Deal" before that).

A live, theme park show of a popular TV show that uses familiar music and sets to give audiences a sense of what its like to be at a real TV-taping.

Both shows focused on audience interactivity. I'll bet they'll even end up hiring some of the old "Millionaire" live hosts for this new show.

The only difference (besides not being an ABC property) is that "Idol" is not going into the old "Millionaire" building.

But guess what? A brand-spankin' new E-Ticket attraction IS being built in the "Millionaire" building (and surrounding un-used soundstages).

So for those who say Disney should make better use of that space--- just pretend that the "Millionaire" building is getting an "American Idol" facelift, and that a state-of-the-art 3-D ride that attempts to rival IOA's "Spiderman" is going in the old ABC Theater. If that doesn't seem bad to you, then what's really happening at DHS shouldn't bother you, either.


Well-Known Member
I just think a show like the Aladdin one in DCA or something similar would've been much better. What about a parody comedy show on popular Hollywood movies with guest interaction?

:shrug: I dunno, American Idol just seems so narrow-minded. Disney sees the $$ of the show and thinks it'll be a direct translation...but, in the end, it may not.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you Disney needs a good attraction! AI will be good or worse let desided AI is great or not great attraction! I am a biggiest fan of AI!


New Member
I keep thinking about Disney’s theme of “dreams come true.” I’m not sure I want to attend an attraction where someone’s dream comes to an abrupt end. Something just doesn’t seem right about that to me.


Oh Meyla Weyla
I agree with the OP. This attraction is not a typical "theme park" attraction, but what's more important (granted, maybe only to myself and a few others) is that it's a "studio" attraction. I have always wished MGM/DHS was more like an actual working studio. I take vacations, heck I moved once, to CA to work at actual working studios. So I am looking at this, not as a stand alone attraction, but as an attempt to create what Disney seems to want to create with the re-naming of DHS... a Hollywood "working" studio feel.

Even in Hollywood, not everyone likes every show. There is virtually no possible way to create an attraction... or television show... that EVERYONE is going to like. It just can't happen (thank goodness).

Like it or not (I do, the OP does not, but it really doesn't matter) AI is a huge television hit. Yes, the attraction may be on a time table of usability due to the impending demise, at some point, of AI. But there will be, no doubt, at that time, yet another "working studio" type show that can be ushered in as it's replacement. I personally don't think there's much to worry about in the near future, but that's just me.

So, yes it stinks to think they'll have to change the attraction yet again down the road, but in reality, isn't that part of a working Hollywood studio? Things change with time. I see no harm, and frankly lots of good, in DHS bringing in various attractions, even if they are in the same building and come one after the other, that will create the feel of an actual Hollywood studio. Something, in my opinion, that has been sorely needed in this park to enhance the theme of the park itself.

Not to mention that the chance to audition for AI indirectly will be huge for certain people. I agree that the potential for this being a very popular tool for those that want to get onto the real show is very real. For those who watch the show, the age limits are a well known and accepted part of AI, so I don't see any issue with the attraction re-creation being the same. If Disney is going to actually send a daily winner to the front of the line for the real AI then those limits have to be followed.

All we need now are a couple of actual TV shows that tape from DHS and we'll be in business :cool:


Well-Known Member
I think it will be wildly popular and it will send signals to Disney management that cheap shows like this can pull in loads of people so why spend so much on others when something cheap with a big brand attached can pull people in. I also see it bringing loads of those vile pushy parents you see trying to live out their dreams through their kids. That in turn will bring arguments when people that are not as good as them on the stage they will have a go at CM's over why they or their kid wasn't chosen. This is the only thing I have seen Disney do that I hate the idea of. Don't get me wrong I watch the show but I don't want to see it in the parks.

I agree with all of your points. The future popularity of this attraction only sends the message that mindless, cheap shows are the way to bring in the crowds.

Someone in another thread mentioned the fact that WDW execs used this opportunity to get the *new* park, Disney's Hollywood Studios, in the media. The day it was announced, headlines about the AI show were on, E! Online, and Perez Hilton...great way to get your *new* theme park visibility in the media, hopefully leading to more people through the turnstiles.

I have no doubt this will work; however, I feel that these same media outlets would have similarly written about a show that allowed guests to be a part of "Lost," "Desperate Housewives," "Scrubs," or one of the other hot shows that either airs on or is produced by Disney entities ("Scrubs" is produced by Disney but airs on NBC). Particularly with Lost and Desperate Housewives, these are two of the hottest shows on television. Giving guests the ability to be in these shows with a new and improved Superstar Television would be huge (plus one show could be one of the Disney Channel shows to include kids - everyone would be included. What a novel idea :rolleyes:).

So, if Disney had utilized it's own phenomenally popular content in an interactive, SuperStar Television-like show, they could have gotten just as much media exposure, wouldn't have had to shell out money to Freemantle Media, and would be able to update the show often with new clips and shows as they become popular. I am not one to criticize Disney's decisions too often (although I don't like SSE, that's a result, not a decision); however, the decision to partner with AI really baffles me when I think about the points I mentioned above.


And you know that next season they will bring in Paula, Randy, Simon, and Ryan and have one of their tryouts at DHS. What great synergy.
i agree with what you said completely, i really believe that it will do nothing but good for the park(s) attendance wise, but...
i feel a cold coming on, because i'm not touching that park with a 20ft pole on that day


Original Poster
As I am reading all the replies to my original thread, I think people are seeing my opinion. And people have brought up great points. Do I wish it was one of the long standing rumors for DHS: Great Muppet Movie Ride, Indy Coaster, New star tours, Updated and Advanced Superstar TV, I would take any of these over this American Idol show, but in the long run, this show combined with the Pixar Place and TSM will help bring something big and huge to the studios. Let this theater keep cranking out show productions after the AI show. That will bring back the original studio idea. The attendance will spike and the folks at WDI will bring us some new things we have been waiting for.

Mufasa's Pride

New Member
I kind of mentioned this is in the original AI post, but it got lost in the shuffle of the flaming of each other's comments. But I really wonder if anyone else feels the way I do.
First off, not a watcher of the show. I think reality shows have been the fall of TV. Just not my cup of tea. To each his own, if you like it fine. That being said, this is how I feel about this Attraction and the impact on the studios.
Couple of things, if I remember correctly when the studios was young, didn't they film Star Search there for a season. I know I have an old video and I am sure that was one the shows that was in production then. So at least the show kind of recreates the idea of a "Studio."
With that said, let me get to the meat and potato of my comment. This is a cheap way to replace an empty studio. Many people have said that it will have a short lifespan. Someone else said that when Simon is done with the show he will leave. So roughly give the show 2-4 more years of above average ratings. I have been saying for years, this season will be the downfall of the show, and again and again it has proven me wrong. So this thing is so dang popular this is a no brainer.
I feel when this show opens, it will be huge. I can see a separate entrance in the morning for people who want to see the American Idol show. I can see all fast passes gone by 9:15. During Spring break, summer, Pop Warner, the studios will be a zoo full of college and teenage kids who want to get that shot on the show. I picture Orlando locals coming everyday to try to get the exclusive tryout. I just see the park that needs a spike in attendance get one. Even if for two or three years, that show will pack them in.
Now imagine, DHS is the hottest Disney park because of this show..Can't you see stuff that has been rumored finally get the greenlight? Monsters Door attraction, Indy Coaster, renovate Great Movie, new Star Tours..etc. One or more of the things we have wanted may come true because of the increased attendance due to a show that the purists dislike. I am fine with that. I might go see the show, but there is no way I will wait more than a half hour for it. But there will be families that will make a trip to the studios just to see this show and possible get a child on the show.
And you know that next season they will bring in Paula, Randy, Simon, and Ryan and have one of their tryouts at DHS. What great synergy.

Does anyone agree with me? I am not a fan, and I think it really lacks creativity, but it gives me hope to get some attractions we have wanted for a while.
Thanks for the new point of view, Fritz and Ernst!

This single show will gain twice the publicity than big money E-tickets like Soarin' and Expedition Everest for less than a quarter of the price. American Idol will probably mention a blurb about the attraction on one of this week's shows. Depending on how realistic the stage looks, American Idol might FILM (that's right, film) a few episodes at WDW or hold one of the real auditions at DHS.

Can you imagine in 10 years having the contestants say, "I'm going to Disney World." instead of Hollywood?

In order to combat the publicity that Universal is getting for HP, Disney needed a pop culture icon attraction to shine the light back on them. This is their solution to shift the attention, boost DHS attendance, and dare I say please the average guest. More of the average park goers in this day and age would appreciate this show and attract more fans more than a Muppet Ride or Nightmare Before Christmas attraction.

Just my two cents.....


New Member
I kind of mentioned this is in the original AI post, but it got lost in the shuffle of the flaming of each other's comments. But I really wonder if anyone else feels the way I do.
First off, not a watcher of the show. I think reality shows have been the fall of TV. Just not my cup of tea. To each his own, if you like it fine. That being said, this is how I feel about this Attraction and the impact on the studios.
Couple of things, if I remember correctly when the studios was young, didn't they film Star Search there for a season. I know I have an old video and I am sure that was one the shows that was in production then. So at least the show kind of recreates the idea of a "Studio."
With that said, let me get to the meat and potato of my comment. This is a cheap way to replace an empty studio. Many people have said that it will have a short lifespan. Someone else said that when Simon is done with the show he will leave. So roughly give the show 2-4 more years of above average ratings. I have been saying for years, this season will be the downfall of the show, and again and again it has proven me wrong. So this thing is so dang popular this is a no brainer.
I feel when this show opens, it will be huge. I can see a separate entrance in the morning for people who want to see the American Idol show. I can see all fast passes gone by 9:15. During Spring break, summer, Pop Warner, the studios will be a zoo full of college and teenage kids who want to get that shot on the show. I picture Orlando locals coming everyday to try to get the exclusive tryout. I just see the park that needs a spike in attendance get one. Even if for two or three years, that show will pack them in.
Now imagine, DHS is the hottest Disney park because of this show..Can't you see stuff that has been rumored finally get the greenlight? Monsters Door attraction, Indy Coaster, renovate Great Movie, new Star Tours..etc. One or more of the things we have wanted may come true because of the increased attendance due to a show that the purists dislike. I am fine with that. I might go see the show, but there is no way I will wait more than a half hour for it. But there will be families that will make a trip to the studios just to see this show and possible get a child on the show.
And you know that next season they will bring in Paula, Randy, Simon, and Ryan and have one of their tryouts at DHS. What great synergy.

Does anyone agree with me? I am not a fan, and I think it really lacks creativity, but it gives me hope to get some attractions we have wanted for a while.

What's so exclusive about this tryout? Even if you win at the end of the day, you only get a pass to audition for the TV show, an audition that is open to anyone in the appropriate age bracket.

So basically, you're watching a recreation of Idol that leads to...nothing exclusive.

Then again, chances are good that, despite what Meg Crofton says, the "talent" featured during the show will be...hit or miss with an emphasis on miss.


Original Poster
From what I can see, the exclusive tryout being that at one of the main cities, you do not have to camp out and wait for days for the audition. Apparently, they will get a "fast Pass" to the front of the line for the auditions.


Well-Known Member
From what I can see, the exclusive tryout being that at one of the main cities, you do not have to camp out and wait for days for the audition. Apparently, they will get a "fast Pass" to the front of the line for the auditions.

That would be an AI "exclusive fast pass" only available at WDW. And mark my words, Disney will discover talent in this process and I am sure somone will end up on a Disney produced show directly from a tryout at DHS. Just my opinion.


New Member
But guess what? A brand-spankin' new E-Ticket attraction IS being built in the "Millionaire" building (and surrounding un-used soundstages).

So for those who say Disney should make better use of that space--- just pretend that the "Millionaire" building is getting an "American Idol" facelift, and that a state-of-the-art 3-D ride that attempts to rival IOA's "Spiderman" is going in the old ABC Theater. If that doesn't seem bad to you, then what's really happening at DHS shouldn't bother you, either.

Not to rain on your parade, but TSM isn't an E-ticket. It's been reported that it's more like a D-ticket (whatever that means!). So I guess it's not really attempting to rival Spiderman, but we'll see after it opens.

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