Am I crazy? Daddy/Daughter Trip


Well-Known Member
Well, my little girl starts kindergarten next week (year round schedule: on 9 weeks off 3 weeks). Her first 3 weeks off is the second half of September and leading into October. I will be finishing and earning my MBA on Sept 11 (poor planning on the college I think). As a result, I have a choice to send my daughter to track-out camp or take her to WDW. The other week of track-out she will stay with my mother instead of camp. Unfortunately, DW cannot go because of the start of her school year and lack of vacation.

I do not think I have any issue taking my DD5 to WDW on my own. It will be 6-days/6-nights (arrive early Sunday, leave early Saturday. My question is whether any other parents have taken a young child that basically cannot be left alone by themselves or am I crazy thinking I can do this on my own?


Well-Known Member
definately do it I take my 2 girls every year n out of all the trips hubby has only been along twice,the only time it was really difficult was when they were 5 months n 2 yrs,but ever since its been not too much different then when hubby comes along
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JillC LI

Well-Known Member
****Caution**** IF you don't know how to fix her hair, braids, pig tails, bows etc...learn it now. She will appreciate it as will your wife!

What a great tip! :ROFLOL:

But I agree, do this trip! It won't be your typical "relaxing" vacation, but it will be so much more for both of you.
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Definitely do it. I took my daughter on a weekend-long trip when she was 4 years old and my wife was pregnant with our son. She was too far along to go with us. My daughter still brings it up 7 years later about how much fun she had with just the 2 of us going.

Last year, my wife and I planned a weekend trip to Disney without the kids. She woke up with a bout of the stomach flu. I ended up taking both of my kids for the weekend by myself since she couldn't make it. My son was 4 and my daughter was 9 and while it was a little nerve-wracking trying to keep up with both of them, it was totally enjoyable.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I'll be honest, I've thought of doing this, but I think going on any vacation without Slappette would only break her heart. We've got another Slapperina coming before long, but I've even thought of taking the elder Slapperina for even an extended weekend one year, then when Slapperina2 is old enough, give her an extended weekend too, and also plan trips each can make with her mommy without me. I...don't think that's going to happen. :lookaroun Even talk of the family going to WDW and taking Slapperina the Elder out while Mommy and Baby nap is being met with icy indifference: "why would you want to go without the whole family? You two might need naps, too, you know."
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Flights were booked previously and I booked the trip this morning and have the confirmation number. We are at AS Sports mainly because Pop did not have the package and it is the first stop at the AS resorts. Resort really makes no difference to us. My daughter will love any of them.

No more worries or concerns with taking her. The only problem I now have is table dining. With free dining, much is already booked. I will get that all squared away soon enough though. Most likely we will only be going to MK, AK, and DHS. My daughter does not really like Epcot. So, I figure 2 days at each of the others will do it along with pool and naps at the resort.

As for doing her hair, she does not like it too much. She may want a ponytail one day, but that will be about it. She will definitely want one of those $25 hair wraps and that is budgeted in.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
The only problem I now have is table dining. With free dining, much is already booked. I will get that all squared away soon enough though. Most likely we will only be going to MK, AK, and DHS. My daughter does not really like Epcot. So, I figure 2 days at each of the others will do it along with pool and naps at the resort.

Will you have a car, or are you strictly relying on Disney transportation? Only asking because there are plenty of restaurants in the various resorts that don't tend to sell out the way the in-park restaurants and the ones in the monorail resorts sell out. But of course, without a car, you do have to budget more time to get to them...
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Original Poster
No car. I got most of my dining reservations done this morning. I will be constantly checking to find better opportunities.

We always start at AK because we get to the park around lunch time due to flights. This is how are ressies go:

9/18: Rainforest Cafe @ 5:15 for dinner and an early night to relax at the resort
9/19: Liberty Tree Tavern @ 4:30 for dinner (we will just be getting back after a nap)
9/20: Hollywood and Vine @ 8:25A for breakfast
9/21: Crystal Palace for dinner @ 3:40P (this will change most likely)
9/22: Tusker House @ 9:35 for breakfast (ride Kilimanjaro then eat)

One more to make and one to possibly change. We will see how it goes.
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