Alternatives to the dreaded pack?


Well-Known Member
So my 7 year old wants to carry his own stuff around the parks (his "grown-up" stuff aka his school id, his Disney dollars, and whatever change or rocks he finds lol). He's too young to be responsible for a wallet, but I don't really dig packs (no offense to those that do). Anyone know of any good alternatives for kids? It needs to be something he can't easily lose.


Well-Known Member
I think everyone needs to embrace the WDW pack. I know I wouldn't wear one back home in the real world, but I don't wear a goofy hat around town back at home either. :D

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Well-Known Member
My granddaughter just turned 9 and is the same way. She's all into carrying the things she's come to think are important to take into the parks. She carries a small soft vinyl backpack. It's water resistant so that helps especially in the summer months but it fits her autograph book, a snacks, bottle of water if needed, her pressed penny book, and her change purse as well as whatever else she comes across. It could hold a lot more but I'm a minimalist when it comes to doing the parks so I encourage her to keep it simple. She carries it all day except when we get onto rides. I want to make sure it's stored appropriately etc...but she's known from the first moment I will not carry it. I'm not one of those people who says sure bring the kitchen sink because the grown ups will carry it for you...not gonna happen. We've both done the pack thing from time to time depending on the circumstances and I find it can be handy since it leaves a child hands free. We took a soft material zipper top sort of like a make up bag I got off a sales rack at target and added a strap that she wears as a pack at times. It's a manageable size and the soft material lies flat so it's not a big bulky thing like so many packs are.
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