All Star Movies or Pop?


New Member
Just trying to decide on a hotel for the next trip, which do you guys think is the better resort? We will probably be renting a car, if that makes a difference.

Cosmic Commando

Well-Known Member
Greetings from Amherst! :wave:

Go with Pop: bigger food court, newer resort. Anecdotally, the big tour groups that people have trouble with seem to gravitate towards the All-Stars versus Pop.
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I second POP. Also, you don't have to share buses. I just came from All-Star Music, and in the afternoons, the park buses stop at all 3 resorts for pickups and drop offs. :cool:
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Little Lion Man

New Member
POP is the way to go. I agree with the above post about the buses. Plus its closer to EPCOT and Hollywood, which is a bonus to my family. It wasnt as noisey as All Star Sports either, which is the only All Stars we have stayed at.
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Well-Known Member
I've never stayed at Pop, but I would definitely recommend All-Star Movies. We spent a week there in August, and it was a GREAT experience. I absolutely loved the movie theme - we were in the Toy Story section (my son is a huge fan, so he was in heaven), and it was really quiet and our room was very clean. We had rented a car, so I can't speak for the bus service, other than to say anytime we drove by the main building, the lines never looked too crazy. We spent one evening at the pool, and it was crowded but not uncomfortably so, and I never saw anyone being obnoxious. We'll definitely be staying here again the next time we take our son!
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Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
Pop is our favorite resort so I would have to say Pop. I haven't stayed at AS Movies, but I did stay at AS Music. The food court at Pop is bigger and they have a bigger selection with their food. I personally LOVE the theme at Pop, no matter how many times we've stayed there, we love to walk through the main hall and look at all the things from the different decades. Like others have said, Pop also has their own busses, and the rooms have been updated lately.
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Active Member
We were at POP in August. The resort was at capacity, so the bus lines in the morning were crazy. It took two buses before we got on one to go to MK. And it was six buses before we got on one to return from MK that evening. The bed and pillows were comfy. All of the pools were busy, not just Hippy Dippy. The laundry rooms, I went to all three, had out of order machines and the change machines weren't working either. The food court does has a wide range of choices and we never had a problem with finding a seat. I was able to move through the food court with no problem. I've stayed at ASMu three times. One time there, it was wall to wall people in the food court, it was hard to get through. Seating is plentiful at All-Stars. With All-Stars, you would have three food courts to choose from and six pools to use. More pools is what my DH likes. The multi-bus stops, is no different than multiple stops at the moderate or deluxe resorts. I thought ASMo was undergoing a refurbishment.:shrug: If you will be driving to the parks, perhaps base your decision on themeing.
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Active Member
Hello from Lockport!

We have stayed at Pop and All Star Music and I would go with Pop every time comparing to the other Value resort that we have stayed at. Pop is a little more 'resorty', there is a walking path and the water. Also, I think the theming is extrodinary and still often wonder how the legendary years would have turned out if they had not decided not to proceed with construction.
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all the replies, especially those of you who are from Buffalo, it's nice to have a little corner of the internet to chat about disney. Things are leaning towards Pop right now, but we're still waiting to see on AAA discounts...anyone know when those come out?
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Ski mouse

New Member
I would choose Pop. We stayed in the 50's section. I thought the food court was better then the All Star Movies. You have your own bus sharing for now!.....the retail store had(when we were there) a great selection of Disney clothing, that we did not find elsewhere. I was there with my daugher (age 3), and my wife.
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JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Just remembered a third it possible at either Pop or ASM to get just a King bed room, or do all rooms have 2 queens?

Having stayed at both, definitely Pop over ASM.

As for the beds, the rooms in value resorts have either two double (not queen) beds or one queen (although I think I've seen the occasional single king room as well - perhaps someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that).
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I Haven't stayed at either yet but I booked at Pop after doing lots of research on this site as we were deciding between the exact same 2.

As far as the AAA discount here in Canada we Have CAA(Same as AAA just canadian) and they saved us $300 per room from the disney prices and of course got us the ticket discount and we booked for march 2012 a month ago.
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Well-Known Member
Having stayed at both, I'd choose Movies. Much better atmosphere than Pop. Better and less crowded food court. Much better pool bar. Better main pool.

The whole bus thing, I won't bother getting into again. Let me just say that at the All Stars, "sharing" is a very loose term. It's like saying Yacht and Beach share. It's not as if you're driving all over the place. Oh, the heck with it. If you're staying at Movies:

1.If the buses aren't being shared, end of story.
2.If the buses are being shared and you seriously can't stand being on the bus for an extra 5 minutes, get off at Music and walk.

Having stayed at all the All Stars, it always makes me wonder if the people complaining about the "bus sharing" have ever actually stayed there. If you understand the bus system there, you'd realize it's an advantage.
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