Trip Report All Aboard The Hot Mess Express!! (AKA my 21st Bday in WDW)

Welcome everyone!

I have been back from WDW for almost a month and I'm finally ready to start my TR. I feel like I start all my TR's with that little disclaimer haha.

I did have a little PTR, if you would like to read it you can find it here

Let me warn all of you now, this TR is going to be VERY picture heavy. I bought a new Nikon D3200 before we went and I was learning how to use it so I was very snap happy with my pictures. I took about 4,000 and ended up deleting more than half and now I'm left with 1,500 and I will use almost all of them for the TR because I Feel like pictures show the trip better.

We had an amazing time and I'm very excited to share this report with you all, it was my 21st birthday and I loved spending it in my 2nd home. As for the title of this report... we will get to that later haha :hilarious::hilarious:

So who's ready to get this train out of the station?!?! Ha, see what I did there? Hot mess express... Chou Chou.... haha AND AWAY WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all had alarms set for 8 am, our plan was to leave our house around 9 so we would miss the main chunk of rush hour. Of course, the excitement was bursting from some of us, mainly just me and my sister (I swear we really are 18 and 21, but from how we act about WDW you'd think we were 10) we were both up, along with my mom before our alarms.

I was already packed and ready to go, I changed into my car clothes and went around making sure everyone else was ready! Ashley still had to finish packing :banghead::banghead: I made sure to chew her out for that. I let her know MY car was leaving at 9am sharp with or without her. If she missed it, she was gonna have to ride with the parentals.

Early on, we decided on taking two cars. 5 grown adults were NOT going to fit comfortably in my parent's Kia along with everyone's bags. So it was Me, Josh, and Ashley in my car, my parent's in their car.

Once 8:55 hit I was loading up my car. Well I was actually telling Josh how to fit everything and he loaded the car up haha, gotta love man power :happy:

At 9, we were all standing around the kitchen table waiting for my dad to walk our dog, Nala (yeap, even our dog has a Disney name) so we could bring her to my grandparents.


Ashley's "DISNEY" face :eek::eek: don't tell her I posted this hahahahaa :hilarious:


Josh's face screams "It's way to early for this much excitement from you all" this was his first trip since he was 3 so I was treating it like his first trip ever. WOoooooooooo Disney virgin!

My car was on the road by 9:05. By on the road, I mean we drove 2 miles to the closest Starbucks and got coffee so I would survive the 3 hr drive while everyone else got to sleep

here's the first food pic of the trip!


I got a cake pop and a caramel macchiato yummmmmmmmy

Ashley got banana bread I think

She also got some coffee drink, I'm not sure haha. Ashley is Vegan, so I never really know what she gets. It was tough for her to eat at the parks but we will get to that later.

Now here we had my first "I'm gonna kill Josh" moments of the trip. I love my BF to death, but he takes his sweet time ALL THE TIME. He decided we wanted a drink of the "secret menu" which meant the barista had no idea how to make it so he had to explain it 3 TIMES. I kept saying "Josh I'm going to leave you" he just didnt care. Didn't he know it was Disney time?!?!?!

I'm pretty sure I turned 21 waiting in that Starbucks... lol FINALLY we were on the Turnpike heading north to WDW!!!! :D:):happy:

The ride up there, we had DJ Ashley controlling the music. We had a mix of Disney, Broadway, Country, and Rock going. Definitely helped pass the time. As for the drive, we hit little to no traffic we missed all of rush hour which was awesome! South FL has a heck of a rush hour lol.

After our good 3 hours of driving we saw something great! No, not the WDW sign (we were almost there!) we saw our exit! We got off on Osceola Pkwy and continued our tradition of playing Queen's greatest hits. I have no idea how the tradition started, but we've been doing it since I was 5 and we know ALL of the words to every song on that album haha..


Osceola Pkwy! See my Ariel driving with me? :joyfull::joyfull:


We're almost there!!! Definitely couldn't hide our excitement! :cool::cool:

Eventually we saw this, the last sign before the big one!

We could see it in the distance!!!

I handed Ashley my phone, couldn't trust Josh with something this important haha.

We were getting close....




Ashley and I were yayying, Josh was laughing and shaking his head haha

Once on property, we had a mission. We had to go get Josh's Seasonal Pass from DTD, plus I had to see this new awesome parking garage!

The construction on the road made it a little hard to figure it out, luckily I've been to WDW more than a few times so I pretty much knew where to go. We got to the new garage and it was so easy to find a spot thanks to the technology they have in there.

They have a sign outside saying how many spots are open on each level and then they have lights above each spot, if it's red its taken, if its green its open. So no wandering around aimlessly trying to find a spot!

Walking to West Side from the garage

Josh, don't look so excited.... lol I swear he was excited!

Ashley was on the phone with her friend who was coming to meet us at DTD, she lives up in Orlando and works at the "other parks" lol


Miss photogenic over here....

One thing about all the construction, you pretty much had to park at West Side and walk over to marketplace if you drove. SO we hoofed it over to MP to get his pass. That took almost no time.

We were waiting for Sammi, so we looked around World of Disney and I found something ADORABLE!!!

It's so cute!!!! I love Ursula and baby Ursula is adorable

Sammi called and said she was looking for a spot, so we headed back to WS

I was loving the new bridge

We didn't walk across it, but it is pretty lol

On the way, we passed by the new bakery. Can't remember the name of it, it use to be BabyCakes in Pollo Campero, but that closed and they got their own shop. It's a completely vegan bakery so Ashley was dying to try everything.

She got their version of a Thin Mint

She was in love obviously lol. I tried it, it was amazing!

Josh and I split the brownie with espresso frosting

It was good, but way too sweet for me. Made my teeth hurt lol.

On a side note, do you see how dressed up the lady in the back of the picture is?!? It was a Wednesday at like 1pm in Disney. She looked like she was ready for a night out....

We met up with Sammi and headed over to Boardwalk for check in....

Will our room be ready 3 hours before actual checkin? Guess you will have to wait and find out....

Thanks for following along, more coming soon:)



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More of Day 2 continued! End of FOF!

These beautiful fairies graced us with their presence...


I love how the "float" around, it makes me think of the spinning balls from Spectromagic. I really do miss that parade

Prince Phillip came by..


He REALLY bothered me. All he was doing was walking around thanking people for coming to watch him slay the dragon today.... ummm excuse me? I'm pretty sure we're all here to watch the parade... NOT YOU. Idk he was just very arrogant haha. I wasn't a fan. Even Josh was like "That's a joke right? No one is here for that fake Justin Beiber" Everyone around us was dying of laughter haha


We could see the dragon in the distance! I was afraid that it wasn't gonna breathe fire because of the rain



We got very lucky! The dragon did go off!


Just after it went off, it started to POUR... We were super lucky since the parade was almost over. I was terrified of ruining my brand new DSLR so I sprinted into the Emporium. Good thing Josh was paying attention because I left my camera bag on the ground, I had my camera just not the bag with my lenses in there lol. He grabbed it and ran after Ashley and I...

We got everything situated in our bags and stuff and decided since it was raining, the best thing to do is to head to a ride! Shorter wait times

For some reason, the ride we decided to go on first was the People Mover lol


I'm thinking that maybe we were really tired from all the running around, so that's probably why we decided on the PM



So we got off the people mover... and here is where I'm kicking myself for waiting 6 months to finish off this TR because I dont remember why or how we got here, but we ended up going from the People Mover to the StoryBook Circus train station... lol and we got on the train!

No Idea why or how we went from one land to another, but we did according to my pictures.

I do know the rain was getting harder and we probably decided to ride the train to avoid walking in the rain. I took this picture because I felt bad for that family...

We ran by some CM's who had to wait for our train to pass before they could cross the pathway and it was raining very hard... Sorry CM's!


I ended up putting my camera away again because the rain got harder... and the wind was causing it to soak the people on the train. We kept getting hit with very cold rain. But for some reason the train seemed like a better idea to us instead of walking around getting rained on

We rode on the train for 1 1/2 loops around the MK. Very relaxing lol.

We got off on MS and took some pictures from above the station




I love the GeoFilters for SnapChat!


That's all for now folks! More to come tomorrow!

Thanks for reading


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It was around 4:30 at this point and we decided to get back on the train because it was still raining....

Here is how Ashley and I felt about the rain splashing on us on the train...


The rain stopped almost right after the train started moving from the Main Street station and the skies turned blue it was crazy!

We ended up getting off in Frontierland and decided we were all hungry so we stopped somewhere I've been dying to try. The Golden Oak Outpost!

Josh and I got the BBQ Pulled Pork fries to share and Ashley got the Poutine. We all shared with each other


Those we our fries


Those were Ashley's

I really liked ours and I'm not a huge BBQ fan, and I despise coleslaw haha. But ti all worked together with the huge waffle fries underneath!

Ashley loved hers, but I wasn't a huge fan. The cheese curds were cold and not really melting onto the fries. Which I think is the best part lol.

With full bellies, we were ready to conquer the Kingdom!

Our first stop was POTC. Josh LOVES this movie franchise so this was a must do I feel like Stacy from the in room videos haha. Time to do the must dos!



POTC was good as always. Josh loved it, especially the Johnny Depp AA's.

The Sun was starting to set and we just so happened to be walking by the Swiss family treehouse so we decided to head on up


We barely ever go in here so It was fun to take our time and look around at all of the details




Looking at that picture makes it feel like you're not even in a theme park... it's so peaceful looking




And with that, our trip through the treehouse was done....

I have to start some laundry for our trip in 6 DAYS!!! But I will be back to post more later tonight!


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The sun was starting to set and I knew I wanted some pictures in front of the castle, so we crossed over into the hub




As you can see, Josh started out smiling but then Ashley took a million pictures and wiped that smile right off his face... Josh hates pictures lol So he behaved until he got annoyed. Oh well, I still got good pictures.


I could get used to view like that....

Then Ashley decided she wanted some pictures....


Isn't she super photogenic? I'm pretty sure you all are realizing now that she makes some of the weirdest faces and takes some crazy pictures haha


Then I got some payback by taking a BUNCH of pictures of her. This was the last one I got before she walked away lol


Once our little photoshoot was over we headed into a different land.. where did we end up!?


Any idea where I took that picture?

If you said Stitch's Great Escape, you were right!


I am not a fan of that attraction, granted I didn't like Alien either. But I just think it's a waste of space. Kids are always getting scared in there because of the darkness.

The first time we went on it years ago, Ashley got TERRIFIED. So badly that she was halfway out of the harness screaming "I NEED TO GET OUT NOW" that the CM came over and let her and my dad out. She was a lot younger, but still they tried to make the ride fun but being held down in the dark is NOT my definition of silly and fun lol

We continued on into Tomorrowland over to a favorite attraction of mine...


Laugh Floor! I love the cheesy terrible jokes, and I love the audience participation.

The rest of the night was very random, my family has always been more of a "let's play it by ear" kind of group. So we are not huge fans of the new FP+ system and ADR's and stuff like that. I remember when you could walk up to almost any restaurant and get a table. Now it's pretty much "Good luck to you" if you dont make any ADR's.

We also did a lot of zig zagging around the park too that night. We went from Tomorrowland over to Jungle Cruise! We only ever really ride this at night. It's a lot cooler at night and I think it gives it a completely different feel.


Our Skipper was hilarious, he added in some of his own jokes which definitely made it funnier. I wish I could remember stuff he said right now but it was so long ago lol.

Now when one is in Adventureland and they want a snack, what do you do?

Get a Dole Whip of course!



We all got the Vanilla/Pineapple swirl floats. Which I just found out you can't get the swirls anymore and you can only get pineapple. Which is disappointing, I loved the vanilla with the pineapple... oh well lol

We actually ended up crossing over through that little entrance right by Aloha Isle into Frontierland and ate our DW over there.

We people watched and relaxed a little bit and enjoyed our treats

I am exhausted and off to bed! I will finish day 2 tomorrow!

Thanks for following

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