Trip Report All Aboard The Hot Mess Express!! (AKA my 21st Bday in WDW)

Welcome everyone!

I have been back from WDW for almost a month and I'm finally ready to start my TR. I feel like I start all my TR's with that little disclaimer haha.

I did have a little PTR, if you would like to read it you can find it here

Let me warn all of you now, this TR is going to be VERY picture heavy. I bought a new Nikon D3200 before we went and I was learning how to use it so I was very snap happy with my pictures. I took about 4,000 and ended up deleting more than half and now I'm left with 1,500 and I will use almost all of them for the TR because I Feel like pictures show the trip better.

We had an amazing time and I'm very excited to share this report with you all, it was my 21st birthday and I loved spending it in my 2nd home. As for the title of this report... we will get to that later haha :hilarious::hilarious:

So who's ready to get this train out of the station?!?! Ha, see what I did there? Hot mess express... Chou Chou.... haha AND AWAY WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We all had alarms set for 8 am, our plan was to leave our house around 9 so we would miss the main chunk of rush hour. Of course, the excitement was bursting from some of us, mainly just me and my sister (I swear we really are 18 and 21, but from how we act about WDW you'd think we were 10) we were both up, along with my mom before our alarms.

I was already packed and ready to go, I changed into my car clothes and went around making sure everyone else was ready! Ashley still had to finish packing :banghead::banghead: I made sure to chew her out for that. I let her know MY car was leaving at 9am sharp with or without her. If she missed it, she was gonna have to ride with the parentals.

Early on, we decided on taking two cars. 5 grown adults were NOT going to fit comfortably in my parent's Kia along with everyone's bags. So it was Me, Josh, and Ashley in my car, my parent's in their car.

Once 8:55 hit I was loading up my car. Well I was actually telling Josh how to fit everything and he loaded the car up haha, gotta love man power :happy:

At 9, we were all standing around the kitchen table waiting for my dad to walk our dog, Nala (yeap, even our dog has a Disney name) so we could bring her to my grandparents.


Ashley's "DISNEY" face :eek::eek: don't tell her I posted this hahahahaa :hilarious:


Josh's face screams "It's way to early for this much excitement from you all" this was his first trip since he was 3 so I was treating it like his first trip ever. WOoooooooooo Disney virgin!

My car was on the road by 9:05. By on the road, I mean we drove 2 miles to the closest Starbucks and got coffee so I would survive the 3 hr drive while everyone else got to sleep

here's the first food pic of the trip!


I got a cake pop and a caramel macchiato yummmmmmmmy

Ashley got banana bread I think

She also got some coffee drink, I'm not sure haha. Ashley is Vegan, so I never really know what she gets. It was tough for her to eat at the parks but we will get to that later.

Now here we had my first "I'm gonna kill Josh" moments of the trip. I love my BF to death, but he takes his sweet time ALL THE TIME. He decided we wanted a drink of the "secret menu" which meant the barista had no idea how to make it so he had to explain it 3 TIMES. I kept saying "Josh I'm going to leave you" he just didnt care. Didn't he know it was Disney time?!?!?!

I'm pretty sure I turned 21 waiting in that Starbucks... lol FINALLY we were on the Turnpike heading north to WDW!!!! :D:):happy:

The ride up there, we had DJ Ashley controlling the music. We had a mix of Disney, Broadway, Country, and Rock going. Definitely helped pass the time. As for the drive, we hit little to no traffic we missed all of rush hour which was awesome! South FL has a heck of a rush hour lol.

After our good 3 hours of driving we saw something great! No, not the WDW sign (we were almost there!) we saw our exit! We got off on Osceola Pkwy and continued our tradition of playing Queen's greatest hits. I have no idea how the tradition started, but we've been doing it since I was 5 and we know ALL of the words to every song on that album haha..


Osceola Pkwy! See my Ariel driving with me? :joyfull::joyfull:


We're almost there!!! Definitely couldn't hide our excitement! :cool::cool:

Eventually we saw this, the last sign before the big one!

We could see it in the distance!!!

I handed Ashley my phone, couldn't trust Josh with something this important haha.

We were getting close....




Ashley and I were yayying, Josh was laughing and shaking his head haha

Once on property, we had a mission. We had to go get Josh's Seasonal Pass from DTD, plus I had to see this new awesome parking garage!

The construction on the road made it a little hard to figure it out, luckily I've been to WDW more than a few times so I pretty much knew where to go. We got to the new garage and it was so easy to find a spot thanks to the technology they have in there.

They have a sign outside saying how many spots are open on each level and then they have lights above each spot, if it's red its taken, if its green its open. So no wandering around aimlessly trying to find a spot!

Walking to West Side from the garage

Josh, don't look so excited.... lol I swear he was excited!

Ashley was on the phone with her friend who was coming to meet us at DTD, she lives up in Orlando and works at the "other parks" lol


Miss photogenic over here....

One thing about all the construction, you pretty much had to park at West Side and walk over to marketplace if you drove. SO we hoofed it over to MP to get his pass. That took almost no time.

We were waiting for Sammi, so we looked around World of Disney and I found something ADORABLE!!!

It's so cute!!!! I love Ursula and baby Ursula is adorable

Sammi called and said she was looking for a spot, so we headed back to WS

I was loving the new bridge

We didn't walk across it, but it is pretty lol

On the way, we passed by the new bakery. Can't remember the name of it, it use to be BabyCakes in Pollo Campero, but that closed and they got their own shop. It's a completely vegan bakery so Ashley was dying to try everything.

She got their version of a Thin Mint

She was in love obviously lol. I tried it, it was amazing!

Josh and I split the brownie with espresso frosting

It was good, but way too sweet for me. Made my teeth hurt lol.

On a side note, do you see how dressed up the lady in the back of the picture is?!? It was a Wednesday at like 1pm in Disney. She looked like she was ready for a night out....

We met up with Sammi and headed over to Boardwalk for check in....

Will our room be ready 3 hours before actual checkin? Guess you will have to wait and find out....

Thanks for following along, more coming soon:)



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DAY 1 PART 5: ASHLEY BECOMES THE STAR! Or at least she thinks she does...

Right at the end of the show I got a call from Ashley saying they were sitting in the theater for our first FP, Indiana Jones. She was sitting with Sammi and Alexis, apparently the CM didn't care that Ashley was the only one with a FP and let them all in, worked for us... lol

We had less. than 5 minutes before our FP window was over so Josh and I power walked, seeing a theme here? First two attractions and we're rushing.. hopefully the rest of the TR is slow and relaxed right?

We cut through streets of America, through the Muppets area, right through the Star Wars area and hit the theater with 1minute to spare! We touched our bands and BOOM! Green! Lucky us because we were the LAST ones they let into FP. Everyone else had to go through stand-by. The theater wasn't full yet, but we wanted to sit in the center.

We met up with Ashley, Sammi, and Alexis and sat down with plenty of room in our row. Ashley had one goal since she turned 18, she wanted to be an extra in this show. She had always wanted to be on for the Backlot tour as well but since that closed down, this would have to do.

While waiting for the show, we plotted how we were going to make sure she was noticed lol.

Not long after, the casting director came out looking for extras!


See the lady in with the yellow around her waist? Remember her, she will show up again very soon!


Again, he picked more people and Ashley was not chosen. All of us were hollering and yelling at him, still he ignored us.

Finally, he was looking for his final few extras. At this point everyone around us was helping us yell for him lol. Guess what..


HE PICKED HER!!! Oh yeah! Proud sister moment... I was in the show a few years before so it was her time lol.

Here are Alexis and Sammi's proud faces..


Some talking and laughing. The guy in the green was from another country (don't remember where) and did not speak any english so he had NO idea what was going on


Look how good Ashley was doing! All those years of theatre definitely paid off right?


Green shirt was REALLY into it for someone who had no idea what was going on... lol

The extras were whisked away and it was time for some action!


"Indiana Jones? He's cute" Oh Stacy, if you only knew how much we quote your cheesy lines....


If you guys can't tell by now, I'm REALLY good at getting the back of people's heads in my pictures.. oh well


Woah, watch out Indy... that could have been really bad :eek:


More spikes :confused::confused::confused::confused:


Don't you just hate wall sits?

Sorry for the weird captions! These pictures are making me laugh more than they probably should lol :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:


I was so excited for Josh to see the boulder part and guess what! This is the 2nd time in a row I've seen the show and the boulder never came out.... the trapdoor worked though, Indy fell right through but that's it... :bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling: Oh well, hopefully next time

The started setting up for the next scene and we got to meet Indy


He actually was pretty adorable... if you're into Harrison Ford look alikes lol

He talked about something, I don't really remember cause I was distracted by his face lol

Finally! They brought out the REAL stars of the show... THE EXTRAS!


There's Ashley! Smiling away like she won the lotto. She's the one in the red cloak on the right

Quick! Everyone act like a crowd!

Remember the lady who had the yellow around her waist? That's her pretending to take pictures. She was HILARIOUS. Everyone thought she was an actor planted in the audience.


I think he said act happy, and only 3 people got it. Ashley, the girl next to her and the foreign guy... lol makes total sense right??



Aren't those acting skills amazing up there? Do you all see the lady I was just talking about up there? Shes GREAT


This picture was a personal favorite of mine.. Ashley looks hilarious :hilarious:


If you notice Ashley again, she's giving us peace signs... Why? I have no idea....


Thanks for reading!


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I'M BAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so sorry everyone! It was the end of my sisters senior year so it got CRAZY here very quickly. But it's finally all over and I am back to finish the rest of my TR. Plus I have exciting news! today marks exactly 100 days until my family's big Food and Wine Trip! :D

I will be posting more on this TR tonight!


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Day 1 Part 2: March 25th, We CHECK IN... Or did we?

We got in our cars, Sammi and Ashley were following me and Josh in my car. My parents somehow ended up 5 minutes ahead of us and were pulling in to the resort.

We met my mom up at the valet area so we could unload the cars, the bellhop took everything and Josh and I went to park after a little mishap where I didn't know where to go for guest parking... oops haha. We barely stay at Boardwalk so I was a little confused. I'm use to Kidani at AKL!

We walked up and saw this gorgeous sight...


Josh said he was impressed so far.. good sign!! haha


I love the grounds here so pretty :inlove:

We found my mom and the bell hop and guess what... OUR ROOM WAS READY!!!!!!!!! BOOM! :jawdrop:

Knowing it was an extremely busy time, being the week before Easter and everything so we were not expecting that. This trip was definitely on it's way to being great. The bellhop (really wish I remember his name, he was so nice and helpful!) showed us to our room. We were on the 5th floor I think... I knew I should have written notes for this TR! Oh well, we had a room facing the parking lots and the front of the resort. The picture above is pretty much what we saw from our balconies. Still pretty in the mornings, plus we could see the backs of some of the countries in Epcot! But we will get to that in a later post...

We got a newly renovated room, which was very nice. Some of the fixtures in the bathroom had plastic coverings on them they forgot to take off haha. I felt privileged.

Here are some pictures of the room...

We were bummed that chair wasn't like the other ones at AKL and OKW, at those resorts the chair pulls out into a twin sized bed. Ashley usually sleeps on them. Oh well kid, air mattress for you...


I tried to take a nice picture but of course they had to jump in...


No idea why Sammi's eyes are closed lol oh well o_Oo_O


I had to zoom in on Ashley's beautiful face... she made me promise I wouldn't post it here. Shhhh... she doesn't have to know :p:p


The master bedroom, that bag didn't come with it haha that's my mom's. I loved the pictures behind the bed!


The bathroom that 5 sometimes 6 of us had to share... oh yeah fun times I tell you lol


REALLY nice shower.. I definitely enjoyed it after a day in the parks


The thing Ashley and I were most excited for what in that picture above... A LIGHTED COSMETIC MIRROR, WITH 10X ZOOM ON THE OTHER SIDE! :eek::eek: Doing our makeup in the morning was going to be easyyy because of that.. not that Ashley ever let me use it but still it was nice to have... or so I heard :mad:


Jacuzzi tub, this one was shallower than other ones we've had in other resorts. Not that I'm complaining, just pointing it out!


Ashley modeling the window to the room lol, remember that whole photogenic thing? Yeah...:oops::oops:

Once we were done exploring the room, it was decided... TIME TO HIT THE PARKS! My parents wanted to go to Epcot, we wanted to go to HS, or should I say what was HS, now to be named some secret name no one can know for a month.... I don't deal with change very well.... sorry :D:D:D:D:D lol

We all changed into our "park clothes" which are totally different from our car clothes trust me... haha. Well for Ashley they are, I just changed into yoga pants. Josh put on shorts haha

That is all I got for now guys, our first park visit in the next post I promise! Thank you as always for following along, I really appreciate it!

UP NEXT: We make it into HS for our FP's... OR DO WE?

You got the renovated wing, like we did!!! Hurray!!! That looks exactly like our room, as a matter of fact. It was not room 2004, by any chance? I know they are all cookie cutter and this is a ridiculous question by the way.



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DAY 1, PART 6: Who killed that lady?!?!?

Again, I'm so sorry I've been MIA from here!!! Life is crazy, but I'm finally finding time to come back and continue my TR! I am determined to finish this TR before we go on our trip in October. Which by the way, is only 74 days away!!!! I'm so excited!

Anyways, back to this TR!!!

When we last left off, Ashley was starring in the Indiana Jones show. Well, starring isn't the word I would use lol, but still.

Remember the crazy hilarious lady who was also participating in the show? Well she got chosen to be shot with poison darts and "die"

So here is her hilarious "death"


She was so funny, and was definitely having fun with this!


Before we knew it, the acrobats were ready to go!




Some awesome flips!


The acrobat in the front looks like he is falling lol


FInally, Indy showed up to save the day


I love how excited the crowd looks at the bottom of the picture lol




At this point in the show, they opened up the backdrop and the sun was coming in from behind so my pictures started turning really badly very quickly lol.


This was the last picture I took, they all were so dark, I gave up lol

The Indy show finished, Josh liked it, and Ashley, of course had the time of her life lol.

We were all dying to go on TOT, which is my favorite ride. So off to Sunset Blvd we went!

Ashley and Sammi lookin all fabulous infront of TOT

I was trying to take pictures of my favorite ride, and the girls decided to get in the way


But they did get a cute picture from it, so I guess I'll let it slide lol

FINALLY, they got out of my way and I did a little photoshoot with my ride




Are you sick of looking at it yet? No.,. good me neither lol


Just one more... For some reason I love taking pictures of TOT from this angle. I do it almost every trip


That is all I have for now. There will be some more tonight!

Thanks for sticking with me! lol


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Great additions and off course we stick with you :)
Thank you :)

Can't wait to hear more about your 21st! I spent mine there as well and it was the best!
Disney birthdays are just so much better than normal birthdays lol. Especially the 21st! Thanks for following

Glad you are back to posting. Looking forward to more of your report!
Thank you for following!

Your pictures are amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing. And happy belated 21st birthday!!! :)


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DAY 1, PART 7: Checking into the Hollywood Tower Hotel, FINALLY!

We were in line for TOT, turns out we didn't have FP's for TOT but standby was only like 15 minutes so we hopped in line! Alexis didn't come with us, she says that she hates TOT but it's only because she's terrified of it. We were all there once haha


Apparently, I was really into these vines


Ashley then decided to be my model instead of the vines


And to pass the time, they did some princess poses



Is anyone else obsessed with the ceiling in TOT?


No one else? Just me? Awkward lol.




Ashley then found her twin while waiting for the pre show



Josh looks so zoned out. He was probably just taking all the detail in lol. Especially since I just kept talking about how much I love everything on TOT


He finally zoned back in and Ashley abandoned her twin and we all took a selfie

Our ride sequence was awesome, I don't remember it exactly but I know that we dropped the full length twice. Josh loved it! We actually went right back on without letting Alexis know lol.

Our 2nd sequence was just as good as the first!

When we got off the ride the 2nd time, it was time for our TSMM FP, only the problem was Ash and I were the only ones with the FP's. Ashley and Sammi wanted to go do something else, so Josh took Ashley's band and we went to TSMMM

I made Josh actually wear the band because I'm a horrible GF. Ashley's band was Tangled theme and covered in pink glitter. He was not enjoying it lol. He wouldn't let me take any pictures cause he's a party pooper

We got in the FP line


I like our photobomber in the left corner behind Josh haha


We got our glasses! I wish they'd update these glasses to the type they have at Star Tours. Those stay on so well! These fall off my head :(


So the whole time in line, I kept telling Josh how good I was at this ride. He wasn't having it and kept saying that I was going down. Well here were the scores


I WON! Oh yeah! haha

I then decided I needed to go to the drawing class because I love it and so far we had rode everything for Josh. It was my turn to make the decision!

I will be posting more soon, and wrapping up our first day! I am sorry this TR is soooo long. But I took SO MANY pictures lol.

Thanks for following along!


Well-Known Member
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Off course following along! And WOW I am not wearing dresses ;) LOL but love the Pink Floyd dress!! More than great! Thanks for the updates and off course looking forward for much more :) show the SO MANY pictures :)
haha glad you're into all the pictures!

Happy belated 21st! I'm glad I found this wonder TR with so many excellent pics.
Thank you! :)

I love the report!! Can't wait to read more of it!! Tower of Terror is my favorite ride so I'm glad you posted all the pictures!! :)
Thank you!!!! TOT is such a great ride and it has so much amazing detail!


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DAY 1 PART 8: We become animators!

Josh and I headed over to Magic of Animation to do the drawing class and it's a good thing we did because as you all probably know, they closed that building this month... :(

We hopped in line for the drawing class and I found a new GeoFilter for SnapChat


The girls met up with us in line and we all made it into the class to draw. We ended up drawing either Chip or Dale, I don't remember which one lol. That's what I get for waiting this many months between my trip and TR :D

I have no pics of the drawing class or our drawings. None of us liked our own drawings lol. I'm no artist, trust me. If anything, makeup is my medium that's it lol.

So yeah, no pictures. But after, we still had an hour or so until Fantasmic seating began so we headed over to GMR! It's funny actually, while we were there Turner Classic Movies announced their new sponsorship for that ride. So we rode it one last time with the old pre and post show movies and stuff. Excited to see the new stuff next trip in October!

We got the coveted red card!


Turns out, I do have a picture of one drawing. Here is Alexis proudly showing off her drawing, before she ripped it up and threw it out lol


They split us up in the last 2 rows of the ride


Hooray for Hollywood....

Footlight parade!


I recently found out that this scene was a lot more interesting when this ride first opened. The tiers of the cake all spun around and water shot out from it. Plus there were 3 more girls on diving boards and stuff. I read and article about it and became somewhat obsessed with finding videos and pictures of it. I'm weird like that lol

Here's a video I found on YouTube so you can see how it used to look

If you just want to see the Footlight Parade scene start it at 1:00 minute

We went flying with Mary and Bert


But unfortunately a Gangster came and hijacked us from our tram driver :arghh::arghh::arghh:


I was really hoping for a Cowboy, but I didn't feel like waiting for it lol


We ended up coming face to face with an alien, but I'm glad to say we did make it out alive!

Finally, we found our original driver! She saved us from the gangster and then took us into the jungle!


The jungle led us to the front end of the Jungle Cruise plane :D


We then followed the yellow brick road, and found a wonderful selfie opportunity we couldn't pass up


Our journey through the movies was over, I had to wake Josh up once it was over. He did not like the ride at all. Even now, we're talking about our next trip and he keeps saying he will ride anything except that ride. I love GMR so I'm not sure why he didn't like it so much... He says it's cause its boring. Oh well, he's going to go on it lol.

Sammi and I then found somewhere to Show our Disney Side


I REALLY love the whole Disney Side thing. It needs to stay FOREVER! I know Disney's tried a bunch of different themes over the years, and Disney Side is the one that's stayed the longest, and I really do think it's a great theme for fans and guests.

Once we showed our Disney Side, we still had a while until Fantasmic so we decided to ride RNR, I think we either had FP's or we went single rider, I can't remember



We pretty much walked right on RNR, and still had time left! So what happens when you're down Sunset Blvd and you've got time to kill? Ride TOT of course! Especially when the wait is only "13 minutes" which is TOT talk for 10 minutes or less!

Sammi got the red card


That's all for now folks! I should be finishing up day 1 tonight!

As always, thanks for following along!

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