Alien Enocunter - Stitch Makeover rumor persists


New Member
Lose Alien Encounter? I hope not! I like that attraction! Skippy! Woo! "Oh shut up, Skippy, you're not hurt, you've just got a healthy glow." Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah. This is one of the best Disney has to offer, using old fashioned scares mixed with state of the art technology. It's one of the few rides that doesn't need a rehab. Now Peter Pan's Magical flight could use some work...


Well-Known Member
Hey uh... MaelstromRocks... do you have any idea who or what Stitch is?...

If they put in this stitch that every people talks about, it will be bad because alein encountier is good for the family but stitch is not.
Okay, 'this Stitch' is one of the most marketable characters to come out of Disney in years. I saw the movie 3 times and I think I would have caught a small, blue alien cursing. They thing doesn't cuss. I think you are simply confused or way off base. I consider Stitch much more family-friendly then Alien Encounter. In fact, it's TOO family friendly... that's why it needs a dark ride instead of taking out the most intense experience in the Magic Kingdom.
...and my sister likes not being in the dark.
I assume you mean she doesn't like the dark. And you say she can sit through AE? ........okay.........:confused:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By jrashadb-
Don't dignify this Maelstrom person with an answer.
Oh come now... that's a little harsh.... :rolleyes:

I can see where you are coming from but if this guy is really confused about it I would like to maybe help him out. If he is saying that to just cause problems.... well, we all know what will happen if he keeps it up.


New Member
Originally posted by MaElStRoMROCKS
i hope this is not true because i like alien Encounting because it is a good ride all the family can ride together because it doesn;t go upside down and my sister likes not being in the dark. If they put in this stitch that every people talks about, it will be bad because alein encountier is good for the family but stitch is not. Stitch use bad language and my family doesnt like to ride things together that use bad language and if they put stitch in and he uses bad language in the ride we will never ride it again as a family and my sister is small!!!

Uh....... malestromrocks............You are a VERY confused person. From what I have seen of the movie I do not see anything or hear anything that Stich says or does that is offensive or vulger or any bad lanquage, Also from you comment

i like alien Encounting because it is a good ride all the family can ride together because it doesn;t go upside down and my sister likes not being in the dark.
Have you accually been on AE? I dont think you have. AE is a DARK ride and has ellements that will scaring your pants off, so if your sister doesn't like the dark or gets scared easily how can she go to AE.

Finally........... malestrom rocks.........You must be still in grade school from the way you consistly embarrass your self with your comments.


Originally posted by Kicker

Oh come now... that's a little harsh.... :rolleyes:

I can see where you are coming from but if this guy is really confused about it I would like to maybe help him out. If he is saying that to just cause problems.... well, we all know what will happen if he keeps it up.

heh... good points.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bearboysnc

I'll say.. in his profile he lists WONDERS OF CHINA as his favorite firework show.

Come on, just because his favorite park is the Magical Kingdom and his favorite resort is Diensy's Blizard Beeach? It's obvious the gyu has background and knows what he's talking about! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By bearboysnc-
he's also a pASSHOLder!!!!11!!!
LMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:

That is one of the funniest things I have ever read...

Have you talked to him via IM's? Do you know this for a fact?

HA HA HA!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
I have never enjoyed AE-I thought that it wasn't scary at all. It is just scary enough to scare little kids who don't (usually) even go see it. I think that by bringing Stitch into the show in whatever way they are going to do so will be good for the attraction since more parents will be more likely to take their kids to see it. All of my friends loved Lilo & Stitch, so I think that it's a great idea to encorporate one of the newest Disney animated movies into the park.


New Member
I thought the AE attraction was fine the way it is now. Many Disney rides/attractions have been "toned down" for the enjoyment of children. Teenagers need thrill rides/attractions to satisfy their adventurous spirits. AE should stay the way it is.



New Member
I am a teenager & I already think that AE is NOT SCARY at all. It never has been & never will be. So I don't see any problem with them taming it a little more so kids will get to experience it (& w/a cool character).


Well-Known Member
Shoot... I don't think it's scary either. But I still ride it every time I go simply so I can laugh at the people who are screaming their heads off because they don't know better.

Ahhh, the power of the imagination......


Of course Alien Encounter isn't scary. It's in ta theme park. It's in a controlled environment. You know the alien isn't real. It isn't supposed to be really scary. It's a theme park attraction.
The thing about that and all the other rides in the parks is that you must suspend disbelief for a second and enjoy the attraction for what it is. I don't think the hippos in the Jungle Cruise are real, I don't think the Dinosaurs in UoE are going to attack me, I don't think I'm falling into a briar patch on Splash Mountain, I don't wonder if they move the COuntry Bears to AK at night so they can sleep... but I enjoy going on those rides anyway. Know why? Because it's a theme park for god's sake. And that's why you're there -- to have fun.
It doesn't matter if it's scary. It's fun. And if they did something to change AE it would not be as fun.

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