Alien Enocunter - Stitch Makeover rumor persists


Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I love AE just the way it is!

BTW, Skippy is a very kewl character! :)

*applause* :sohappy:
I couldn't agree more. Leave AE alone...
If they should change anything, they should change the tiki Room back to the way ot used to be. The new attraction is fancy. Before, it used to be Disney cheesy, which is more than acceptable. Now, it's just dumb and annoying. And, has anyone noticed they couldn't get Rowan Atkinson to come back and reprise his role... I'm just not a fan... but I'm drifting.
AE shoud either stay the way it is, or they should do something with the alien to make it more believeable and scarrier.
but, Skippy is cute... putting Stitch in his place would be dumb and cheap... Would Stitch ever take the abuse SIR puts Skippy through? I think not.


Well-Known Member
Put Blinkley in the glass tube... that way you still have the marketablity of the movie... but 'suspend indefinantly' a character no one would really care too much about. And I am sure David Foley would be mroe than willing to reprise the role.

Keep Skippy guys, come on.


Originally posted by cymbaldiva

:cool: Thanks man... Guess great minds really do think alike! :lol:

Indeed, they do. I had a nice time in epcot today. it rained for most of the day, but a little water from the shy isn't nearly enough to ruin a trip to Epcot for me.


Originally posted by cymbaldiva
I hope you had a really great time! :) Wish I could have been there!

Is the sign still b*** ugly? :lol:

HAHA.. yes, yes it is. I went with friend who hadn't been there in about 6 or 7 years that thought the sign was interesting... of course, this friend also thought the sign was temporarry...
Oh, I only wish.


New Member
I was at the world about 2 months ago, and basically got attacked by some old guy who acted like he taught eisener everything he knows. I don't know why such a low level (crazy) cast member would know so much of disney's plans, but some of what he said is starting to come true, at least as far as rumors go.
So here is the list of things he told me, that all of you probably already know:
No new 5th park (which he said there was no chance it owuld be a remake of disneysea), one was in the very preliminary planning stages (hey, we ought to have a new park), but the orlando work force has been exhausted because of Universals island adventures, which is apparently sinking them like Atlantas. Disney doesn't want to follow in these footsteps. The 5th parks funds will instead go into 2 projects, 1.A new land at AK which will not be the much rumored beastly kingdom, as disney sold the double dragons plans to universal. The new land will be Australia, he said something about a thrill ride, but I don't remember any details. 2.300 million rehab of Epcot, which besides small things would go to a new country (again he said a specific country, but I don't remember), a thrill ride in the world showcase, specifically germany where they would have a matterhorn type of attraction. A new ride between the living seas and the land, where according to screamscape some people were out taking mesurements the other day. Might as well jump on the bandwagon and start getting photo updates of guys figuring out benches are 3 feet tall all the way to the to the finished attraction.

Take it or leave it, If you like crazy people, make this your bible. I hope it's true.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bretsyboo
300 million rehab of Epcot, which besides small things would go to a new country (again he said a specific country, but I don't remember)

The original plan for World Showcase included the countries sponsoring their respective pavillions. That's why Brazil rejected the invitation, at the time. With the world economy the way it is today, which country has the power (money) to support a pavillion in EPCOT?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted By Bretsyboo-
A new land at AK which will not be the much rumored beastly kingdom, as disney sold the double dragons plans to universal.
Okay, I have to say that a great deal of us agree that Beastly is not going to happen in this decade at least. But, and this statement really ruins this CMs credibilty for me, Disney didn't sell the 'double dragons plans to universal'. Why would they do that? That and the Dragon Tower concept didn't have you riding a dragon, you were riding a bat escaping from a dragon. The queque was themed to a haunted castle, and the similarities in concept ended there. Universal 'got the plans' because Disney let go a nice, big portion of the Imagineers who were working on the project and Universal picked them up quickly.

I think this CM get's most of this 'information' from heresay and websites. Most of this stuff has been heard before.


Well-Known Member
Universal 'got the plans' because Disney let go a nice, big portion of the Imagineers who were working on the project and Universal picked them up quickly.

This was the worst thing Disney could do. The same thing with animators. Hire and train an elite staff... then "fire" them. Of course you've just created and trained the enemy.


New Member
Originally posted by Kicker
Put Blinkley in the glass tube... that way you still have the marketablity of the movie... but 'suspend indefinantly' a character no one would really care too much about. And I am sure David Foley would be mroe than willing to reprise the role.

That might be a good idea funny is Foley did "Pleakley's" voice, not Blinkley.

He was voiced by Kevin McDonald, not David Foley


Well-Known Member
I just saw Lilo and Stitch for the first time a few minutes ago, and until then I had no idea how this sort of rehab could work. The film wasn't bad, and it made me laugh out loud a few times, but I'm going to have to side with the people who fear that the movie just isn't memorable enough to justify a permanent alteration. Just because one of the first scenes of the movie showed an alien crawling through ducts and causing general havoc doesn't garuntee that a re-creation of that scene is going to make a good attraction, let alone one that gels with the rest of Tommorowland. You see, I believe Tommorowland to be the single best crafted "land" in any Disney theme park today, a perfect blend of neon 50's Jet-age optimism, Wellsian/Vernesque steampunk, and modern digital intrigue with just the right pinch of Disney cuteness thrown in (Buzz Lightyear). This is like a well-crafted soup, and throwing in a whole cup of extra sugar is going to ruin it. Stictch as an attraction could work, but it's not worth what it would do the land.

Now, perhaps if they installed it on the boarder between Fantasyland/Toontown...

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