Alien Encouter!


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What did you think of the Extra Terroristal Alien Encouter :king:. How does it compare to Stitches Great Escape! NO NEGATIVE PUTDOWNS\INSULTS PLZ


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We think it does not come close to the appeal of Alien. We really liked the Alien - but it was definitely a teen/adult theme. The switch to Stitch to appeal to the younger kid crowd doesn't work on our 6 year old granddaughter anymore than it does for us either. Some themes just can not be re-imagineered. We really miss Alien.


Well-Known Member
I think what makes SGE appear worse is that it is poor but retains the same ride structure as AE. I think people would begrudge a Stitch replacement less if AE had been gutted and a whole different style of attraction put in place.


Well-Known Member
I can't compare Alien Encounter to the Stitch thing because I haven't been to Disney since they installed it.

I can say that Alien Encounter was a whole lot better and more interesting than Mission to Mars. Encounter was a great ride and showed a lot of creativity and deep theming. The preshow (After the Tim Curry revision) was probably the best part, and easily one of the best Disney preshows of all time since it managed to explain a complex attraction story concept, provide a laugh or two, and provide a sinister and exciting mood for the attraction to come. The attraction itself didn't quite achieve the right balance of "Scary/funny" that classics like Haunted Mansion or Pirates did, but it came closer than most, and all without resorting to exploiting existing Disney film/TV property.

Here's to hoping they might bring it back some day, if only to counterbalance the girly tinge the princess expansion is going to bring to the park.


Well-Known Member
Alien Encounter is waaayyyyy better than SGE! My DD (8) was so excited to go on a ride about Stitch. After getting off , she actually said it was boring! I thought sure she would've liked it but no.

Many people didnt like AE either, but I definitely think most people on here would agree that SGE should be put out of its misery.


Well-Known Member
I LOVED AE - I was really sad to see it go. There was this portion in the dark with the alien "breathing" on you that still gives me the willies. It was a definite upgrade from Mission to Mars (which I think my sister actually fell asleep on - no joke). I can't compare though because I refuse to ride Stitch - I prefer the memory of the old version to stay with me (more of a boycott of the new ride, I guess).

Bravo 229

What did you think of the Extra Terroristal Alien Encouter :king:. How does it compare to Stitches Great Escape! NO NEGATIVE PUTDOWNS\INSULTS PLZ

Alien Encounter was one of those "I dare you to go on it" kind of rides for us. It was scary, unique and fun. But SGE to me is just a cheap overlay/shift of characters to broaden its appeal - like they did with Countdown to Extinction. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't enjoy it as much as I did AE. It needed a new storyline, not a loose copy of the original.


New Member
I only went on AE once when i was a little kid, and it scared me so much i came out in tears. I didn't like the original. That being said, i don't like the stitch version either. It's almost insulting to what it originally was (which was a GOOD ride, just not my thing). I don't mind stitch, but i think they could do something much more interesting with him as a character. Since he's so popular he's not going anywhere, but i wish they would gut the ride and put something more fun in there. Something that'll warrant more than a 5 minute wait.

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