Wow, two pages of discussions on what should be the proper category of a live performance at DHS...
I thought Beauty & The Beast
was leaving. Which is why I told my daughter we needed to see it. Belle is her favorite and she was very disappointed in the show, especially after seeing Festival of the Lion King. We were expecting a show of that caliber.
I have to agree with Tony - throwing in current cultural references in a live show solely to get laughs, not to further the plot, breaks the rhythm of the show and dialogue. This is NOT a stand up routine, but a live, scripted performance. Nothing wrong with adlibbing, but you better know what you are doing or you risk making the show look amateurish and the ire of your fellow performers (and the director). And Wonders, actors pause all the time during live performances if there is applause that would prevent the audience from hearing the dialogue. So says someone who has been on the boards. And has a BFA in Theatre.
I watched the videos and found the Genie annoying and a distraction. Watch Robin Williams again in
Aladdin. While a great deal of his performance was improvised, he was a master and knew how and when so as not to distract from the overall film. Not that subtle and Robin Williams are used in the same sentence frequently, but his performance was not nearly as over the top as his standup. And the man had perfect timing. I feel for the poor CM playing the Genie, because Robin will always be the benchmark for comparison of that character.
Having spent years staging live theatrical performances, the open amphitheatre Beast is currently performed in is not conducive to productions that require a lot of theatrical effects. You cannot control the ambient lighting, the acoustics are terrible and the stage crew would also have to contend with the weather. While actors may love live performances in such a venue, the running crew hates it. Shakespeare in the park may be great, but anything that requires smoke, fog, rigging for flying, etc., would be a nightmare.
Disneyland can keep Aladdin. If Beast is going to be replaced, the first criteria must be a show that is appropriate for the venue it will be performed in. Just don't let it be more Frozen.....
And Indy either needs some improvement or it has to go. Love, love the movies but the show is meh.
Disney would be smart to replace Beast with a show not based on a popular movie in order to avoid unfavorable comparisons. Or get the people who created Lion King to create a new show. Try to see the show almost every visit to Animal Kingdom and still am amazed by the quality.