Well-Known Member
fyi... I did much more than vacation there. Yes I'm fully aware of the situations. I would bet much more than you seeing them firsthand. What I would say is that things are much more complex than portrayed in U.S. media. We should all learn much more about the country as it is going to have a heavy influence on how America and the world operates in the years and decades to come. Simply dismissing them as a thug country is a big mistake.
The U.N. and other human rights organizations don't exactly paint the USA in the best light either, particularly since the current administration took office. Our history both past and present is full of disgraces. That's too much politics anyway, so back to the regularly scheduled program.
I fully expect Communist China to play an increasingly stressed role in world politics in the 2020's. I also expect there will be a full scale war with China that will hopefully only be contained to the South China Sea and/or Taiwan sometime in the 2020's. It will be interesting to see how all of these American countries that have invested so heavily in China, Disney included, react when our two countries go to war against each other. China is not our friend, no matter how many Buicks they buy or how many Disneylands we build there.
It's a bit like Americans buying Mercedes cars, Hugo Boss suits, and Bayer aspirin from Germany in 1935. By 1942 those types of purchases of German goods would be viewed very differently.
Meanwhile, in Anaheim, this afternoon the air quality is listed as "Good" at 13 on the 1-to-500 scale.