After Everest?


New Member
WDWCP said:
Don't forget the Care Bears and the Smurfs!!!


I don't kinow; I am pretty sure, according to all of the other threads, that
the Harry Potter meets the Care Bears and Smurfs ride is going to be in
the Magic Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
DAK will need to add more, with the E:E expansion, because E:E will def. draw in more Guests! Need more to keep them happy, and there longer!

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Anyone remember that one bizaar rumor that someone heard that they had to rotate SSE monthly because of sun damage? Or the one story about the person who found the E:E concept sketches lying on the ground outside of Dinosaur?


New Member
edwardtc said:
My Uncle's sister-in-law's cousin is a 3rd shift custodian at WDI and she read something on a piece of paper she found in the trashcan in the men's restroom that led her to believe that they will add new rides and attractions in the parks as attendance, the economy, and marketing determine that it would be profitable.

Don't quote me on this, as it is just hearsay, but I would take this as a pretty good source.

:rolleyes: What is reliable about something in the trashcan ? A pretty good source ? :hammer:


New Member
Did you guys even hear what I said. They have 2 stunt shows right???? So why keep them forever!!!!!!! I think that they should keep it for 1 more year and call it quits because when I comeback to Disney World I'm hoping for something totally new ya know,it gets kind of old going back and seeing the same thing over and over again. So those of you that don't agree with me on IJA their is something wrong and you know it.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I was wondering that myself. The catagory thread said that WDWFanatic (or something similar) was the last person to post , but their post wasn't here. I then went to their profile page and it was missing completely !!!

Spooky, Huh ??


Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm guessing WDWFanatic or JayDarkKnight resurected got banned and all his posts removed, that's why the responses jumps from 33 to 36? :confused:


New Member
Well you guys can ignore me if you want but I'm just telling you I think it's time to start thinking about brainstorming the next attraction after EVEREST.

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