So a big chunk of my Pittsburgh family is coming down to the parks this upcoming weekend. So as often does seem to happen its' January and the Steelers have found their way to another championship game. Our plan for Sunday is to go to Epcot. I think some of the group might want to duck out to watch the game, while others are going to probably stay in the park. I was just trying to figure out some possible options for the game watchers besides just going back to the hotel to watch (Saratoga Springs). I know ESPN Zone is a good option because it's within walking distance of the park and the game will def be on, but I am concerned about the possible crowd. With the Steelers and Patriots playing who both coming from cities who send a lot of tourists to WDW especially in the winter months... Im worried there may be no room at ESPN. Has anyone been down in WDW for a big game? Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with the ESPN Zone? Any other spots to watch or bars/restaurants to recommend? Thanks