Aerosmith Rock 'n' Roller Coaster


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I have an odd question about the Rock 'n' Roller coaster pre-show......

When I very first went on the ride and I first viewed the pre-show, there used to be a 'real' person stood in the studio area in front of the screen and when one of the band members lent forward and said 'Chris, can you grab my black les paul' the 'real' person used to pick up a guitar and walk out.....

Now I can understand that this was probably the most mind numbing job ever and Disney probably decided that paying someone a wage to pick up a guitar and walk out every 5 mins or so was probably a waste of money....

However, I have now noticed that the same line appears to be said BUT now some guy pops in on the screen and says 'i'll grab it for you'. Is this an addition that has been added since and did they have to re-record that bit or has it been cleverly added in or am I just going nuts!!!!!! :lookaroun

Thanks for reading my ramblings....... :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I believe it was "cleverly" added. There's no real need to re-record the whole thing when a computer can easily add that. It's been that way for awhile though. I think the live person was only there for maybe the first year of operation.


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Thanks for the quick replies!!!!

It is definately a person on screen not just a voice - but I agree would seem over extravagant to re-record. Pretty clever though as I am sure the band member acknowledges him too (looks in that direction). Although I am sure that has been true since the beginning.

Strange what kind of things are curious to me.......:p


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SleepingBindy said:
Thanks for the quick replies!!!!

It is definately a person on screen not just a voice - but I agree would seem over extravagant to re-record. Pretty clever though as I am sure the band member acknowledges him too (looks in that direction). Although I am sure that has been true since the beginning.

Strange what kind of things are curious to me.......:p

Whats even more interesting in that pre-show is the hand gesture that Steven Tyler makes. :lookaroun :eek:


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Yeah I heard about this before - not really sure how that slipped through (so to speak) unless it really was a harmless gesture. I had never heard of it before till I read it on another thred. Sweet and innocent me....:eek:


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He isn't really doing The Shocker. He has his pointer and middle finger spread apart, his ring finger down, and his pinky up. That's not the shocker. That's the V1 (Version 1) symbol (Matt Hardy, look it up.). In order for it to be The Shocker his pointer and middle fingers should of been together.


Well-Known Member
They did not add that guy to the video, but had it filmed before, even when they had the cast member go into the studio. It was used when they were short staffed and that position is not all that important, so they used that video when they did not have a real life person do the act. They got rid of that position though, and now use the video all the time.


Since someone else brought up RNR I have a question. In January and June 2005 we rode RNR a bunch of times. This January we rode again, but I noticed a difference. At one point (I believe after the sign that says Oncoming Traffic) there was a truck that looked like it was coming at you before the the track curves. This year no truck. Am I imagining things?


Well-Known Member
Iakona said:
Since someone else brought up RNR I have a question. In January and June 2005 we rode RNR a bunch of times. This January we rode again, but I noticed a difference. At one point (I believe after the sign that says Oncoming Traffic) there was a truck that looked like it was coming at you before the the track curves. This year no truck. Am I imagining things?

Are you thinking of Test Track?


Well-Known Member
I have never seen the truck there either...interestingly I rode RnRC in Disney Studios Paris this December -- they use NONE of the ride elements inside the WDW park, instead they use lots of lights, lekos, and cyberlights that move and rotate and give you the feeling of being on stage during a rock was the exact same ride with slightly different themeing and it worked well. The preshow there is identical, and the man with the guitar is in the video. On another interesting note - the tape is not dubbed into French, and the people waiting in line don't listen to any of it - apparently they don't really care much about Arrowsmith - you are given the choice of watching the preshow, or walking immediately through the sound booth and directly into the line queues...I actually asked about that one time, and the nice cast member told me that most of the non-English speaking visitors don't really care to see the preshow...


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The Paris RNR Coaster pre-show is completely different to the Orlando has the band with a model of the Roller Coaster and he goes on about '1G, 2G and then it felt like 'Going Down' (to the music)' . It is a lot shorter than the Orlando one.


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LSUxStitch said:
They did not add that guy to the video, but had it filmed before, even when they had the cast member go into the studio. It was used when they were short staffed and that position is not all that important, so they used that video when they did not have a real life person do the act. They got rid of that position though, and now use the video all the time.

If I'm not mistaken, the video was the same whether "Chris" was in the physical studio or not. The band member says "Chris, can you grab my black Les Paul?" and their random assistant on-screen says "I'll get it for you" and walks off-screen. When Chris was there, he/she would grab the black guitar and walk out through the door. Once they're through the door (it had to be timed properly), the random guy on-screen would re-appear carrying the same guitar, pack it up and go out into the alley and put it in the limo. (I don't know if "Chris" would re-enter the studio and continue picking up or not) The assumption is that the live person gave it to the on-screen person back outside the door. That's the only way they could make it work, because otherwise "Chris" wouldn't look the same in-studio as they did on-screen packing up the guitar.

Now, the band member asks his question to noone, the guy just walks off the screen and re-appears with the guitar a few moments later and packs it up. (Maybe he left it in the hallway) :)

Now, what would've been cool would be if they could have somehow always gotten a look-alike to the on-screen assistant, the band member turns to him and asks him to get the guitar, he walks off-screen and then the real person comes in through the studio door, similar to how Sweetums leaves the screen and comes into the theater in Muppetvision.



Well-Known Member
Iakona said:
Since someone else brought up RNR I have a question. In January and June 2005 we rode RNR a bunch of times. This January we rode again, but I noticed a difference. At one point (I believe after the sign that says Oncoming Traffic) there was a truck that looked like it was coming at you before the the track curves. This year no truck. Am I imagining things?

The effect must be down or something because I vividly remember that... one of my favorite parts... and the last time I rode it (the other day) the truck wasn't there.


Well-Known Member
Iakona said:
Since someone else brought up RNR I have a question. In January and June 2005 we rode RNR a bunch of times. This January we rode again, but I noticed a difference. At one point (I believe after the sign that says Oncoming Traffic) there was a truck that looked like it was coming at you before the the track curves. This year no truck. Am I imagining things?
When I was there this January, I heard the sound of the truck...I never actually saw one, but I heard it. (It was the first time I'd noticed it, so I wasn't sure whether or not it was a hearing gag or you actually SAW a truck coming at you.)

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