Advice Needed: Mission Space!!


Well-Known Member
The only reason I'd tell someone not to at least try it once is if you have an inner ear problem. I came off it woozy (though I don't ride anything like coasters and won't ride anything like Tea Cups) and my Love (who rides all the psycho coasters in the world) puked. It's almost impossible to judge it based on other rides since it's such a unique experience.

Like everyone else said, don't close your eyes, don't eat a big meal before you ride it and keep your head forward. I think it's worth trying at least once since it's such a unique ride, but I rode it last July and haven't really wanted to ride it again personally, just because it left me woozy.


New Member
M:S is an experience not to be missed. I am one who normally does not get that woozy feeling on many rides, but M:S did leave me feeling a bit ill. But that's not to say I regret having ridden it. I am glad I didn't miss out on the experience. (I was more concerned about my size being a problem, which ended up not being a problem at all, so that fear may have diverted my attention from the other motion sickness warnings).

No one else in our group felt ill afterward, including my hus who does not ride teacups at all. We went first thing in the morning, before the heat got to us and before we had eaten a huge meal, which probably helped. All I needed afterward was a few minutes to sit down and a drink of Sprite to settle my stomach, and it didn't bother me after that.

I say go for it as the experience is worth it!


New Member
I remember when I rode it for the first time, I expected to really feel the rotational aspect of the vehicle motion. Honestly, after the first second or two of the ride starting up, it was impossible to tell you were whirling around the room. It really just feels like you are moving forward, like taking off in an airplane.

The reason they tell you to keep looking forward is because the visuals make your brain believe that you're moving forward rather than in a circle in a centerfuge. I wouldn't eat too much before going on, just as a precaution, as I don't think the G's help most people's digestion - although I follow this basic rule of thumb for any good thrill ride.

They also pump some nice cold air on you, which I thought was nice. That's something that helps me on airplanes from getting airsick and feeling claustrophobic.

But, all in all, the ride is too good to pass up, and is atleast worth trying out at the risk of some slight woosiness afterward.


New Member
:hurl: :p

If you're nervous about it now you'll be terrible when you get there!

Try riding Test Track first to get your body used to being moved around in an odd way (you know what I mean). Not looking around while you're on the ride helps, and keeping your eyes open is a must.

The visuals are so amazing you won't notice the spinning, just the feelings of heavyness and lightness. It's nothing like the teacups!

If you do feel bad when you get off there are lots of seats and low walls to sit on just as you get out of the shop. It's almost like a recovery area!



New Member
togasports said:
For some reason I can Ride MS 5 times in a row but I get queasy when I ride Star Tours/Body Wars.

Ditto here. Body Wars Star Tours kill me. MS was no problem. You are actuall kind of in motion in Mission Space. It's like a centrifuge.


Active Member
I don't think you will have any trouble at all. To me, the spinning is very smooth, and you don't really have the sensation of spinning, just of the G forces kicking in. Last week, my son and I rode it about 8 times and never got sick at all. However, my wife did feel a little queasy, but she doesn't ride the teacups at all.

By all means, give it a shot. Don't be surprised if after the first trip to Mars you'll want to go again!


New Member
Of course if you do decided it's not for you. (Like my mother did) there is a really neat game you can play while waiting for riders to get off. Even if you do go try the game it's a big team game. My mom and aunt where playing it for like 30 minutes while my cousin and I rode Mission.


New Member
I don't know. I love thrill rides. I'll ride anything. And I never get or feel sick. Heck, I'd even ride Expedition: Everest right now. But for some reason, I felt queezey after I rode Mission: Space. I didn't look to the right or left. And no, I hadn't started drinking around the world yet. A few minutes laying on the grass out front, and I was fine. I say try it. You only live once and it's a truly unique attraction.


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks you guys for all your advice. I am 29, so i can do the beer thing. My main concern is that i am only going to be at Disney for four days this trip and i don't want to lose a day yaking all over the place. Even nausea would ruin my day. So, i think i am going to suck it up and ride it. And.. if i get sick....i'll pick one of you to blame for it....... :lol: Teasing... Thanks all of you


New Member
When my aunt traveled to WDW last year, I gave her the "mission" to ride Mission:Space and tell me about it. Well, she said she thought she was going to die!!! Man, when I rode it, ok it's intense, but I didn't feel anyhting like dying... She said she thought her face was going to be plucked from her head... Well, there is some pressure, but... I just think she is too old for thrills. I loved Mission:Space!!! It's amazing! You can't miss it. Have fun, and tell us about your experience at M:S later!!! Have a nice trip! :wave:


New Member
i hate to say it but the ride is overrated. i think they definitely toned it down after the initial previews and isn't nearly as intense as led to believe. i was really disappointed when i rode. hopefully you will have a better experience. but don't get worried, you won't get sick.


Well-Known Member
my friend matt told me the same thing it ruined his day. i went on it and thought if it were 1 minute longer it my have been too much but i thought it was amazing just for fact its so darn origional. there is nothing else like it.


New Member
Jfc2021 is right....MS is SO overrated, a while back i read what everyone was saying about it and when i finally rode it was so nervous that actually did wind up getting sick afterwards..but that was probally because i ate so much in Mexico right before :slurp:

advice: don't listen to the preshows they scared me

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