Abusive guests?


New Member
As an entertainment cast member I can relate to the abusive stories. I spend alot of time "hanging out" with the characters and I've been abused both verbally and phsically on various occasions (yelled at, kicked, punched, pushed down, etc). I have also seen other cast members and guests get abused. As stated though, I do not feel that money has anything to do with this abuse. Some people are taught better manners in their youth and some people do things to look "cool" or "tough" in front of others. But I woul like to point out that on a hot, crowded day when you're spending lots of money it's hard to stay in a good mood...for both guests and cast members. In the future we should all just try to remain calm and try to see things from the other point of view. Don't sweat the small stuff, ask yourself whether or not this will really matter in a year...if not then let it go. No reason to make someone else's day bad.:)


New Member
Originally posted by diddy_mouse

The guests were just beastly at times. Case in point, the Philharmagic show. Thee was a group that sat right smack dab in the middle of one of the rows and the cast member politely asked them to continue moving to the right to make room for everyone. This lady just stared at the CM, shook her head, and refused to get up and move. I was appauled!

Same thing happened when my fam and I went to Philharmonic. There was a family, mom and children, that wanted to sit together and there was plenty of seats in our row but the people in the middle wouldn't move the 6-7 seats down. So my mom, daughter and I stood up and moved down. I might have bumped into their knees moving down :lookaroun Btw, the view not exactly in the middle was still great.

As for garbage...I didn't notice much when I was there (early May). A few wrappers here and there I'd pick up and pitch but nothing major or gross. I have one of those OCD things too (but not bad) that if I see it, I have to put it in it's right place. The waiter at Fultons yelled at me cuz my napkin fell on the ground and I went after it. He said "Leave it. Leave it. That's my job" It was funny though.

And I wish there was a banned for life list..certain people that get abusive/threatening should not be allowed to be there Period.


New Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster

Since when did we all become a group of elitests? I don't know I am really bothered by the way some of these comments are coming out. It's scary.
Anyone can be abusive, it has nothing to do with money, but more to do with respect for your fellow men, and I do not feel that is something that can be bought or sold.
You're exactly right. There are plenty of people who have money. However, they can't seem to afford manners. Funny old world. Isn't it?


Account Suspended
Ok get real people!!!! Everyone knows that most rude people in this world are the people with money!!! All of the rich people who go to Disney think they own the place and can do what they want just because they are rich and can afford anything. The middle class Americans like myself are the ones raised on real values and morals unlike those rich snobs of the world!


New Member
Originally posted by diddy_mouse
The guests were just beastly at times. Case in point, the Philharmagic show. Thee was a group that sat right smack dab in the middle of one of the rows and the cast member politely asked them to continue moving to the right to make room for everyone. This lady just stared at the CM, shook her head, and refused to get up and move.
Standard Procedure for other guests in this situation is to stamp VERY HARD on this person's feet as you walk ALL OVER THEM in an effort to get past :D


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
first, with rude people, i like to put them in a headlock, tell them what is about to happen and why, then give them a swirly (stick thier head in the toilet and flush) yes, i know it is extreme, but it isnt so bad with disney toilets because they are very clean. plus, rude people deserve. (repeat as many times as needed, depending on the degreeness of rudeness)

word to the wise, dont be mean to any employee of any store or a CM at any disney park in front of me....... lol.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by JesusJuice
Ok get real people!!!! Everyone knows that most rude people in this world are the people with money!!! All of the rich people who go to Disney think they own the place and can do what they want just because they are rich and can afford anything. The middle class Americans like myself are the ones raised on real values and morals unlike those rich snobs of the world!

Trust me, that's not true. I know alot of people that are just total jerks that don't have a ton of money. I also know a bunch of people that I used to work with and see on a daily basis that have alot more money than me and are the nicest people I have met. Me, I don't have alot of money and people tend to feel I'm pretty nice. It has more to do with how you are raised, or what you went through in your life than how much is in your bank account.


New Member
Originally posted by Number_6
Trust me, that's not true. I know alot of people that are just total jerks that don't have a ton of money. I also know a bunch of people that I used to work with and see on a daily basis that have alot more money than me and are the nicest people I have met. Me, I don't have alot of money and people tend to feel I'm pretty nice. It has more to do with how you are raised, or what you went through in your life than how much is in your bank account.
Good point. Money does not make you a snob. It is choice. Everybody choses to be who they are.


New Member
Just thought of a wise saying that I would like to add to my comment above.

Your Attitude determines the seasons you enter.(not your wealth)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tenny317
There are def undercover cops at Disney because people on my cheerleading team got arrested by undercover cops for shoplifting when we were there for a cheer competetion....but why they aren't helping with rowdy guests, etc. is beyond me

Those are probably actually "loss prevention officers" which are found in most grocery and department stores. They are assigned to "shop" in a store and keep an eye out for shoplifters. They are not actually there to handle rowdy guests, since a rowdy guest could be a distraction for a shoplifter and the perfect time to swipe something. Therefore, if they went to assist with a rowdy guest, they would be neglecting their duty.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Pixie Duster
*stares in shock* riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Musta not been in our MK break room yesterday..... Nothin but security in there s__________ down the A/C. Certainly upset our usual comrades in there. :D

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