Abusive guests?


Active Member
This is more of an obnoxious guest than abusive guest, but a couple of trips back we were in Tomorrowland and my mother in law was waiting while we rode Space Mountain. She overheard a lady tell another, "No, we don't have to wait in long lines anymore. I told them I needed a wheelchair so we can go to the front of the lines. I don't really need one, I just hate having to wait to ride the rides." Can you believe the nerve of some people?


New Member
I have had a few experiences like TheDisneyGirl's here in California. Luckily, it's only been maybe 4 occurences (I think it's because I just lace my voice with sweetness, and I've nailed the "no really, I am sorry" face after three years).

My first ever experience did bring me to tears though. We were closing the Winnie the Pooh location in Critter Country, and finishing up the line when a family tried to enter through the exit. My friend and I told them that the line was closed but Pooh and his friends would be walking around the area in about 15 minutes. The two mothers in the group went OFF. They were cursing and screaming at me (with their children right behind them), then one of them has the gall to grab her child's arm (who by the way was already crying), pull her forward and bark "Tell this nice lady THANK YOU for ruining you trip!" another person from the group went and got their strollers and the group finally left after yelling at us for about 10 minutes, cursing and yelling the whole way out of Critter Country.

As it turns out, they did go to City Hall to complain. THeir interaction with my manager went like this:
Manager: hello, how can I help you?
Irate Guests: Yeah we were just dealing with some (expletive) who was with Winnie the Pooh who said we couldn't visit with him until later.
M: Oh, do you remember her name?
IG: No
M: Do you remember what she looked like?
IG: No
M: Did you go back to visit the characters when she told you they'd be back?
IG: No
M: well I'm sorry, but I can't help you then *Turns around and walks out*

Ah, the joys of good parenting. It seems most of the really irate guests I get are in Critter Country, thankfully I haven't been there for a year :)


New Member
Originally posted by David
This is more of an obnoxious guest than abusive guest, but a couple of trips back we were in Tomorrowland and my mother in law was waiting while we rode Space Mountain. She overheard a lady tell another, "No, we don't have to wait in long lines anymore. I told them I needed a wheelchair so we can go to the front of the lines. I don't really need one, I just hate having to wait to ride the rides." Can you believe the nerve of some people?
Don't they know that the seventh circle of hell is reserved for people who do things like that? I mean to me one of the lowest things a person can do is act like they are hurt or handicapped when they are really not. The only thing that is worse to me is a hypocrite. That really burns me up:fork:


New Member
I also find myself picking up trash or other things that need to go somewhere else when i'm there. I just have memories as a child of being in a perfectly...i mean PERFECTLY clean park...and sometimes when i see trash and things like that i have to pick it up and re-live my experiences as a child! lol


Active Member
Originally posted by David
This is more of an obnoxious guest than abusive guest, but a couple of trips back we were in Tomorrowland and my mother in law was waiting while we rode Space Mountain. She overheard a lady tell another, "No, we don't have to wait in long lines anymore. I told them I needed a wheelchair so we can go to the front of the lines. I don't really need one, I just hate having to wait to ride the rides." Can you believe the nerve of some people?

This stuff shouldn't even be happening anymore with the way both WDW and Disneyland have revamped their Guest Assistant Card (GAC) policy. Disneyland has pretty much adopted WDW's system as things were really out of control over there with people abusing the old Special Assistance Pass (SAP) like yo wouldn't believe. These cards do not mean "superior" access/treatment it means EQUAL treatment. There's a whole series about this issue and how it's been gradually resolved over at Mice Age.


New Member
Originally posted by CheshireCatStar
I have had a few experiences like TheDisneyGirl's here in California. Luckily, it's only been maybe 4 occurences (I think it's because I just lace my voice with sweetness, and I've nailed the "no really, I am sorry" face after three years).
Never mastered that face. Another great one I used to get all of the time was "We have a plane home to catch in 30 minutes." Then why aren't you at the airport? You're going to miss your flight because it's going to take you over 30 minutes to get there!

I still miss the "Just one more", "no autograph, just picture", and "one more won't hurt". If people would have listened to me in the first place, they wouldn't have to have waited in line! Plus I would always tell the guests where they could find the character after he/she went in!



Well-Known Member
I remeber one time it was President's Day weekend, which is one of the busiest weekends for hotels in Orlando. Not only is it the beginning of the holiday week, but it is also Daytona 500 weekend. One year, the resort I worked at was one of the only hotels with rooms available. We had a group book over the dates, but it was a pharm.. group, and they did not get FDA approval for the drug, so we were one of the only hotels in town with rooms. Well, our Feb rates are typically in the high $200 range, so when guests would come in, they would be a little upset about the rate (hey, we are a 4 diamond resort, and we actually lowered the price about $20 for the weekend)...anyway, we took a few hundred rooms from other hotels that were sold out. I remember this really heavy redneck guest that was walked to us from the Econolodge on 192 (ok, Econolodge...$35 a night, us $289 a night...not a bad deal if Econolodge is paying)...anyway, the guest came in all cocky saying that "he really gave the manager at the Econolodge what for"...The first thing out of my mouth to him was "you're so cool:rolleyes: " Then he started giving me some trouble, so I told him that the Econolodge was paying for his room tonight, and if he did not like my hotel, I would be more than happy to call the Econolodge back and they could arrange for him to stay at another hotel....that it truly did not matter to me if he stayed with us or not.

It is not my proudest guest service moment, but this was a guest that truly did not belong in my hotel.

About 5 minutes after checking-in, he called me from his room to say that he could not believe that we charge $2 for a can of Pepsi in the Servi-Bar, and that he could get the same can from 7-11 for 75 cents. I told him that he was paying for the convenience of having soda in his room, and if he thought the price was too high, there was a 7-11 about a mile down the street.

He then came down by the desk and called me an a$$hole, and went to 7-11.


New Member
And we can't forget the ultmiate (my personal favorite):

*Spoken with a strong Mexican accent*
"PLEEEASE! One more! For the baby! He's her FAAAAAAAAAVORITE!!!! *turns to the next guest* what's his name again?"

Kills me every time, and I just smile, say sorry, and turn around to walk offstage. But honestly, I hate how we can give people all the warning in the world that they may not get to see the character, and yet when they leave, we always get our heads ripped off for following the character's schedule. Ah well, what can you do? :) Besides, for every jerkhead face guest, there's always five more kids that make you want to go "Awwwwwww!!!"


I just got back from Disney yesterday and out of 12 days I only had one bad (and scary) experience...I got in line to see Mickey at Animal Kingdom. Since I'm and adult I let some kids go in front of me. When I saw that no one else was coming up the line I moved ahead.

If you don't know the line up I mean it kind of winds around some trees so I didn't know that a cast member had closed off the rope at the end of the line so Mickey could get ready for a break.

I ended up being the last one to get a photo with him and when I exited the queue I was met by a really large man, his equally large wife and their two screaming children. The wife pointed to me and said (I'll censor her exact quote a bit) "You let that stupid B&%CH in instead of my kids!"

The cast member was trying to calm them down explaining exactly what time Mickey would be back and even offered to escort them to the front of the line if they wanted to wait.

Well the scary part came when I realized that the family was following my boyfriend and I. we were watching the "talking palm tree" scoot around chatting with people and had discovered the "tourist" who was controlling him when the father came up and started yelling at me asking why I wanted a picture of Mickey and it was all my fault that they weren't going to meet him. Then he said something to the effect of "You better hope you don't cross in front of may car when you leave tonight because you'll never F'ing make it to the other side." Then the wife came up again and pushed her kid into me and said since she couldn't get a picture with Mickey why doesn't she get a picture with this stupid b&%ch. My boyfriend was trying to get between the father and me but I was really scared. It really only lasted a few minutes before security showed up and escorted them off. I never saw them again so I think they may have been asked to leave the park. I also think the guy controlling the palm tree was the one that got security for me because I saw him behind the security with no talking tree in sight.

Sometimes I see people all cranky and upset over little things and I just think...hello!!! You're in Disney World...cheer up!!!:hammer:


New Member
OMG! I can't believe that happened to you! Actually, no I do believe it! I hope those guests got escorted out of the park! Pushing you and bullying you...that should not happen at WDW! That makes me so mad that that happened to you! EVERYBODY deserves a picture with Mickey Mouse and whoever they want! Grrr...some people! :fork:

CheshireCatStar, I love that! "one more for the baby"! I love when the older kids come running up to Goofy and yell, "Pluto, you're my favorite!" Dummies! But you are right there are so many magical moments with kids and the characters that make up for all of the bad things. I'll never forget the one Give Kids The World guest...she was so adorable and I knew she was so sick. It made me cry!



As a CM in TDS I clean up all sorts of trash people leave behind. You guys who do it at the parks really do deserve a round of applause. I don't get people sometimes. Do these people throw their garbage on the floor at home?


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, Jerry Springer is the downfall of this society. Think about it. Since Jerry Springer came on the air, people have become more rude and the "trailer park trash" factor has increased because they see someone on TV who is just like them and is glamourized because of their situation. When you see people like yourself on national TV day in, day out, you start thinking that you are actually normal and that others are in the minority. What happens is that you start feeling that your behavior is acceptable and don't worry about what other people think.

Thank God Disney doesn't sell beer in the Magic Kingdom. Can you imagine the problems that would occur if they did. It is bad enough now but imagine Bubba with a half a load on getting irate with a CM handling a character. All I can think of is the domestic disiputes that make it on the weekly episode of COPS.

The way to get rid of these people is to increase the rates of admission, hotel rooms, rental cars, motor coaches and air flights. Pricing out those who can't afford a little more money will keep those with manners and respect coming back instead of Bubba Six-pack and his "old lady".

Someone said credit cards are too easy to get these days. Maybe Disney should think about striking a deal with AMEX that will be the SOLE credit card type accepted on the US Disney properties. If you don't have an AMEX card, you have to pay cash. No ifs, ands or buts about it. You have to have pretty good credit and a decent income to get that AMEX card so you are weeding out undesirables there.

Will Disney price out guests? NEVER. They want attendance to continue to increase.

I just feel bad for those visiting/working Disneyland. I can only imagine the problems that must occur out there with the area being as populated and diverse as it is.

Just my opinion, do not take offense (If I did offend I apologize - unless you have been on Springer then no apology to you!)


Well-Known Member
All i know is that ive been attacked/assaulted by two guests in my 2 months+ here.

One was a 4 year old who decided to take her dolly and hit it with me repeatedly at my waist level. Kid was on a leash and mommy was holding her back like a rottweiler while i was trying not to grimisce in too much pain and yell undisney like epitheths in their general direction.

The other was when a middle aged woman ripped a survey card out of her daughters hands and threw it in my face.... morons.

However i dont envy anyone in fur. Ive seen stormtrropers beat on by mobs of teenaged girls, Ive seen Meeko Slapped by a 13 year old British kid and Ive heard stories and stories and stories of far worse happening.


New Member
Food service a cure to bad attitudes?

I used to think that everyone should work in the food service industry at some point in their lives, just to gain an appreciation of what it's like to be in a service industry role, and then behave accordingly when interacting with those in the profession. You'd like to think that would translate into some respect and awareness.

But then again, some people will never learn, and some people *definitely* don't belong in a service role. Look at some of the folks we have in our local fast food joints...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by phlydude
The way to get rid of these people is to increase the rates of admission, hotel rooms, rental cars, motor coaches and air flights. Pricing out those who can't afford a little more money will keep those with manners and respect coming back instead of Bubba Six-pack and his "old lady".

Someone said credit cards are too easy to get these days. Maybe Disney should think about striking a deal with AMEX that will be the SOLE credit card type accepted on the US Disney properties. If you don't have an AMEX card, you have to pay cash. No ifs, ands or buts about it. You have to have pretty good credit and a decent income to get that AMEX card so you are weeding out undesirables there.

The problem is that WDW can no longer price-out certain segments of the population. Before CCs were sending out pre-approved cards to dogs (yes, my dog got a preapproved card mailer from MBNA) credit was not that easy to obtain, one actually had to have good credit and a decent income. Now, it is too easy, and a lot of the WT doesn't care how much it costs because it will probably be included in their Chapter 7/11/13 filing anyway.:mad: I had a friend who was forced to file chapter 7 (casualty of 9/11, just moved to Orlando in 5/01, and put relo expenses on credit) and within 2 weeks of discharge he was getting credit card apps in the mail.


I have to admit that when i was younger i was one of the kids who didnt care where the garbage can was, if i had trash id put it down where it was conveinient to me, i figured that people got paid to clean up after me so i didnt care, that was until 3 summers ago.

I got a job at a theme park in Grand Island, NY. I started in Maitnance, sweeping paths, garbage and basically cleaning stuff. Ive picked up so much garbage it feels like i could have filled a landfill by myself.

I have a totally new respect for the parks and the people that work in them now than i had ever thought i would have. I no longer work there but i go there pretty often and if i see garbage layin around i pick it up, even though i paid to get in i didnt pay to make a mess

my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by speck76
The problem is that WDW can no longer price-out certain segments of the population. Before CCs were sending out pre-approved cards to dogs (yes, my dog got a preapproved card mailer from MBNA) credit was not that easy to obtain, one actually had to have good credit and a decent income. Now, it is too easy, and a lot of the WT doesn't care how much it costs because it will probably be included in their Chapter 7/11/13 filing anyway.:mad: I had a friend who was forced to file chapter 7 (casualty of 9/11, just moved to Orlando in 5/01, and put relo expenses on credit) and within 2 weeks of discharge he was getting credit card apps in the mail.

If you read further down in my post, I said the line about pricing out guests. Disney can't afford to do it because they are a company above and beyond all. In order to be a successful company that people want to invest in, you have to make money. That means if Bubba and his old lady can scrape together the $60 pp to go to the park for a day, Disney will take their money.


New Member
I've never had any bad guest experiances at Disney besides the usuall group of 12 year olds on their own for the first time cutting line.

However 4 years ago when I was in 8th grade the band took a trip to Busch Gardens, Tampa. The Python was closed for technical difficulties and we walked up and sat near the entrance waiting for it to re-open. When it did we stood up and walked up the queue and the four of us took the first two rows. Then some big guy comes up and claims "We were waiting here longer than you, you need to move back." He grabbed my friend by the arm really hard and pulled him back. He grabbed me not quite as hard and I stepped aside. After moving back a couple rows, and riding the ride we called security. My friend had a large red mark on his upper arm. This guy did this to MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! Security couldn't do anything right away because the man had long since gone. However due to some clever examination of the clothing of the man and the fact he was carrying a large green stuffed bear we found him walking later in the day. Some of us followed him while other called for security. Security finally cought up with the man while he cought a show at the Stanleyville Theater.


Premium Member
Ugh. This thread is ing me off. What is so hard about putting trash in the trash can? That makes me furious to see all the garbage laying around. Some people have no respect for anything but themselves.

And spitting gum is not only disgusting but it's also really rude to the person who comes along 5 minutes later and steps in it. I HATE people who can't throw their gum in the trash!!

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