? about CBR....


New Member
If anyone has stayed at CBR can you please tell me if we will like it...i have read some reviews going both ways...some people liked it and others not so good...so i just don't know what to believe other than taking my chance their...the site looks great...i love all the pictures i have seen....so if you have any recommendations please let me know....we know we want to stay on disney property at a moderate....we are going next feb. 2008 so we have some time to figure it out...this we be our childrens first trip and mine too...dh has been their a couple of times already...

thanks in advance....i really appreciate it...:)

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
You will love it. Your husband, not so much, your kids will be kinda in the middle...

:D Just kidding, and welcome to the boards. Really wasn't trying to be a turd, but it's hard to tell if anybody is ever going to like anything. All any of us can do is relay our personal stories, which will probably run the same range of stories you've been reading already, some liking, some not liking.

Personally, I've never stayed there, though I've visited and it's nice enough (just when it comes to moderates, I prefer PO-R). But for my sister and her husband, if they can afford to stay at a mod, it's Carribbean or nothing. Her husband even has a room and building he considers the best place in the resort and always asks for it (sorry, can't tell you which room or building, and it's because I don't know, not because I'm afraid you'll be there the same time they are, haha). If you haven't visited allearsnet.com, you should give them a look-see, they have plenty of pictures of all the resorts, and fact sheets as to what's available to do there, like recereational activities, restaurants, shopping, etc.

Carribbean, like Riverside, is pretty spread out, so depending on where you're staying, you may either a: have to do a long hike to get to and from the bus stops or food court or main pool, OR b: have to deal with more noise due to being so close to the action. But bottom line, it's WDW, it shouldn't be too hard to enjoy yourself. :)
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Well-Known Member
CBR was the first Disney resort we ever stayed in, and we liked it a lot. The kids loved the big pool, and DH loved the pool bar and food court. We're more of a fan of POR now, but we don't mind CBR either. It is spread out as others have said, but we generally stayed in Jamaica, and loved the walk over the bridge to the food court.
How old will your kids be then?
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New Member
I enjoy CBR and have stayed there three times. I have been trying other resorts now to experience them. I think you will enjoy the resort. Lots of pools to swim in and depending on the age of your children there are small playground areas as well. If they are older children there are hammocks and bike rentals to give a try as well. My only advice - make sure your room is in a building near the food court OR ask for Jamica or Aruba. Jamica and Aruba are near the bridge that you can walk across to the food court. I always request Jamica or Aruba when I stay there. Otherwise the resort is large and you will do lots of walking. I like to save my walking for the parks. Enjoy!:)
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New Member
We stayed there for a week a few years ago during Star Wars Weekend. I wasn't really too impressed. I don't know what it was, the pools were nice and the grounds were nice, maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. The pool bar was great. My DH and I had one too many then spent over $300 on Disney pins in the gift area :hammer: Maybe because our first time staying in Disney was at a deluxe resort, we were spoiled and then everything else just didn't measure up....I didn't mean that to sound snotty! I'm sure your family will have a great time there, after all it's Disney!! Have a great trip:wave:
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
The only really bad thing about CBR is its size. CS suffers from this problem as well. Depending on where you are located it can be a good 15-20 minute walk to the food court. Other than that it is a great resort.

My preference for moderate resorts is PORS or POFQ.
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New Member
Yes you are probably going to get the same thing. Some like it some not. I happen to fall into the not category. Have stayed there a few times and it just still has failed to impress us and we will probably not go back again. In the mod we love POR and you can't go wrong with any of the deluxe. AKL here we come 10 days and counting.:sohappy:
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New Member
It seems that POR is the going thing for those who have something to compare to. I have only stayed at POR so I cant compare to anything but I can say that we had a great time while we were there. If we cannot afford to do a deluxe this year we will be staying at POR again! We were close to the food court, quiet pool, laundry facilities, and the bus stop. The larger pool was a small walk (maybe 4-5 minutes) from our room. The boat that we were able to take from our resort to Downtown Disney was a plus also. Just talking about it now makes me wish we were there!:cry: Again I cant say much about Caribean Beach but Im sure its great too!
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Active Member
:wave: WE have stayed at both CB and POR. we totally prefer POR. You have a lot of time to see what you want to do before your trip, so go on allearsnet.com and places like that and see all the pics, etc. of the resorts. Also, theres lots of reviews there. that should help you a lot. If you are doing the dining plan, remember to make advance reserv. at least 180 days in advance to get the places you want. have a magical trip to the world!!!! :sohappy:
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New Member
Original Poster
CBR was the first Disney resort we ever stayed in, and we liked it a lot. The kids loved the big pool, and DH loved the pool bar and food court. We're more of a fan of POR now, but we don't mind CBR either. It is spread out as others have said, but we generally stayed in Jamaica, and loved the walk over the bridge to the food court.
How old will your kids be then?

they will be 4 1/2 & 7 1/2...they are going to be so exciting...everyday we talk about going to disney world...we started a disney piggy bank fund for them...:lol:
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Well-Known Member

they will be 4 1/2 & 7 1/2...they are going to be so exciting...everyday we talk about going to disney world...we started a disney piggy bank fund for them...:lol:
That's a great age to be going! Not for nothing, but at that age they might enjoy the All-Star values for the theming there, and you'd save some money, or be able to stay longer....

Just a thought!
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Well-Known Member
We didn't like it there at all. It was a very loud and packed resort and the busses always seemed to be late and or full when leaving the parks. We have since stayed at por and Coronado a few times since that trip to CBR and have loved the other 2. We have also witnessed CBRs lines when leaving the parks. They were easily twice as long as por and csr.
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New Member
We stayed at CBR during our last trip to WDW about a year ago with just our two boys (we left our little one home w/ Grandma and Grandpa:(). Our room was located in Aruba-a BIG thank you to our travel agent-because it is the first bus stop into the resort and close to the food court. This made a HUGE difference b/c we always got a seat on the bus! There were a lot of days when the bus left the resort b/c it was full and NEVER made it to the far half of the resort. We were also the first off after a long day at the parks which was nice. Overall, I liked the resort. My husband was not too crazy about it - he's pretty spoiled as he travels frequently for work - and wasn't happy about always having to walk outside across the resort to get coffee or a snack. He felt it was just too big and spread out outside. That's why we're staying at AKL this fall, which is definitely fine with me!! The room was clean and a good size though-which is more than I hear about the values. Remember - the kids are just going to be thrilled they're in WDW!! Hope you have fun!!
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i was at cbr nov for 10 days and really liked the place. we stayed at trinadad north which was great close to pools and food court but still quite. never had any problems getting a seat on the buses. have fun
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Well-Known Member
CBR was our first experience with on-site lodging as well. A lot of folks will describe it as quite large but I have no problem with walking (and actually quite like the size) so CBR appealed to both me and my wife (then fiance). I think it perfectly fits the 'moderate' theming .. colorful, spacious and fun. All detailing is basically middle-of-the-road quality wise. The only problem I had was with the bussing, as others have said -- we had to wait upwards of 15-20 mins at times.

Our next trip was to AKL though, which is on an entirely different level ;)
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New Member
Original Poster
thanks everyone for your inputs...my dh has read all the reviews and is getting turned away from cbr to por....so i think we are going with por next year...

it pretty much sounds like it is a hike to the food court and buses are not that great of transportation at cbr...

so i'm sure whatever resort we choose it is going to be great considering it is disney world...:)
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Active Member
I STRONGLY disagree with bad reviews about CBR's buses. I've stayed at CBR twice and POFQ once, and never had a problem with CBR's buses. I don't know what others' expectations are, but the bus system at CBR was great both times I stayed there.

Actually, the only bus problems I ever witnessed were POR buses at Magic Kingdom after Wishes, twice during my week at POFQ about 2 months ago.

Even though POR and POFQ share buses, they do NOT share buses on the way back from MK to the resorts -- POFQ and POR have separate buses and separate bus stops for that.

Each time after Wishes, the POFQ line was "normal," but the POR line snaked WAAAAAY out of the switchbacks (the metal poles and railings that form the queue). I talked with some people in our line, and there were lots of people who abandoned the POR line in favor of the MUCH shorter POFQ line, then planned to either take the boat from POFQ to POR or just hoof it.

Another thing about POFQ and POR buses. The sister resorts often (but not always) share buses. When they do, the buses ALWAYS stop at POFQ's single stop first, and only then move on to POR. One time when our bus went on to POR from POFQ, it stopped only a the main depot and left before going to the other 3 stops because the bus was full.

We love CBR, but for our most recent trip we wanted to try something new but in the same price range. We didn't care for CSR's theme, so in choosing between POFQ and POR we chose POR because of the bus situation. We were not disappointed.

Also, just in case it matters to you, CBR's rooms are 340 square feet, and all the other moderates' rooms are 314 square feet. The difference is roughly the size of a double bed.
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Miss Bell

New Member
While CBR is pretty, and coolly themed, I think you will be happy with your decision to change to PO. CBR is a lot of walking to the food court, etc. You have moderately young kids that will probably be tired at the end of their fun-filled days. We have stayed at CBR and both Port Orleans. It is just my opinion, but I enjoyed staying at the PO resorts a lot more.
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