My advice would be to just plan ahead and be prepared. Bring extra canned goods which can be stored safely in your resort room. Make sure you familiarize yourself & your family with all the emergency exits and stairwells located throughout your resort. Have extra bottled water on hand. Ask a CM about the possibility of using sandbags as barriers, both inside your room, and against the outside of your door.
As far as safety around other people when the election results occur, try to steer clear of large crowds whenever possible. Excitable mobs after elections can easily be avoided by remaining perfectly still, as their vision is based upon movement. MK, DHS, and DAK are all scheduled to close at 7:00pm that night in case things get a little crazy. (The 3:00pm MK parade is still scheduled to proceed as normal, though no official time for it has been announced yet. Ask a CM).
Above all, remain calm throughout the day, and try not to appear too Canadian, as this increases your likelihood of countless Americans begging to bum a ride back north with you regardless of which candidate is victorious. Also keep calm for your family's sake, as extra hysteria on top of all the madness which will already be taking place only intensifies stress. I was at DHS back on election night of 2004. What kept me alive throughout the night was my ability to keep calm, a plethora of pepper spray, and simply remaining curled in the fetal position under a park bench for several hours until I could safely exit. So speaking from personal experience... you can survive the night!