A Week Of...???


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 5 - Meal 1 - Turkey Sausage, Egg and Cheese English Muffin

Another morning, another meal. I didn't feel so good this morning, but I made it out.

My weight this morning was 208.25 lbs. My BMI (body fat) is 25.6%. My hydration is 54.7%.

So, I guess...breakfast is served.

I love sausage, and guess this was a soft spot.

Too bad it was terrible. And, I went into it in a prior post. Nothing changed. I thought I'd give it a second chance, but it wasn't any better.

So, yeah...skip this. At least get the ham.

Anyhow, breakfast...done. And, it gets the same grade.

Meal Metrics

English Muffin Sandwich with Egg, Cheese and Turkey Sausage, 8 oz Non-fat Milk, 8 oz Enriched OJ, 1 Centrum Mens, 1 Coffee (black)

Total Cost - $2.18

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values
Calories - 440
Fat - 12%
Sat Fat - 14%
Cholesterol - 11%
Sodium - 25%
Carb - 23%
Fiber - 9%
Protien - 48%
Vit A - 84%
Vit C - 254%
Calcium - 96%
Iron - 54%

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - D

See you at lunch!


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member
Pretty much. Both were bad. I thought I'd give it a "fair shake" and try it again.

Yeah, I'll stick with the first time I tried it.


Just bad...
I'll stick with a bowl of good old Special K, thanks.

There's an idea. A week of all different types of cereal.
I know for sure that won't kill you. My youngest brother lived on nothing but cereal for 15 years.


Premium Member
You need to do a week of:



One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 5 - Meal 2 - Mini Rigatoni in a Vodka Cream Sauce

I didn't get to eat this until almost 5:30. Things have gotten very hectic at work.

So, al dente pasta with a creamy tomato vodka sauce and reduced fat mozzerella cheese. Time to stir! It looks pretty good. I am impressed with the mozzerella!

Hrm. Looks a bit...bland. Another dish where I almost wish I'd stopped cooking at the stir phase instead of following the package directions. Also, I highly doubt the rigatoni is "al dente". :p

Well, on to feast!

It wasn't bad. I was right, it certainly was a bit bland, both in texture and taste. The rigatoni was mushy. The sauce didn't do much for the meal. I love vodka sauce, and this was disappointing.

But, gripes aside, it wasn't terrible either. A decent solid meal for 3 minutes of cook time and $1.99. But, there are other dishes I've liked better.

Meal Metrics

Mini Rigatoni with Vodka Cream sauce, 12 oz Coke Classic

Total Cost - $2.35 ($4.54)

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values.
Daily totals in parenthesis

Calories - 410 (850)
Fat - 8% (20%)
Sat Fat - 11% (25%)
Cholesterol - 3 (14%)
Sodium - 23% (28%)
Carb - 27% (50%)
Fiber - 28% (38%)
Protien - 16% (36%)
Vit A - 10% (90%)
Vit C - 6% (260%)
Calcium - 15% (101%)
Iron - 8% (52%)
Vit D - 0% (200%)

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - C

Dinner is next!
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One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 5 - Meal 3 - Traditional Lasagna with Meat Sauce

This day has had a theme of Italian. Generally, microwave pastas are decent. But, microwave Lasagna is a classic. I mean, who doesn't have fond feelings towards Souffers frozen lasagna? Even the crispy bits along the edges are tasty!

So, lets see how Smart Ones ranks, shall we?

Hrm. Smart Tray? Cute.

4 minutes on high and 3.5 minutes on 50% produced this!

Dinnah is served!

And...it was ok. The sauce was pretty good, but I couldn't find much of the meat. A layer of ground beef wouldn't have hurt. The pasta itself was pretty flavorless, but had a great texture. The ricotta cheese was delicious! However, I wish they had included more of it.

I much prefer the Stouffer's brand. But, this wasn't bad at all. Like all microwave lasagnas I've ever had, the corners got a bit burnt and tough, but they were still good.

For dessert, I had the other raspberry fruit dip bar. And, it was just as awesome as before!

So, a day of mediocre to bad dishes. I really can't say this day was a success at all.

Meal Metrics

Lasagna with Meat Sauce, 12 oz Can of Coke, 1 Strawberry Greek Fruit Bar

Total Cost - $2.79 ($7.32)

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values.
Daily totals in parenthesis

Calories - 530 (1380)
Fat - 15% (35%)
Sat Fat - 28% (53%)
Cholesterol - 8% (22%)
Sodium - 29% (77%)
Carb - 33% (83%)
Fiber - 19% (56%)
Protein - 32% (68%)
Vit A - 16% (106%)
Vit C - 12% (273%)
Calcium - 33% (134%)
Iron - 10% (62%)
Vit D - 0% (200%)

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - C+
Daily Grade (purely subjective) - C

Off to breakfast, and I know what I'm having tomorrow, so I'm excited!
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One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 6 - Meal 1 - Breakfast Quesadilla

I am so excited to have this again, and I am famished this morning. But first, the metrics.

My weight this morning was 206.5 lbs. My BMI (body fat) is 24.3%. My hydration is 55.5%.

I'll wont post a full review here again, because I already reviewed this earlier in the week. Lets just say, it was just as good this time as last! Not awesome, but a tasty start to the day!

I am finally used to the OJ. I'm not sure that's a good thing?

Meal Metrics

Breakfast Quesadilla, 8 oz Non-fat Milk, 8 oz Enriched OJ, 1 Centrum Mens, 1 Coffee (black)

Total Cost - $2.18

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values
Calories - 440
Fat - 12%
Sat Fat - 15%
Cholesterol - 7%
Sodium - 29%
Carb - 24%
Fiber - 26%
Protien - 44%
Vit A - 84%
Vit C - 254%
Calcium - 106%
Iron - 52%

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - B-

See you at lunch!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 6 - Meal 2 - Santa Fe Style Rice and Beans

In line with my "mexican" theme today, I'm having Rice and Beans. I have rather high hopes for this dish, as it looks pretty good on the box! My only reservation is how bad the rice was with the Orange Chicken.

Hrm...ok. That cheese looks promising!

Time to stir! The house smells fantastic too. And, look at that cheese. I'm actually excited to see how this turns out now.

Not too shabby!

Time to dig in.

It wasn't bad at all. It could have used some tobasco or jalepenos added to it, because it's a dish that some added heat would bring a lot to the table. But, it was pretty tasty. The cheese was well blended and brought the whole dish together. The rice was delish! I guess this shouldn't have surprised me since I enjoyed the mexican rice that came with the fajitas...

The only thing I didn't like were the beans. They were rather tough. They tasted almost undercooked. But, still, a good dish. I'd eat this again in a heartbeat!

Meal Metrics

Sante Fe Style Rice and Beans, 12 oz Coke Classic

Total Cost - $2.35 ($4.54)

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values.
Daily totals in parenthesis

Calories - 430 (870)
Fat - 10% (22%)
Sat Fat - 12% (25%)
Cholesterol - 2 (9%)
Sodium - 20% (49%)
Carb - 30% (54%)
Fiber - 16% (42%)
Protein - 18% (62%)
Vit A - 20% (104%)
Vit C - 6% (260%)
Calcium - 10% (116%)
Iron - 6% (58%)
Vit D - 0% (200%)

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - A

Dinner is next!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 7 - Meal 3 - Chicken Fajitas

The steak fajitas were pretty good, so I'm actually looking forward to these!

I wasn't surprised this time with the size of the fajitas, but that doesn't mean that I don't wish they were larger! I am famished tonight!

I also was prepared for the glue this time, and used a small paring knife to carefully remove the fajitas. Look, no hole in the plastic film!

Grilled white meat chicken with seasoned peppers and onions and a side of rice and beans. Hrm...ok. Two minutes later, and it's time to stir. Smells great!

And dinner is served!

These weren't as good as the steak ones. The chicken had a good texture, but very little seasoning or taste that I could tell. Thankfully though, the rice and fajita sauce were excellent. The tortilla was a bit chewy, but again, not a surprise.

This is pretty much what I'd expected. The same exact meal as the steak fajitas, but with chicken. As a result, it gets the same grade from me. A pretty good meal!

But, if I had my choice, I'd get the steak over this, only because it had a better texture and taste to the meat.

I had the second mango bar for dessert, and it wasn't bad. I still like all the other flavors better.

Meal Metrics

Chicken Fajitas, 12 oz Coke, 1 Mango Greek Fruit Bar

Total Cost - $3.79 ($8.32)

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values.
Daily totals in parenthesis

Calories - 530 (1400)
Fat - 13% (35%)
Sat Fat - 22% (49%)
Cholesterol - 9% (18%)
Sodium - 26% (75%)
Carb - 33% (87%)
Fiber - 19% (61%)
Protein - 34% (96%)
Vit A - 21% (125%)
Vit C - 29% (289%)
Calcium - 13% (129%)
Iron - 10% (68%)

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - A-
Daily Grade (purely subjective) - A

Well, that's it for Day 6! One more day to go. I'm almost there! Of all the days so far, this was the best, I think. The food was consistently good, and I am quite pleased at the moment.
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One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 7 - Meal 1 - Cheesy Scramble with Hash Browns

The last day has come!

I woke up not feeling very well this morning. I don't know why. But, as a result, I really am ready to breakfast. And, today, I have a hearty one planned! But, the metrics, right?

My weight this morning was 204.2 lbs. My BMI (body fat) is 23.5%. My hydration is 57.0%. I guess this diet really would work to lose weight. However, without getting to far into it, if you did something like this, I'd certainly add a fiber supplement. The first few days I didn't have any issues, but the past few...I have. So...yeah. Do that.

Anyhow, on with the food!

I am anticipating this, because I started this week long challenge with another scramble dish, and it was pretty darned tasty!

Time to stir. Hrm, looking pretty good!

1 more minute, and out it comes. Like many of these dishes, it looks better during the stirring step then it does now. But, still looks pretty good!

And breakfast is served!

The cheesy eggs were great. Very fluffy, but they could have used some salt and pepper. The cheese didn't seem to add much to the meal, in my opinion. But, I probably would have missed it if it wasn't there.

The "hash browns" on the other hand were merely ok. The seasoning was good, though they also needed salt. But, they cooked up a bit tough. I didn't enjoy them very much.

Overall, not a bad meal. Not nearly as good as the Ham and Cheese Scramble I had on day 1. This really could have used some of that ham!
Meal Metrics

Cheesy Scramble with Hash Browns, 8 oz Non-fat Milk, 8 oz Enriched OJ, 1 Centrum Mens, 1 Coffee (black)

Total Cost - $3.68

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values
Calories - 420
Fat - 11%
Sat Fat - 17%
Cholesterol - 19%
Sodium - 23%
Carb - 26%
Fiber - 21%
Protien - 37%
Vit A - 86%
Vit C - 262%
Calcium - 106%
Iron - 48%

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - B-

See you at lunch!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Week 1 - Day 7 - Meal 2 - Angel Hair Marinara

I'm ready for lunch. Last lunch of this experiment. And it looks great on the box!

The noodles look interesting all frozen like this. Sort of reminds me of Ramen. Hope fully they turn out better than that!

Tender angel hair pasta in a delicious marinara sauce with spinach, yellow and green zucchini, according to the box. Well, it's time to stir. The noodles look promising.

And the finished product!

Quite a tasty looking lunch, I think! It smells good, too.

So, how did it turn out? Well. Mixed.

The sauce is very sweet, but in a good way. It also has chunks of tomato in it, which adds to the texture. The zucchini is absolutely excellent. This is a trend I noticed all week, that the vegetables work extremely well, on average, in these meals.

But, the pasta. Oh...my. The pasta is BAD. At least they didn't put "al dente" on this box description, because this was the exact opposite. It was clumped together and extremely soft. As you chew, this texture gets worse, as it turns into a mush in your mouth.

I think the should have gone with a sturdier pasta, because everything else in this dish was great!

Meal Metrics

Angel Hair Marinara, 12 oz Coke Classic

Total Cost - $2.35 ($6.03)

All percentages are based off the recommended 2000 calorie Daily Values.
Daily totals in parenthesis

Calories - 340 (760)
Fat - 6% (17%)
Sat Fat - 6% (23%)
Cholesterol - 0 (19%)
Sodium - 26% (49%)
Carb - 24% (45%)
Fiber - 18% (33%)
Protein - 14% (51%)
Vit A - 25% (111%)
Vit C - 10% (272%)
Calcium - 8% (114%)
Iron - 10% (58%)

Meal Grade (purely subjective) - B

Well, all caught up. Sorry about getting behind on posting. But, that's fixed now.

Anyway, dinner is next! The LAST MEAL!


One Little Spark...
Original Poster
Hmmmm ... I think somebody might have mention the lack of fibre.

Just wondering, why wouldn't you allow yourself basic seasonings: salt, pepper, tabasco?


I almost tagged you in that post. I'm not sure why I didn't.

I didn't use basic seasonings because I wanted to sample the dishes as presented, straight out of the box. However, for many of them, basic seasonings would have brought a lot to the dish.


Time To Be Movin’ Along
Premium Member


I almost tagged you in that post. I'm not sure why I didn't.

I didn't use basic seasonings because I wanted to sample the dishes as presented, straight out of the box. However, for many of them, basic seasonings would have brought a lot to the dish.
Integrity of the experiment vs making things taste better?
Experiment? Taste?

Taste wins!

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