Day Eight - 9/24/2015...Hollywood Studios
This day was probably the best out of all the days. I would have guessed it wouldn't have been just because I can be so down in the dumps at this point in most vacations. Just knowing it's almost over, knowing you're days away from normal every day life...sans time with family, sans yummy food, sans Disney fun lol. So I was pleasantly surprised that I was not at all sad and gloomy.
We started the day on a mission. We were going to head straight to sign Shade up for The Jedi Training Academy. We got there on time, headed straight over, got in line and then of course he was all "nah" and "nevermind" and my favorite - "but I just don't waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant to anymoooooooore, I never waaaaaaaaanted tooooooooooo". Lies. All lies. He wanted to - during most of the time leading up to the trip he wanted to. He watched youtube videos over and over again and couldn't wait for it. I have no clue what happened between then and this moment in line with him. I waited in line for about another 10 minutes asking him over and over again if he was sure and making it clear to him that if we left the line and later in the day he decided he DID want to that it would be much too late by then. It didn't matter - it made no difference to him so we jumped ship. I was pretty bummed because I was so hopeful to have a nice framed pic of Shade and Vader...sigh. I wasn't going to force him though and I wasn't going to hog a spot if it meant some other kid didn't get in if he changed his mind...which he didn't. He never brought it up again.
We went on over to The Great Movie Ride since the line was so short. Did I miss something somewhere about a broken/missing alien? I was kind of nervous about the part where the alien springs out at you because I thought it might scare Shade never happened? We didn't even see she used to kind of spit on you and everything, no? Am I making this all up in my head? That's possible
After that we headed over to Star Tours which was pretty cool because Willow was the Rebel Spy. I wish I had been ready to snap a pic when it flashed her face on the screen...that would have been awesome. I wanted to get her the "I was the Rebel Spy" t-shirt but she wasn't interested.
After Star Tours we hit up Muppetvision 3D and then ate at Pizza Planet. I dunno...I was kind of bummed about Pizza Planet. I mean on one hand I was pumped because I was expecting to get "stuck" here forever. I expected it to be this full blown Chuck E Cheese type place only WAY cooler and bigger. So I was expecting the kids to want to hang out way longer than we had time for. Then we got there and it was kind of not at all what I imagined. Maybe my expectations were too high...maybe I didn't look around enough? I felt like it was a pizza place with some games and it was space themed. Which on the other hand was good, because I didn't want to have to pull the kids out of there if they were set on staying and I didn't have to do that so bonus! After lunch we stopped for a meet and greet with Mike and Sully...Sully was a bonus since the whole time we waited in line it was just Mike. Then like 2 minutes before our turn Sully came out...yay!
Next it was time for our Toy Story FP...this was really fun! Admittedly it was REALLY hard for me not to let loose and win, win, win lol. I was paired up with Shade though and I wanted him to win. He's still young enough that I can let him win things sometimes. Now in a few years it will be a different story!
So the whole day leading up to this point I was slightly dreading our Rock 'n' Rollercoaster FP. I was looking forward to it because I love that ride AND it was the ONLY ride that Willow could not go on the last time we were here, (10 yrs ago

). So she was finally going to be able to ride it. BUT I also knew that Shade was, as far as our last measurement at home, too small to ride. At this point it was time to break the news to him. It was SO sad...he kept saying things like "but mommy, I'm a brave boy...I can do it" and "we'll just tell them that I'm not scared" or "mommy please let me, please...I won't be scared I promise". All of which broke my heart. Finally after him begging and pleading to at least let him try I told him he could get measured by the cast member but if they said no then he would have to wait with Grandma, (bet you forgot she was with us, eh? She was pretty quiet the whole time

). He agreed and so we approached the measuring stick thing. He hopped up and the cast member started trying to shove his fingers between the top of his head and the stick. He tried like 10 times and finally said "he's good". I was like WHAAAAAT?!?! The cast member was all "yea...he's good...they'll measure him again up front but if he's good here, he'll be good there". I could NOT believe it! Shade was SO pumped. He started jumping up and down. It was awesome. His face in the pic was pretty awesome too lol. Best ride pic ever.
After that ride he was totally motivated. He felt like he could do anything so he was all for Tower of Terror which I was also nervous about. I knew he would be tall enough but I also though that it may be a bit much for him at times. Not the dropping part but the dark, creepy parts leading up to it. I thought he'd get scared...he was fine though. He loved every bit of it...even if he didn't look too thrilled in the ride photo...
After that we were pretty much done. I feel bad because we didn't do Indiana Jones, we didn't do the stunt show, no Beauty and the Beast, (actually my mom high tailed it over to Beauty and the Beast once she realized Shade was big enough for Rock 'n' Rollercoaster lol). We aren't really big on shows though so it's not like we felt like anything was missing. I guess I just felt bad because I wanted to at least show the kids everything...that's impossible though.
It was now time for dinner at Prime Time...
Our server was fun but wasn't too over the top with the table manners. She did however spoon feed my husband some of his veggies. He was all pouty and claimed it wasn't fair because not only did he eat all of his veggies, he also ate all of Willow's leftovers. What he didn't eat was the veggies used for garnish which is what he was spoon fed. Oh and then to top it off, Willow got the clean plate sticker hahahahaha. I ordered the sampler plate and the item I was least looking forward to was actually my favorite - the pot roast. It was awesome!!
Once we were done with dinner we sort f just shopped around. Shade made a friend...they seriously talked for about 20-30 minutes no joke. The whole time my mom and the girls were shopping he just chatted it up with her.
After the shopping was done it was time to go but not without some poncho time first. This was the only time it rained while we were there which was really surprising to me! Shade and Robin loved it, Willow could have done without
Very light rainbow...
We ended up getting back to the resort before 8, so my husband and I took the opportunity to do some laundry. The laundry room is right by the big blue pool, (and bar

), which is convenient. Willow took a nap and my mom, Shade and Robin went for a swim. My husband and I hung out poolside and ordered some drinks while watching the others swim. The Moscato Colada was SO, SO yummy! Shade and my husband also played some ping pong which was cute to watch. Everyone really enjoyed themselves this day. I think by now we were all feeling much better and more relaxed...we even got to bed earlier than we had the entire trip. Like I was the best day of the whole trip!