A Twist In Time


Well-Known Member
Cool Text - Mary PoppinsJolly Holiday 206350744760728.png

This ride is a spinoff of the hit movie, featuring four of the hit songs (Jolly Holiday, Step in Time, Chim Chim Cheree, and Let’s Go Fly a Kite). The ride's events take place about a year after the movie, and it also features some inspiration from the novel series (such as the dancing statues and Mary Poppins’ reappearance to the children).

The queue is rethemed to feel like the Jolly Holiday scene from the movie. Basically, it is a very green, flower-and-statue-filled park.


Ride Vehicles
The Ride vehicles are themed to the carousel from the Jolly Holiday scene in the movie. The vehicles are shaped like the vehicles in the Winnie the Pooh ride. Each Vehicle houses 4-6 people and there are two rows. While the music is played at the actual sets, the dialouge is played through on-board speakers.



Scene 1
As the cart leaves the station, it leaves the bright and beautiful park to head towards the London skyline in the "distance."

Scene 2
The ride begins with an animatronic of Bert, joined by Jane and Michael, singing “Chim Chim Cheree” on one of the rooftops of London.
JANE: Nothing’s been right since Mary Poppins left.
MICHAEL: Yeah! Father is even considering ing a new nanny.
BERT: Well, that can't be right. Say - How about this? Tomorrow I'll take you two to the park and we can go fly a new kite.
KIDS: That sounds awesome

Scene 3
As the vehicle progresses closer to the moon, we find that the silhouette of Mary is also singing Chim Chim Cheree harmony with Bert. This transition goes through a room in which the sky brightens up. A gate then opens to lead to the next scene.

Scene 4
We are then inside of a park (with the song Let's Go Fly a Kite playing), in which there are many people flying kites. Bert and the kids are in the middle of the room and when the children start to reel down their kite (which is on the opposite time of the track) and find Mary Poppins floating down from the kite.
MARY: Tut. Tut. It appears nothing can remain orderly without me.

Scene 5
We are still in the park.
JANE: what are we going to do first, Mary Poppins?
MARY: Well m, first we have to teach you to some manners.
BERT: Aww… Come’n Mary. Can't we have a little fun first?
MARY: Oh all right.

Scene 6
The gates to another area of the park labeled “Statue Garden” burst open and inside we see the kids, Mary, Bert, and several of the statues dancing while singing “Jolly Holiday.”

Scene 7
As we move through the scene we see the carousel and butler penguins (in statue form). We no longer face the main characters, but we can hear:
MARY: Thank you Nero! Thank you Claudius! Thank you statues!
BERT: That was fun, but I'm going to late for work
KIDS: Can we come?
BERT: Oh, why not?

Scene 8
Another transition period in which we go through another gate, see the sky darken, and then we are on the rooftops. We are on a circular track, chimney sweeps (with Bert in the middle) around the circumference of the circle, singing “Step in Time”. Mary and the kids are in the middle, pointing at the stars.
MARY: Tomorow is a big day.
KIDS: Why can't we just stay with you, Mary Poppins.
MARY: I'm sure you're new nanny will be lovely.

Scene 9
We are still on the rooftops is London. Bert and Mary are singing “Chim Chim Cheree.”
BERT:Mary, must you go
MARY: Unfortunately yes.
BERT: Well goodbye then.
MARY: Farwell, Bert. And thank you.
BERT: For?
MARY: Such a Jolly Holiday.

Gift Shop
The gift shop sells Mary Poppins themed merchandise and kites! It is called Cherry Tree Store.

Author's Note
This was the first ride I've ever completely designed, and MAN was it fun! Edited.
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Excerpt from Disney Magazine - Summer 1997 edition

With the release of Disney's 35th animated feature film this past June, the musical-comedy hit will be adding some brawn to Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom next summer. Replacing Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, which is slated to close next year, will be a dark ride attraction Hercules - Go The Distance. It will feature all of your favorite characters from the film, as discover your destiny with Hercules, train with Phil, and foil the plans of the infamous Hades. Walt Disney Imagineering is very excited at this announcement, as it will bring a fresh face to the park, and expand the fantastical European themes of Fantasyland to the shores of Ancient Greece. Check over the coming months for exclusive behind the scenes sneak peaks both in the Disney Magazine and on Disney Channel!

Imagineer That! - Disney Channel Special

Airing on Disney Channel in preparation for the new attraction, guests will get a behind the scenes look at what Hercules - Go the Distance, will be like.

--Go The Distance--

Host: "Hi there - I'm Tom Morrow 2.0 and today we are going to be getting a behind the scenes look at the newest hero coming to the Magic Kingdom - Hercules! I'm here with imagineer, spacemt, and he's going to tell me a little about the attraction"

Imagineer: "Well, Tom, let's take a look at this attraction layout here. We've reconfigured it to put the guests inside the film of Hercules, being immersed in the characters and story.

The queue facade and layout will be reconfigured to look like an Ancient Greece temple, like the Zeus' temple that Hercules went to visit in the film. It will be complete with Greece columns and architecture to truly provide an eclectic environment from the medieval fare style in central Fantasyland, and the English inspired west side of Fantasyland. This Greek influenced endeavor will expand the European themes of the land."

"Continuing, as you wind through the queue area you will be serenaded with the Muses, Calliope, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Clio, who sing and narrated the prologue to the film, to catch guests up on the story they are entering Throughout the queue will be inonvated vases, that, through the use of special effects and lighting, move and sway just like in the film. The song "The Gospel Truth" will be heard from above as you are introduced to the birth of our hero, Hercules, on Olympus, where your journey will begin.

"As you can see by the attraction map below, the queue switchbacks around until we get to the load area where you will board your detailed ride vehicles, designed as your own chariot, that will take you to Olympus. The chariots, themed to Ancient Greece mythology, will whisk you away on your journey. The chariots seat approximately 5 guests, 2 in the front and 3 in the back.​

"As we leave the loading station we see Hermes and Zeus on the side talking on the outskirts of an Olympian party, casually discussing it and Zeus' new son Hercules. Part of what separated Hercules from other Disney animated films prior, was its quirkiness and comedy, which will be subtly displayed in their joyous conversation

New transition doors shaped and designed as clouds open, and we gaze out onto a bright Olympus scene, with everyone celebrating the birth of Hercules

As your vehicles progress around the majestic environment, you see baby Hercules and baby Pegasus smiling with each other, as Zeus announces that they will be good friends. Everyone seems to be enjoying the party except for Hades, who as you turn the corner, is seen disgruntled.

Zeus taunts Hades as the show scene transitions to the Underworld.


As you transition down the "river of death" in the underworld, you see Pain and Panic, Hades' "trusted" minions, having a conversation with themselves, with Panic saying his catchphrase "if, if is good"

The Fates are seen talking to Hades about his plan to make Hercules mortal so he can take over Olympus with the titans when the planets align, but they also warn Hades that if Hercules fights, Hades will be defeated. An annoyed Hades sends Pain and Panic out to make Hercules mortal, which acts as a transition scene to Hercules being discovered by his adopted parents.

The transition scene leads into Hercules saying good-bye to his adopted parents as a teenager, and heading out to find the temple of Zeus, singing the hit song from the film "Go the Distance" Traveling through the woods and valleys, he reaches the temple, where Zeus tells him to go find Philoctetes and train with him.

Aboard Pegasus, Hercules sets off.

In the next transition scene, Hercules convinces "Phil" to try training him again, after his failed endeavor with Achilles (that dang heel).

The next scene then leads into a montage of training and fighting done by Hercules being trained by Phil, with the song "One Last Hope" being sung in the background.

The scene shows Hercules growing in strength, but completing Phil's courses, and ends with defeating the centaur, as Meg, Hercules' newfound love interest, looks on in sarcastic glee. As you transition out of the scene, you hear a faint line of the song "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Meg, as Hades approaches Meg and says that "we have a deal"

On the right side of the transition scene, you see Hercules shaking Hades hand, and losing his strength for 24 hours so that Meg would go unharmed.

The following scene then shows to the titans being unleashed on Olympus to the right, and Hades looking on from the Underworld to the left of the ride vehicles.

As a subtle easter egg to the former attraction, Mr Toad's Wild Ride, in the Underworld, on the side of Hades in the river of death, you can see an outline of the devils from the Mr. Toad attraction, in the river

Towards the end of the scene though, Hercules is seen swimming in the river to save Meg , and in the final scene, can be seen standing next to Hades with a golden glow, with Meg being saved, and Hades upset.

As you leave the Underworld, you see Hades combating the souls, as they bring him down with them.

In the final scene after the rescue you are back on Olympus, with everyone celebrating Hercules' action as a hero, with the Muses singing "A Star is Born" as you proceed to the unload area. You see Phil looking on proud, Hercules and Meg flying on Pegasus, and Zeus looking on proud at his son.

When you exit the attraction, guests can walk into Phil's Gift Shop, where you can find merchandise of the characters from the hero and his friends. One of the prominent items would be the Windows 95/98 PC video game

In this video game, you can train as Hercules and defeat all of the monsters and villains from the film.

Well there you have it folks, Hercules - Go The Distance will open in 1998 at Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom. Be sure to check out the heroic adventure for yourselves next year! Thanks, Tom Morrow 2.0 for having me on.

Host: "And that was the sneak peak of Hercules - Go the Distance, what will be the next imagineering adventure we will go on? Guess we will just have to find out on the next episode of --- Imagineer That! Only on Disney Channel.

Magic Feather

Well-Known Member
Belle's Enchanted Journey

This new enchanting journey at the Magic Kingdom, in the location of the former Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, will bring the magic of Disney's recent Major Motion Picture, "Beauty and the Beast" to life in a soon to be classic dark ride. Seeing as Disney needs this project done on the cheap, this project will have three tiers for each section. Tier 1 will be the core basics for each scene or area. Tier Two will add additional details that could be added should extra small pieces of budget be come across, adding small enhacements to necessary areas. Tier Three will add significant details to greatly enhance the exoerience. This would most likely occur in a later refurbishment, or should a large amount of budget be added at a later point. Without further adieu, let's begin.

The Façade:

Tier 1:
A tent façade reminiscent of those found through the rest of fantasyland would be created primarily using shades of Gold and Blue for the structure. This Look would stretch all the way down to Maurice's Workshop, the new gift shop fir this attraction.
Tier 2: A nice alpine village chalet greets those two an enchanting adventure as quaint signs direct guests around. This alpine style will later be translated throughout Fantasyland to put an end to the tent abomination throughout fantasyland.
Tier 3: A french chateau welcomes guests to what promises to be an incredible adventure. Joined to the right is Maurice's Workshop where guests can but Belle trinkets and merchendise.
Queuing and FASTPASS:
Tier 1: A FASTPASS distribution area is to the left of the central entrance which has a standby entrance to the left, and a FASTPASS entrance on the right. These queues intertwined as demonstrated in the above diagram before meandering towards an ADA compliant ramp that mives up to the loading platform. This interior queue is comprised of metal chain stantions and a loosely themed interior queue with full air conditioning.
Tier 2: In Tier 2, metal stantions will be replaced with wooden quality stantions along with the load gates.
Tier 3: The interior is coated with wooden paneling as a quality indoor queue is created
The Exit Shop/ Maurice's Workshop:
Tier 1: Basic colored walls complement wall displays full of basic Beauty and the Beast Merchandise.
Tier 2: A couple of Maurice's gadgets complement the basic interior, some of which are for sale.
Tier 3: Wood Paneling and elaborate, functioning gizmos create a workshop feeling along with scattered blueprints, and displays themed to saw horses.
Load/ Unload/ Dispatch (Scene 1):
Tier 1: Guests board their wooden carts (pictured below) that are named after the servants in Beast's castle, in front of a mural of Maurice's workshop (which has a small toad figurine in reference to Mr. Toad, as we pull out of the Load area, we come across the door leaving Maurice's Cottage.
Tier 2: Cuckoo Clocks are added to the walls to add a three dimensinal feel
Tier 3: Shelves are added that display some of Maurice's most prized inventions.

Village/ Tavern and Forest (Scenes 2, 2.5, & 3):
Tier 1: Guests Exit the doors of Maurice's Cottage directly into the village as an instrumental rendition of "Belle" plays in the background. The village is created by painted wooden flats of village homes and stores such as the bookstore, as well as a dry fountain in the center that the vehicles circle as we approach a bustling tavern, whose doors we enter through. We enter a bustling tavern in which "Gaston" is being sung as Gaston stands proudly atop Lefou who is balancing mugs. The tavernfolk, as well as the bar will be recreated by plywood set pieces, while Gaston and Lefou will be three dimensional figures with limited motion, similar to those in Peter Pan. Guests soon exit the back door of the tavern as you go through a spooky forest created by plywood trees like those in Snow White's Ride. Through the bushes and trees, red glowing eyes like those of wolves can be seen, as you approach the gates of the castle, followed by the large front wooden doors.
Tier 2: Flowing water is added to the fountain along with flowerboxes and three dimensional signs on the storefronts. Tavern patrons become three dimensional static figures, and a bartender pouring an overflowing glass is added, as well as an oddly familliar patron behind the bar spinning his glass, making a tributing toast to Toad.
Tier 3: The storefronts would become fully three dimensional as a pair of deer horns are added above gaston's sign. Inside the tavern, Gaston and Lefou are upgraded to A-100 animatronics, and instead of eyes, three dimensional wolves jump out at you in the forest.
Foyer/ Hallway (Scenes 4 & 5):
Tier 1: Guests enter the castle foyer as Belle tells her imprisoned father to go, meanwhile the Beast watches from afar on the staircase. We go under the stairs as we make a slight left towards a tattered curtain before we begin to hear Lumiere and Cogsworth who are on a cart in front of us not to go to the West Wing, but instead, to the dining room, where a surprise awaits us. Mauruce is a painted flat, while Belle, Cogsworth and Lumiere are limited motion figures with subtle head movements, and Beast is a static Figure.
Tier 2: The cart under the servants rolls with your cart as well as Beast and Maurice bith being upgraded to limited motion figures.
Tier 3: Lumiere and Cogsworth recieve projected faces and upgraded movement, as Belle is upgraded with a greater range of motion.
The Dining Room/ Be Our Guest (Scene 6):
Tier 1: We enter a bustling dining room to see rows of plates and dinnerware spinning and Cogsworth Dancing to the classic tune of "Be Our Guest". We turn the Corner to see Chip and Mrs. Potts dancing around each other under a set of bursting champagne bottles, befire we round the final corner to see the star of the show, Lumiere, perched atop a cake spinning and singing to the tune of the catchy song. Just before we approach an all too familiar tattered curtain. Lots of blacklights and turntables will be employed to create this sensational scene. All spinning plates and dinnerware will be brought to life through projection technology, while the enchanted objects will be static 3D figures places on turntables. Lastly, the champagne bottle will be achieved by a rising plastic like the fish in the present day Ariel ride's Kiss the Girl scene.
Tier 2: Plates will become physical, as disco and colored beam lights will be added to create a party-like atmosphere.
Tier 3: Lumiere's animatronic gets a significant upgrade to give him a full range of movement. His turntable will be turned off, but more other castle friends will be added in additional locations, like Babette or the barking footstool.
The West Wing (Scene 7):
Tier 1: We enter through a tattered curtain which makes way for us to see torn up furniture, and a scratched paining of Price Adam that flashes to become the beast. In the center of this mess lies the enchanted rose whose theme echoes through the west wing. We leave this forsaken place towards one of the castle's many halls.
Tier 2: A new effect allows a petal of the rose to fall, and windows are added for enhanced lightning effects.
Tier 3: New torn props are added in addition to a new projection effect outside the windows.
Hall/ The Ballroom (Scenes 8 & 9):
Tier 1: Chip sitting on a service cart in a hallway tells us that we must hurry to the ballroom for Belle and Beast are about to dance. We enter the Ballroom to see Mrs. Potts singing Beauty and the Beast on a second service cart to our left, while Belle and Beast dance in the center of an expansive ballroom. Mrs. Potts, Chip, Beast, and Belle are all Limited motion figures that tilt and twirl.
Tier 2: A fancy chandelier hangs above the ballroom, in addition to more castle friends being added on the service cart. Snow is added in the large windows of the Ballroom as well.
Tier 3: Mrs. Potts and Chip get projected faces, and the Belle and Beast Animatronics dance around the ballroom on a guided wire similar to the technology used in the Universe of Energy.
The Battle (Scene 10):
Tier 1: We turn the corner out of the ballroom to come face to face with the castle's entryway, where the doors swing open to Gaston and his gang of hunters who taunt you. You seemingly turn around towards the castle now in tatters as the battle ensues. To your left, Chip is seen spitting hot tea in Lefou's eye using the same spitting effect that would have been used for gopher, as Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth trip another goon with napkins. To our right, Lumiere is setting the rear of a goon on fire. Lastly, on our left we see Gaston teetering off of the balcony with Beast's hand outstretched (like he is pushing him). We round the corner to see a stained glass interpretation of the rose, now shattered, as the rose theme plays.
Tier 2: Upgraded backgrounds, fire effects, and more characters causing trouble for the goons.
Tier 3: Projections make rain and lightning come to life as the stained glass rose recieves fiberoptic and projection effects. Gaston's figure as well as beasts are upgraded.
Transformation/ Return (Scenes 11 & 12):
Tier 1: We enter the castle foyer to see limited motion figures of all of the servants in their human form smiling as the rose theme plays. We then enter through a no longer tattered curtain to see Belle kissing Adam in the West Wing next to the rose which no longer has petals. Guests exit the castle doors before exiting back to Maurice's Workshop thriugha small, bright, and sunny forest.
Tier 2: The characters transform before our eyes using Pepper's ghost technology, as well as we now get to see the final letal fall on the rose.
Tier 3: The Belle and Adam figures are upgraded.

Thanks For Reading! And have an enchanted day!
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Challenge 1 : The End of a Wild Ride
Presentation by @MonorailRed



As the overwhelming complaints of eliminating Mr. Toad's Wild Ride arise from fans, to the point of having a online petition to keep the attraction, it only makes sense to replace this attraction with an appropriate IP - One with a serious fanbase, great box office numbers, and a big enough musical number to fit a large show scene (such as Hufflelumps and Woozles). Something that makes replacing a 1971 classic a little less painful for fans, with a bit of a classic feel itself. That's why I went with the Disney Renaissance classic, Beauty and the Beast.

As a plus with the 1998 timeline, this connects Mrs. Potts' Cupboard (Quick Service; In 2016 named Storybook Treats) with Storytime with Belle (Where the Brave Meet and Greet currently is) seamlessly, with the tale as old as time right in between!

The biggest hurdle for this project is how to tell such a classic story with around six large show scenes. For this issue, I took a simpler approach - telling the story through the Beast's perspective instead of Belle's - this helps with transitions, while the characters themselves have just enough "squash and stretch" quality that they would be fine to use as classic Fantasyland static figures.


After passing the Castle Courtyard and turning right past Ariel’s Grotto and Dumbo the Flying Elephant guests see a rose garden on the opposite site of Triton’s Pool (Former Site of 20,000 Leagues). Tying into the “Royal Fair” motif of the castle, guests see in front of them vines of roses surrounding the two pillars holding up a white and blue tent structure that reads –
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Story.

Guests enter the queue by going through the tent, which quickly turns into a switchback queue with “cutout” castle walls, as guests move closer the walls start to transition into a darker tint, almost similar to the movie’s castle interior.

The queue isn’t without detail for being a cutout switchback queue. In fact, it tells the entire prologue through mosaic pieces painted with the “stone.” The narration from the movie is added to the bottom of the mosaic, in what seems to be but out in the stone. This sets the stage for the entire attraction, since it is told through the Beast’s perspective.

As they board enchanted bowls, guests see on right of them a mosaic double doors showing the Beast’s Hands as human, this is where the ride ends and exits.

The back wall of the load unload is a giant, dark, brick wall, covered in rose vines and lettering that says. “For Who Could Ever Love A Beast?”

board ride vehicles in the design of teapots (Don't believe me? Ask the dishes) from the movie.

To the right of them is a double door in mosaic of Beast’s hands turned into a Beast. This is where the ride beings for guests. (Note: I decided to keep the track, but have guests go “backwards” show scenes wise as opposed to Winnie the Pooh. So they’d start in the purposed Party scene and end in the Blustery day scene.) As the doors open and the vehicle goes through, the ride begins.



The First scene shows Beast looking at rose case as another petal falls, with Luminaire, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts nearby.


Beast: She'll never see me as anything...but a monster. (Another petal falls off the rose.) It's hopeless. (Lightning crackles in the window behind Beast)

Two doors open looking like trees into a deep, dark forest, a wolf jumps up out of a bush at guests (Similar to the Monstro effect in Pinocchio’s Daring Journey at Disneyland) the ride vehicles soon slightly turn to the right as they see Belle being saved by Beast from the Wolves in the deep forest. In this scene, you hear growls and roars from the Beast in this scene.


As you move through the snowy forest, the third scene quickly changes to Something There from the movie. The vehicles slow down as Belle sings out.


Belle: New, and a bit alarming - Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True, that he's no Prince Charming - But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.

Past a few trees shows Beast in this scene, with birds covering him head to toe as he tries to feed them. The objects (Luminaire, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Chip.) are looking from outside a window in amazement.

Double doors to the castle open as the transition scene shows Knights in armor whispering about Belle and Beast ever so often.


Knight 1: There’s a girl in the castle!
Knight 2: Maybe she is the one to break the spell!
Knight 3: (Sarcastically) With the Master?!

The vehicles look directly at Lumiere as he welcomes Belle into the largest showroom in the attraction.

Lumiere: It is with greatest pride, and deepest pleasure that I welcome you tonight. And now, we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents...your dinner.

This funnels into a large spectacular of the classic Be Our Guest scene where guests are entranced by cutouts and static figures of enchanted objects throughout the kitchen and dining room. Bottles of Champagne “pop” at guests to the music, similar to the Hufflelumps and Woozles scene in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The ride vehicles also start to spin in this scene, similar to the teacups (very slowly).


Note: This scene change makes sense through the Beast’s perspective, considering he knew nothing of the original “Be Our Guest” scene, he would assume it’d be the night of the Grand Ballroom scene. Plus, let’s be honest – every guest would be incredibly upset if a Be Our Guest number wasn’t in a Beauty and the Beast attraction.

As guests leave the Dining Room, they discover the rest of the castle, while the music slowly is mixed to a rendition of Human Again which was originally envisioned for the original movie. Guests watch several enchanted objects (Such as the Wardrobe, the dog footstool, the coatrack, brooms, mops, feather dusters) throughout the castle dance and clean up for the Ballroom night. Guests see Lumiere and a silhouette of the Beast in the middle of the bustle. The script changes with three different bits of dialogue and guests can experience different commentary every ride.

Lumiere: There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself,
and when the time is right, you confess your love.
Beast: Yes, I -- I can--No, I can't.

Lumiere: Tonight is the night!
Beast: (hesitantly) I'm not sure I can do this.
Lumiere: You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring.

Lumiere: You look so...so...
Beast: Stupid.
Lumiere: Not quite the word I was looking for.

The next scene is opened up by red royal curtains, where we see the grand staircase on one side, with Mrs. Potts singing the classic song (via projection in the tray a la Leota effect) and Chip on a kitchen cart. Belle and Beast can be seen dancing in the Ballroom on the other side.
Mrs. Potts: Certain as the sun, Rising in the east
Tale as old as time, Song as old as rhyme,
Beauty and the Beast.

Leaving the Ballroom scene, we see a dark room transition (As most dark-rides have) and get a glimpse of Belle’s Little Town, depicted in a stained glass window, similar to the ones in the queue. The ride vehicles stop spinning in this scene.

Guests are soon brought into the atmosphere of Gaston’s Tavern where you see several townsfolk singing a rendition of Gaston with Le Fou, with the only sign of Gaston in the tavern being his mural in front of the Fireplace.

Le Fou: No one's slick as Gaston, no one's quick as Gaston
No one's next as incredibly thick as Gaston
For there's no man in town half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon!
You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley
And they'll tell you who's team they'd prefer to be on!

Townsfolk: My what a guy! Gaston!

In the same show scene, it appears that you see the exterior of the Tavern, with Gaston directing townspeople to kill the Beast. The townspeople (cutouts) are raising pitchforks in agreement to Gaston (Static figure) on que, as he holds a magic mirror viewing the Beast.
Gaston: We're not safe 'til his head is mounted on my wall!
I say we kill the Beast!

The next brief scene shows cutouts of Gaston and the villages breaking down the walls of the castle as they turn into the attack scene. Enchanted objects and villagers battle as a build-up to seeing Gaston hanging from the top of the room, shown to be stabbing the Beast, where you hear the crack of lightning and rain in the next scene.

The last big room shows a 360 peppers ghost illusion of the Beasts transformation to the right of guests, as the enchanted objects look in amazement on the left. Belle is seen crying, saying her famous line from the movie.


Belle: Please don't leave me...I love you.

The last scene blasts out the finale song of the movie as it shows Belle and the Beast (in Prince form) dancing in the Ballroom as the doors open and the ride goes back to unload.


Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast.

Attraction Economics
Costs will be extremely low in this project, with the most expense being taken from the Transformation scene with the peppers ghost illusion (Which is already used in the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh), and the scene with Mrs. Potts singing Beauty and the Beast. All main characters are static figures while the castle's enchanted objects and villagers are 95% cutouts and art. The ride vehicles are moderate cost - but low maintenance cost in the long run - which makes it a perfect "future investment" for this project.

Belle's Library - Gift Shop

To the right of the attraction Is the Gift Shop, named Belle's Library - is entered at the end of the attraction. Guests are often seen taking a picture at the finale mosaic within the center of the shop.

Belle's Library sells beauty and the beast playsets, VHS tapes of the movie and sequels, CDs, Beast and Belle plushies, hats, autograph books, Kodak camera products, and much more!

Belle and Beast Meet and Greet

On the far right of the attraction is a small Meet and Greet with Belle and Beast in a rose garden. A Kodak Camera stop is near, just in case you forgot your disposable camera or need extra film!

The End
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Well-Known Member
Starting the first couple paragraphs before I leave for work! :)

Challenge 1: End of a Wild Ride
TheOriginalTiki Presents: Alice Down the Rabbit Hole: A Brand New Wonderland Dark Ride

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the iconic Magic Kingdom dueling track dark ride, has closed its doors. The Disney execs felt that while the attraction enjoyed a surge of local popularity at Disneyland, the more tourist-based WDW doesn't know enough about the Wind in the Willows IP to really care about the ride. This was proved to be wrong when fan protests began happening and lines for the final Wild Ride stretches into multiple hours long, but alas Disney had already made their bed with this new addition and there was no turning back.

Replacing Mr. Toad will be arguably one of the most famous IPs that the Disney Company has ever turned into a movie...the Lewis Carroll Alice stories. Of course this begs the question...will they just clone what they already have at Disneyland? The answer is a resounding No! Alice Down the Rabbit Hole will remix some of the iconic Disneyland set pieces while also adding in scenes such as the Sea of Tears and Walrus and Carpenter that didn't make it into the Disneyland version.

Using the blueprints for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, I've come up with a surreal and wacky journey into Wonderland that doesn't copy but enhances everything Disneyland guests loved about their version of the ride. Make no mistake, this is no clone!


Well-Known Member
Broken into 2 because of only 20 images per post

After I learned that Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was closing and I was in charge of Imagineering a new ride in its place, I sought out to develop a timeless, ingenious ride that fit perfectly within that particular place in Magic Kingdom. I immediately started to research Fantasyland and learned that Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was in the Enchanted Forest section of the land. After seeing this quote, it sparked my inspiration for the ride I created:

“Here is a land of imagination, hopes and dreams. In this timeless land of enchantment the age of chivalry, magic and make-believe are reborn and fairy tales come true. Fantasyland is dedicated to the young and the young at heart, to those who believe that when you wish upon a star your dreams do come true.”
— Walter E. Disney, July 17, 1955

Using these crucial words and phrases from Walt's quote, I kept them in mind as framework and insight while putting my ideas to life.​


Tales of the Enchanted Forest
Be transported back into your childhood when you let your imagination soar.
Journey from your own backyard into the mysterious enchanted forest.
What lies ahead is entirely up to you.


The queue will be similar to The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh where guests will be walking through a garden with interactive components. The story behind the queue line to the loading dock will be that the guest is playing around in their backyard and walking through the garden towards the entrance of the forest. The queue line will include pieces of an idyllic, dream-like backyard for a child, as well as a grown adult. It will be similar to the Children’s Garden at Longwood Gardens; it is a place where both adults and children are able to interact with their environment (maybe incorporate a Mr. Toad statue as an Easter Egg? ;)).​





The queue line will also be inspired by the game Dream Chronicles, which is a hidden object and puzzle game with fantasy-like aspects. These puzzles will be physical games (i.e. pressing a button to change the direction of a fountain, pressing lit up buttons in order to turn a fountain on) incorporated into the queue line and will hopefully change throughout the years once we develop better technology.


The queue music will have music similar to the song below (which I played in Concert Band one year!), where it will be dreamlike and nostalgic to childhood.​

Loading dock:

As guests approach the loading area, they will be brought inside (added walls at the end of the queue line) to the place where they board. The room will be equipped to look like a superficial view of the forest. In other words, the ordinary look of a forest when you simply glance at it. The wall will have something similar to this:​


The loading area will include a scene of some birds in the trees, a trail, deer off in the distance, and a family of foxes. Overhead you can hear the birds singing, branches snapping (because of the animals walking around), and the leaves rustling from the wind.

The cars will be designed to look like rustic wooden wagons that will take you around the forest, of course more cartoon styled. Similar to something you might have ridden on as a child.


Loading dock to Scene 1:

After guests load onto their wagons (which seats 4-6 people) and before they directly enter the Enchanted Forest, they will go through a tunnel of trees. It will be similar to the Tunnel of Love in Ukraine. This will act as a "magical portal" that will allow them to see the mysteries deep within the forest.


This part of the ride will introduce the background music that will be heard throughout the ride. It is meant to act as a storytelling device where it will coincide with the atmosphere of the ride. It will be less dreamlike/childlike and will incorporate magical tunes, like harps, lutes/flutes, and chimes. It will be something similar to Mythical Creatures (a piece I also played in concert band recorded by my actual band!!!):

Scene 1:

The first scene that the guests will come across will be a circle witches (both male and female) holding hands, dancing and chanting a happy, joyous song in front of a bonfire. It will be a very happy scene, with bright colors and flowers. There will also be a wolf in the background (werewolf?? little red riding hood wolf??..it's up to your imagination ;)) that will be howling at the full moon.



Scene 2:

We continue from the good, happy witches over to the famous candy cottage owned by the witch famous from the tale Hansel and Gretel. In this scene, guests will see a beautifully dressed candy cottage with an evil witch looking from the window. There will be two children (who other than Hansel and Gretel) walking up to the house. This scene is noticeably darker than the scene before and the guests can smell a faint smell of candy (similar to the smells from Figment).



Transition from Scene 2 to Scene 3:

After scene 2, guests are greeted by a mischievous sprite who obviously winks at them. Above, the night sky glistens and is filled with stars. The trees on the walls are lit with different colours. In the background, guests can hear faint laughter and chatter as they enter the next scene.


Scene 3:

The sprite escorts the guests to the next scene, which is a village filled with dwarves in elves. In this scene, we can see their families, a marketplace, and the mythical creatures hard at work.



Transition from Scene 3 to Scene 4:

After the cheery, friendly scene guests enter a darker room with just a subtle green glow. They hear the words "Fe fi fo fum" along with other words from a deep voiced individual as the cart shakes, which means to emulate the giant approaching.



Well-Known Member
Scene 4:

Guests enter the next scene, which is the darkest scene of the entire ride. They first see a view of Jack and the beanstalk with a shadow of the giant's foot next to the beanstalk.


Then, the guests see menacing goblins plotting revenge on somebody. The images will be similar to the poem "Goblin Market" (poem published in 19th century) where they are seen as envious, conniving, and treacherous.



Transition to Scene 4 to Scene 5:

The sprite returns again (symbolic for only returning to happier scenes) and once guests see it, pink lights slowly turn on and they begin to see beautiful flowers. They basically "follow this light", while observing the forest light up from different coloured fireflies.

Scene 5:

The second to last scene is the brightest scene of the ride. This is where guests will see creatures like faeries, unicorns, and pixies. There will be an idyllic-looking pond in this scene and will include beautiful flowers.





End Scene:

End scene is a cozy bedroom filled with books and toys. A mother and a father (who looks like Walt) are reading a book to the guests. PLOT TWIST: THE GUESTS HAVE BEEN DREAMING THE ENTIRE TIME!!!


Exit/Gift Shop:

Exit walls are aligned with clouds to symbolize dreaming. The inside will look like a cottage.


The gift shop will have particular fairy tale objects, like wands, wings, plushies, etc.






Lastly, there will be a character spot for any magical characters, like Tinkerbell, any witches (The Evil Queen, Maleficent, etc.), and the dwarves


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Original Poster
Attention, all Imagineers! The project is due for submission at 11:59 tonight! The following imagineers have yet to submit a proposal -

@Brer Robbie

I ask of you to please submit a proposal, and remember something is better than nothing! :D


I believe you said you were going to edit your post? Is so like the others, you have till 11:59 tonight, to edit your post.

I do hope to see you all submitting wonderful ideas, as for this round, and this round only....

Everyone who submits will be receiving points!​


Well-Known Member
Challenge 1: The End of a Wild Ride
@IDInstitute's Proposal- Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough

The year is 1998. To the sadness of many, many Disney fans, just a few weeks ago on September 7th, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride came to a permanent closure in order to make way for a 10-month overlay to a new attraction. For replacing such a popular attraction as Mr. Toad's, this new ride must be just as, if not more, grand and spectacular than the original. While The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a cute ride, I know what you're thinking- "Eh, that ride isn't really all that great or as worthy as an IP". Well, luckily, I have a different attraction idea in mind. I'm here to rewrite history and present to you a new proposal for a replacement for this space- Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough!

Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough will be a new, immediate-classic dark ride much like Mr. Toad's. It will tell the story of the characters' adventure in an experience many fans of the movie and the parks still wish they could have today. Not to mention, with the movie coming out not too long ago (cuz, ya know, it's 1998), it is assured popularity keeping with the hype from the film (the synergy is there!). Plus, coming from the future and all, I have the added benefit of knowing that this film stands the test of time much better than Pooh.

With this dark ride opening, The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, which which will have had opened in 2001(Sheldon Cooper time travel grammar ftw), will now have a different project take place there with Aladdin and Jasmine going to Fantasyland where many people agree they fit best.

Facade & Queue
The exterior of this attraction will match the elegant, royal princess theming of Fantasyland by having a design resembling the outdoor courtyard of Jasmine's palace. In this queue will be a main fountain like in the movie, and other nods to the film such as a ladder against the wall and the bird cage. However, keeping with the project of guidelines of this attraction staying roughly the same scale and the fact that old FL queues are rather small and condensed switchbacks, this will more or less be the extent of the theming. The exterior of Tokyo Disney Sea's Jasmine's Flying Carpets gives a good resemblance of what this area will look like.

The loading area is in this palace courtyard area too, with guests shortly leaving into the first scene. Vehicles are very similar to the Winnie the Pooh vehicles, however themed to look like a magic carpet. In addition, vehicles have a similar "tigger bouncing" motion in them, however will be made use to simulate the motion of being flying on the magic carpet. In addition, when entering vehicles, the safety spiel includes the genie's famous humorous quote of exiting anywhere/exit spiel of when they land on the island.

Ride Experience
Excluding the loading dock, the ride consists of 13 different scenes. The story of the ride starts with Jasmine escaping the palace, and follows the daring, magical journey from there.
Aladdin ride layout.png

(The above image represents how the 13 scenes + load fit into the current track)

Scene 1: Marketplace
This scene has guests riding down the main walkway of the marketplace. Animatronic vendors shout at you trying to sell their goods. In addition, an escaped Jasmine animatronic, and Aladdin and Abu sitting on top of a tarp.

Scene 2: Rooftop Walk
This scene directly follows it in the movie, with Aladdin and Jasmine having met each other, and are hopping from rooftop to rooftop on their way to Aladdin's home. The charming music from the movie that encapsulates the love story between the two can be heard here.

Scene 3: Palace Reveal
This straightaway in the ride path here is once riders make it to Aladdin's home with him and Jasmine. Before making a sharp turn into the next scene, an Aladdin animatronic pulls the curtain open for the grand reveal of the palace view.

Scene 4: Aladdin in Trouble
Suddenly, this sweet moment is interrupted as danger ensues. With a quick turn into the next scene, palace guard animatronics are waiting to capture Aladdin and throw him in the jail under Afar's orders.

Scene 5/6/7: Jafar's Plot
This next string of scenes that occur quickly with the zig-zag ally type track layout follow the saga of Jafar's plot to use Aladdin to get the lamp from the Cave of Wonders and abandon him there. Scene 5 consists of an Aladdin animatronic locked up in the cellar, with the disguised old man Jafar telling him what to do to escape. Scene 6 has Aladdin entering the large Cave of Wonders set piece with a glowing fiery effect behind it. And alas, Scene 7 is when Aladdin and Abu are in grave danger, holding on for their lives as Jafar betrays them, letting the characters "fall down" (on a track of course) into the cave to be abandoned forever.

Scene 8: The Lamp
This is a short scene serving as a transition from the previous exciting danger segment to the large musical scene coming next. It consists of Aladdin, Abu, and the Magic Carpet, all sitting in the cave, seeming hopeless. Aladdin sees the lamp lying down on the ground, and begins to rub it to make out the words. Suddenly, smoke starts to come out of the lamp, with the Genie soon to appear!

Scene 9: Friend Like Me
This scene, taking the place of the Heffalump scene, will be the largest and grandest in the ride. It is the introduction to Genie, and does so in musical form with Friend Like Me. There will be many Genie animatronics everywhere in different forms, shapes, and doing many different silly activities much like the number in movie. In addition, this scene will make use of the magic carpet movement effect in the ride vehicles.

Scene 10: Stopping Jafar
This is another transition scene, this time between the Friend Like Me and the upcoming climax battling Jafar. Because this ride will have to condense the story quite a bit as it isn't that long, it will skip a few scenes from the movie here. The point of the scene though is to lead up to the climax battle against Jafar, with the main hero character group together talking about their plan to stop Jafar and save Jasmine.

Scene 11: Battling Jafar
This is also a rather large scene, and is the climax of the ride. Riders are in the main room of the palace. First scene is Jasmine trapped in the giant hourglass, with Aladdin shouting her name. Meanwhile, Jafar is looking evil laughing and commenting on how he will become the most powerful in the world. Continuing riding around the corner, A very large snake figure (which is Jafar) is hissing at Aladdin, with the dark music in the background, proclaiming his goal to become even more powerful, and thus wishes to become a genie. Continuing further we see a giant projection of Jafar as a genie, coming out of a lamp. However, Aladdin remarks how genies are locked in by their masters, and thus the projection of Jafar sucks back into the lamp screaming in defeat.

Scene 12: Happy Ending
This second to last scene has all of the characters as animatronics standing on the palace ledge, with Aladdin and Jasmine hugging in their happy ending love and Genie celebrating being free about to go on vacation! Of course, the Sultan, Abu, Raja, and The Magic Carpet are there too, celebrating their happy ending.

Scene 13: Arabian Night Legend
Before pulling back into the loading dock, there is one more quick scene, passing back through the marketplace like in the first scene, this time at night. You pass another stand with a merchant behind it, however this isn't just any merchant- it's the guy from the Arabian Nights scene at the start of the movie. He's holding the lamp, with a projection against a fog-themed screen of Aladdin and Jasmine riding off into the sunset. This is to close the story of how the movie starts using the lamp as the journey of how the lamp changed the life of one diamond in the rough.

Exiting the ride, guests walk down the path into an Arabian marketplace gift shop where they can get some souvenirs of their magical journey!

Overall, Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough will had have been a fantastic addition to the Magic Kingdom, and celebrate this amazing film more appropriately than a flying carpet spinner, and will stand the test of time much better than Winnie the Pooh. I hope you enjoyed the concept, thanks for reading! :)

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
@tcool123 really sorry I didn't get a chance to complete my project. I've had a migraine most of the day. I can put something together tomorrow, but can you confirm that my idea of a remixed "Alice in Wonderland" ride that's entirely not a clone of the Disney version fits within this challenge prompt. I've been really paranoid about that and it's probably the main reason I haven't sat down to write the rest of it besides my health ;) :p


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
@tcool123 really sorry I didn't get a chance to complete my project. I've had a migraine most of the day. I can put something together tomorrow, but can you confirm that my idea of a remixed "Alice in Wonderland" ride that's entirely not a clone of the Disney version fits within this challenge prompt. I've been really paranoid about that and it's probably the main reason I haven't sat down to write the rest of it besides my health ;) :p
Tiki you have no reason to worry it fits the prompt :D


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Original Poster
President Tcool, when will we see reviews/the next challenge?
Now / Soon :D

Challenge 1 Reviews Part 1 -
View attachment 164531

This ride is a spinoff of the hit movie, featuring four of the hit songs (Jolly Holiday, Step in Time, Chim Chim Cheree, and Let’s Go Fly a Kite). The ride's events take place about a year after the movie, and it also features some inspiration from the novel series (such as the dancing statues and Mary Poppins’ reappearance to the children).

The queue is rethemed to feel like the Jolly Holiday scene from the movie. Basically, it is a very green, flower-and-statue-filled park.


Ride Vehicles
The Ride vehicles are themed to the carousel from the Jolly Holiday scene in the movie. The vehicles are shaped like the vehicles in the Winnie the Pooh ride. Each Vehicle houses 4-6 people and there are two rows. While the music is played at the actual sets, the dialouge is played through on-board speakers.


View attachment 164532

Scene 1
As the cart leaves the station, it leaves the bright and beautiful park to head towards the London skyline in the "distance."

Scene 2
The ride begins with an animatronic of Bert, joined by Jane and Michael, singing “Chim Chim Cheree” on one of the rooftops of London.
JANE: Nothing’s been right since Mary Poppins left.
MICHAEL: Yeah! Father is even considering ing a new nanny.
BERT: Well, that can't be right. Say - How about this? Tomorrow I'll take you two to the park and we can go fly a new kite.
KIDS: That sounds awesome

Scene 3
As the vehicle progresses closer to the moon, we find that the silhouette of Mary is also singing Chim Chim Cheree harmony with Bert. This transition goes through a room in which the sky brightens up. A gate then opens to lead to the next scene.

Scene 4
We are then inside of a park (with the song Let's Go Fly a Kite playing), in which there are many people flying kites. Bert and the kids are in the middle of the room and when the children start to reel down their kite (which is on the opposite time of the track) and find Mary Poppins floating down from the kite.
MARY: Tut. Tut. It appears nothing can remain orderly without me.

Scene 5
We are still in the park.
JANE: what are we going to do first, Mary Poppins?
MARY: Well m, first we have to teach you to some manners.
BERT: Aww… Come’n Mary. Can't we have a little fun first?
MARY: Oh all right.

Scene 6
The gates to another area of the park labeled “Statue Garden” burst open and inside we see the kids, Mary, Bert, and several of the statues dancing while singing “Jolly Holiday.”

Scene 7
As we move through the scene we see the carousel and butler penguins (in statue form). We no longer face the main characters, but we can hear:
MARY: Thank you Nero! Thank you Claudius! Thank you statues!
BERT: That was fun, but I'm going to late for work
KIDS: Can we come?
BERT: Oh, why not?

Scene 8
Another transition period in which we go through another gate, see the sky darken, and then we are on the rooftops. We are on a circular track, chimney sweeps (with Bert in the middle) around the circumference of the circle, singing “Step in Time”. Mary and the kids are in the middle, pointing at the stars.
MARY: Tomorow is a big day.
KIDS: Why can't we just stay with you, Mary Poppins.
MARY: I'm sure you're new nanny will be lovely.

Scene 9
We are still on the rooftops is London. Bert and Mary are singing “Chim Chim Cheree.”
BERT:Mary, must you go
MARY: Unfortunately yes.
BERT: Well goodbye then.
MARY: Farwell, Bert. And thank you.
BERT: For?
MARY: Such a Jolly Holiday.

Gift Shop
The gift shop sells Mary Poppins themed merchandise and kites! It is called Cherry Tree Store.

Author's Note
This was the first ride I've ever completely designed, and MAN was it fun! Edited.

The Good:
- I like the the idea of a Mary Poppins ride. I feel like your queue, and pace for the ride work well.
- I feel that the ending scene will seem lovely.

The Bad:
- The dialogue, this is typically hit or miss (in my mind) for most submissions. And throughout your proposal it was hit or miss as I feel the Banks children feel a bit off. For example Mary Poppins was set in the 1930's, but the dialogue didn't reflect it for me one example is when the Banks children exclaim Awesome I feel that is not time appropriate. Also in some places I feel that the dialogue is a little bit clunky or redundant.
- The story, as it is set up in the first scene it feels off, as Mary Poppins left knowing that the dad has had a revelation. It seems that their father would not hire a new nanny, and would actually spend more time with his children now.
- The character(s), this is mainly directed to Mary Poppins as I feel she would not break down so easy to just allowing the children to have fun prior to her lesson. This could've been remedied in the statue garden scene somehow, but alas it was not.

The Conclusion:
- Besides extra words and spelling errors the submission was readable. There were no real inaccuracies besides the name of the gift shop as you changed in it from the map to a new name in your post. The ride sounds like a fun and engaging ride especially the last scenes which is where I feel the ride began to improve, as most of my critiques stemmed from the beginning. The only additional setback is that Eisner was not a huge fan of having to build realistic moving and looking animatronics. Also good job for your first ride :D, it is a good ride, and much better than my first ride/attraction. Mine was an Innoventions exhibit about geology, but yours really rocked. I'm sure it will be one of your boulder additions to your armchair Imagineering portfolio. Your first completely designed ride should not be taken for as it is where you begin!

Excerpt from Disney Magazine - Summer 1997 edition

With the release of Disney's 35th animated feature film this past June, the musical-comedy hit will be adding some brawn to Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom next summer. Replacing Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, which is slated to close next year, will be a dark ride attraction Hercules - Go The Distance. It will feature all of your favorite characters from the film, as discover your destiny with Hercules, train with Phil, and foil the plans of the infamous Hades. Walt Disney Imagineering is very excited at this announcement, as it will bring a fresh face to the park, and expand the fantastical European themes of Fantasyland to the shores of Ancient Greece. Check over the coming months for exclusive behind the scenes sneak peaks both in the Disney Magazine and on Disney Channel!

Imagineer That! - Disney Channel Special

Airing on Disney Channel in preparation for the new attraction, guests will get a behind the scenes look at what Hercules - Go the Distance, will be like.

--Go The Distance--

Host: "Hi there - I'm Tom Morrow 2.0 and today we are going to be getting a behind the scenes look at the newest hero coming to the Magic Kingdom - Hercules! I'm here with imagineer, spacemt, and he's going to tell me a little about the attraction"

Imagineer: "Well, Tom, let's take a look at this attraction layout here. We've reconfigured it to put the guests inside the film of Hercules, being immersed in the characters and story.

The queue facade and layout will be reconfigured to look like an Ancient Greece temple, like the Zeus' temple that Hercules went to visit in the film. It will be complete with Greece columns and architecture to truly provide an eclectic environment from the medieval fare style in central Fantasyland, and the English inspired west side of Fantasyland. This Greek influenced endeavor will expand the European themes of the land."

"Continuing, as you wind through the queue area you will be serenaded with the Muses, Calliope, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Thalia, and Clio, who sing and narrated the prologue to the film, to catch guests up on the story they are entering Throughout the queue will be inonvated vases, that, through the use of special effects and lighting, move and sway just like in the film. The song "The Gospel Truth" will be heard from above as you are introduced to the birth of our hero, Hercules, on Olympus, where your journey will begin.

"As you can see by the attraction map below, the queue switchbacks around until we get to the load area where you will board your detailed ride vehicles, designed as your own chariot, that will take you to Olympus. The chariots, themed to Ancient Greece mythology, will whisk you away on your journey. The chariots seat approximately 5 guests, 2 in the front and 3 in the back.​

"As we leave the loading station we see Hermes and Zeus on the side talking on the outskirts of an Olympian party, casually discussing it and Zeus' new son Hercules. Part of what separated Hercules from other Disney animated films prior, was its quirkiness and comedy, which will be subtly displayed in their joyous conversation

New transition doors shaped and designed as clouds open, and we gaze out onto a bright Olympus scene, with everyone celebrating the birth of Hercules

As your vehicles progress around the majestic environment, you see baby Hercules and baby Pegasus smiling with each other, as Zeus announces that they will be good friends. Everyone seems to be enjoying the party except for Hades, who as you turn the corner, is seen disgruntled.

Zeus taunts Hades as the show scene transitions to the Underworld.


As you transition down the "river of death" in the underworld, you see Pain and Panic, Hades' "trusted" minions, having a conversation with themselves, with Panic saying his catchphrase "if, if is good"

The Fates are seen talking to Hades about his plan to make Hercules mortal so he can take over Olympus with the titans when the planets align, but they also warn Hades that if Hercules fights, Hades will be defeated. An annoyed Hades sends Pain and Panic out to make Hercules mortal, which acts as a transition scene to Hercules being discovered by his adopted parents.

The transition scene leads into Hercules saying good-bye to his adopted parents as a teenager, and heading out to find the temple of Zeus, singing the hit song from the film "Go the Distance" Traveling through the woods and valleys, he reaches the temple, where Zeus tells him to go find Philoctetes and train with him.

Aboard Pegasus, Hercules sets off.

In the next transition scene, Hercules convinces "Phil" to try training him again, after his failed endeavor with Achilles (that dang heel).

The next scene then leads into a montage of training and fighting done by Hercules being trained by Phil, with the song "One Last Hope" being sung in the background.

The scene shows Hercules growing in strength, but completing Phil's courses, and ends with defeating the centaur, as Meg, Hercules' newfound love interest, looks on in sarcastic glee. As you transition out of the scene, you hear a faint line of the song "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Meg, as Hades approaches Meg and says that "we have a deal"

On the right side of the transition scene, you see Hercules shaking Hades hand, and losing his strength for 24 hours so that Meg would go unharmed.

The following scene then shows to the titans being unleashed on Olympus to the right, and Hades looking on from the Underworld to the left of the ride vehicles.

As a subtle easter egg to the former attraction, Mr Toad's Wild Ride, in the Underworld, on the side of Hades in the river of death, you can see an outline of the devils from the Mr. Toad attraction, in the river

Towards the end of the scene though, Hercules is seen swimming in the river to save Meg , and in the final scene, can be seen standing next to Hades with a golden glow, with Meg being saved, and Hades upset.

As you leave the Underworld, you see Hades combating the souls, as they bring him down with them.

In the final scene after the rescue you are back on Olympus, with everyone celebrating Hercules' action as a hero, with the Muses singing "A Star is Born" as you proceed to the unload area. You see Phil looking on proud, Hercules and Meg flying on Pegasus, and Zeus looking on proud at his son.

When you exit the attraction, guests can walk into Phil's Gift Shop, where you can find merchandise of the characters from the hero and his friends. One of the prominent items would be the Windows 95/98 PC video game

In this video game, you can train as Hercules and defeat all of the monsters and villains from the film.

Well there you have it folks, Hercules - Go The Distance will open in 1998 at Fantasyland in the Magic Kingdom. Be sure to check out the heroic adventure for yourselves next year! Thanks, Tom Morrow 2.0 for having me on.

Host: "And that was the sneak peak of Hercules - Go the Distance, what will be the next imagineering adventure we will go on? Guess we will just have to find out on the next episode of --- Imagineer That! Only on Disney Channel.

The Good:
- The ride sounds like an innovative take on the Disney film.
- I could see the film Hercules working as a dark ride, and perhaps it will have lasting potential.

The Bad:
- The simple idea of Ancient Greece in Fantasyland just clashes against the theme. As it may put guests out of the medieval festival theme of the land with the tents for attraction entrances.
- Something just feels odd in the early stages of the ride, although I'm not quite sure what.
- Also how does Hercules get his strength back? Was Hades and the Titans defeated? How did Meg die? It was never actually explained in your ride, and left some plot holes that would need to be filled what

The Conclusion:
- Overall the Hercules ride felt like it was missing something, and its facade clashes against the current Fantasyland. Michael Eisner enjoyed you used a newly produced IP, but he felt that its box office performance was not up to par with the other recent animated hits. He feels it may have been wiser to choose another more successfully proven IP. However he does give you props for the an eventual pln for syndication with the Disney Channel.

Starting the first couple paragraphs before I leave for work! :)

Challenge 1: End of a Wild Ride
TheOriginalTiki Presents: Alice Down the Rabbit Hole: A Brand New Wonderland Dark Ride

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the iconic Magic Kingdom dueling track dark ride, has closed its doors. The Disney execs felt that while the attraction enjoyed a surge of local popularity at Disneyland, the more tourist-based WDW doesn't know enough about the Wind in the Willows IP to really care about the ride. This was proved to be wrong when fan protests began happening and lines for the final Wild Ride stretches into multiple hours long, but alas Disney had already made their bed with this new addition and there was no turning back.

Replacing Mr. Toad will be arguably one of the most famous IPs that the Disney Company has ever turned into a movie...the Lewis Carroll Alice stories. Of course this begs the question...will they just clone what they already have at Disneyland? The answer is a resounding No! Alice Down the Rabbit Hole will remix some of the iconic Disneyland set pieces while also adding in scenes such as the Sea of Tears and Walrus and Carpenter that didn't make it into the Disneyland version.
Using the blueprints for The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, I've come up with a surreal and wacky journey into Wonderland that doesn't copy but enhances everything Disneyland guests loved about their version of the ride. Make no mistake, this is no clone!

The Good:
- The Alice ride along with the Mad Tea Party will make a nice little Wonderland subarea.
- I like that you plan for it not to be a clone, and plan for new additional scenes.

The Bad:
- Its a bit too short, and possibly underdone. It seems that you had intended for more, but alas life got in the way which is totally understandable just be proud you submitted something :D

The Conclusion:
- Eisner enjoyed the idea of incorporating sets from the Disneyland ride, but he is unsure if he wishes to pursue the attraction at the moment considering it has no layout nor synopsis.

To be continued...


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Original Poster
1 Reviews Part 2 -

Belle's Enchanted Journey
View attachment 164833

This new enchanting journey at the Magic Kingdom, in the location of the former Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, will bring the magic of Disney's recent Major Motion Picture, "Beauty and the Beast" to life in a soon to be classic dark ride. Seeing as Disney needs this project done on the cheap, this project will have three tiers for each section. Tier 1 will be the core basics for each scene or area. Tier Two will add additional details that could be added should extra small pieces of budget be come across, adding small enhacements to necessary areas. Tier Three will add significant details to greatly enhance the exoerience. This would most likely occur in a later refurbishment, or should a large amount of budget be added at a later point. Without further adieu, let's begin.

The Façade:

Tier 1:
A tent façade reminiscent of those found through the rest of fantasyland would be created primarily using shades of Gold and Blue for the structure. This Look would stretch all the way down to Maurice's Workshop, the new gift shop fir this attraction.
Tier 2: A nice alpine village chalet greets those two an enchanting adventure as quaint signs direct guests around. This alpine style will later be translated throughout Fantasyland to put an end to the tent abomination throughout fantasyland.
Tier 3: A french chateau welcomes guests to what promises to be an incredible adventure. Joined to the right is Maurice's Workshop where guests can but Belle trinkets and merchendise.
Queuing and FASTPASS:
Tier 1: A FASTPASS distribution area is to the left of the central entrance which has a standby entrance to the left, and a FASTPASS entrance on the right. These queues intertwined as demonstrated in the above diagram before meandering towards an ADA compliant ramp that mives up to the loading platform. This interior queue is comprised of metal chain stantions and a loosely themed interior queue with full air conditioning.
Tier 2: In Tier 2, metal stantions will be replaced with wooden quality stantions along with the load gates.
Tier 3: The interior is coated with wooden paneling as a quality indoor queue is created
The Exit Shop/ Maurice's Workshop:
Tier 1: Basic colored walls complement wall displays full of basic Beauty and the Beast Merchandise.
Tier 2: A couple of Maurice's gadgets complement the basic interior, some of which are for sale.
Tier 3: Wood Paneling and elaborate, functioning gizmos create a workshop feeling along with scattered blueprints, and displays themed to saw horses.
Load/ Unload/ Dispatch (Scene 1):
Tier 1: Guests board their wooden carts (pictured below) that are named after the servants in Beast's castle, in front of a mural of Maurice's workshop (which has a small toad figurine in reference to Mr. Toad, as we pull out of the Load area, we come across the door leaving Maurice's Cottage.
Tier 2: Cuckoo Clocks are added to the walls to add a three dimensinal feel
Tier 3: Shelves are added that display some of Maurice's most prized inventions.

Village/ Tavern and Forest (Scenes 2, 2.5, & 3):
Tier 1: Guests Exit the doors of Maurice's Cottage directly into the village as an instrumental rendition of "Belle" plays in the background. The village is created by painted wooden flats of village homes and stores such as the bookstore, as well as a dry fountain in the center that the vehicles circle as we approach a bustling tavern, whose doors we enter through. We enter a bustling tavern in which "Gaston" is being sung as Gaston stands proudly atop Lefou who is balancing mugs. The tavernfolk, as well as the bar will be recreated by plywood set pieces, while Gaston and Lefou will be three dimensional figures with limited motion, similar to those in Peter Pan. Guests soon exit the back door of the tavern as you go through a spooky forest created by plywood trees like those in Snow White's Ride. Through the bushes and trees, red glowing eyes like those of wolves can be seen, as you approach the gates of the castle, followed by the large front wooden doors.
Tier 2: Flowing water is added to the fountain along with flowerboxes and three dimensional signs on the storefronts. Tavern patrons become three dimensional static figures, and a bartender pouring an overflowing glass is added, as well as an oddly familliar patron behind the bar spinning his glass, making a tributing toast to Toad.
Tier 3: The storefronts would become fully three dimensional as a pair of deer horns are added above gaston's sign. Inside the tavern, Gaston and Lefou are upgraded to A-100 animatronics, and instead of eyes, three dimensional wolves jump out at you in the forest.
Foyer/ Hallway (Scenes 4 & 5):
Tier 1: Guests enter the castle foyer as Belle tells her imprisoned father to go, meanwhile the Beast watches from afar on the staircase. We go under the stairs as we make a slight left towards a tattered curtain before we begin to hear Lumiere and Cogsworth who are on a cart in front of us not to go to the West Wing, but instead, to the dining room, where a surprise awaits us. Mauruce is a painted flat, while Belle, Cogsworth and Lumiere are limited motion figures with subtle head movements, and Beast is a static Figure.
Tier 2: The cart under the servants rolls with your cart as well as Beast and Maurice bith being upgraded to limited motion figures.
Tier 3: Lumiere and Cogsworth recieve projected faces and upgraded movement, as Belle is upgraded with a greater range of motion.
The Dining Room/ Be Our Guest (Scene 6):
Tier 1: We enter a bustling dining room to see rows of plates and dinnerware spinning and Cogsworth Dancing to the classic tune of "Be Our Guest". We turn the Corner to see Chip and Mrs. Potts dancing around each other under a set of bursting champagne bottles, befire we round the final corner to see the star of the show, Lumiere, perched atop a cake spinning and singing to the tune of the catchy song. Just before we approach an all too familiar tattered curtain. Lots of blacklights and turntables will be employed to create this sensational scene. All spinning plates and dinnerware will be brought to life through projection technology, while the enchanted objects will be static 3D figures places on turntables. Lastly, the champagne bottle will be achieved by a rising plastic like the fish in the present day Ariel ride's Kiss the Girl scene.
Tier 2: Plates will become physical, as disco and colored beam lights will be added to create a party-like atmosphere.
Tier 3: Lumiere's animatronic gets a significant upgrade to give him a full range of movement. His turntable will be turned off, but more other castle friends will be added in additional locations, like Babette or the barking footstool.
The West Wing (Scene 7):
Tier 1: We enter through a tattered curtain which makes way for us to see torn up furniture, and a scratched paining of Price Adam that flashes to become the beast. In the center of this mess lies the enchanted rose whose theme echoes through the west wing. We leave this forsaken place towards one of the castle's many halls.
Tier 2: A new effect allows a petal of the rose to fall, and windows are added for enhanced lightning effects.
Tier 3: New torn props are added in addition to a new projection effect outside the windows.
Hall/ The Ballroom (Scenes 8 & 9):
Tier 1: Chip sitting on a service cart in a hallway tells us that we must hurry to the ballroom for Belle and Beast are about to dance. We enter the Ballroom to see Mrs. Potts singing Beauty and the Beast on a second service cart to our left, while Belle and Beast dance in the center of an expansive ballroom. Mrs. Potts, Chip, Beast, and Belle are all Limited motion figures that tilt and twirl.
Tier 2: A fancy chandelier hangs above the ballroom, in addition to more castle friends being added on the service cart. Snow is added in the large windows of the Ballroom as well.
Tier 3: Mrs. Potts and Chip get projected faces, and the Belle and Beast Animatronics dance around the ballroom on a guided wire similar to the technology used in the Universe of Energy.
The Battle (Scene 10):
Tier 1: We turn the corner out of the ballroom to come face to face with the castle's entryway, where the doors swing open to Gaston and his gang of hunters who taunt you. You seemingly turn around towards the castle now in tatters as the battle ensues. To your left, Chip is seen spitting hot tea in Lefou's eye using the same spitting effect that would have been used for gopher, as Mrs. Potts and Cogsworth trip another goon with napkins. To our right, Lumiere is setting the rear of a goon on fire. Lastly, on our left we see Gaston teetering off of the balcony with Beast's hand outstretched (like he is pushing him). We round the corner to see a stained glass interpretation of the rose, now shattered, as the rose theme plays.
Tier 2: Upgraded backgrounds, fire effects, and more characters causing trouble for the goons.
Tier 3: Projections make rain and lightning come to life as the stained glass rose recieves fiberoptic and projection effects. Gaston's figure as well as beasts are upgraded.
Transformation/ Return (Scenes 11 & 12):
Tier 1: We enter the castle foyer to see limited motion figures of all of the servants in their human form smiling as the rose theme plays. We then enter through a no longer tattered curtain to see Belle kissing Adam in the West Wing next to the rose which no longer has petals. Guests exit the castle doors before exiting back to Maurice's Workshop thriugha small, bright, and sunny forest.
Tier 2: The characters transform before our eyes using Pepper's ghost technology, as well as we now get to see the final letal fall on the rose.
Tier 3: The Belle and Adam figures are upgraded.
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Thanks For Reading! And have an enchanted day!
The Good:
- The map is in my opinion the best one I have seen for this challenge
- The three tiers are an interesting concept, that add a sort of realism to your project.
- Story wise I think this conveys the tale of Beauty and the Beast in attraction format well
- Your ride vehicle drawing

The Bad:
- There are some inaccuracies mainly notable in the Battle scene
- The three tiers are can be a bit confusing at times

The Conclusion:
- Eisner liked the idea of the tiers as it gives the ride much flexibility on its budget. He had no real complaints other than he wished you would have included nods to the sequels given the fact they come out in 1998.

Challenge 1 : The End of a Wild Ride
Presentation by @MonorailRed



As the overwhelming complaints of eliminating Mr. Toad's Wild Ride arise from fans, to the point of having a online petition to keep the attraction, it only makes sense to replace this attraction with an appropriate IP - One with a serious fanbase, great box office numbers, and a big enough musical number to fit a large show scene (such as Hufflelumps and Woozles). Something that makes replacing a 1971 classic a little less painful for fans, with a bit of a classic feel itself. That's why I went with the Disney Renaissance classic, Beauty and the Beast.

As a plus with the 1998 timeline, this connects Mrs. Potts' Cupboard (Quick Service; In 2016 named Storybook Treats) with Storytime with Belle (Where the Brave Meet and Greet currently is) seamlessly, with the tale as old as time right in between!

The biggest hurdle for this project is how to tell such a classic story with around six large show scenes. For this issue, I took a simpler approach - telling the story through the Beast's perspective instead of Belle's - this helps with transitions, while the characters themselves have just enough "squash and stretch" quality that they would be fine to use as classic Fantasyland static figures.


After passing the Castle Courtyard and turning right past Ariel’s Grotto and Dumbo the Flying Elephant guests see a rose garden on the opposite site of Triton’s Pool (Former Site of 20,000 Leagues). Tying into the “Royal Fair” motif of the castle, guests see in front of them vines of roses surrounding the two pillars holding up a white and blue tent structure that reads –
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Story.

Guests enter the queue by going through the tent, which quickly turns into a switchback queue with “cutout” castle walls, as guests move closer the walls start to transition into a darker tint, almost similar to the movie’s castle interior.

The queue isn’t without detail for being a cutout switchback queue. In fact, it tells the entire prologue through mosaic pieces painted with the “stone.” The narration from the movie is added to the bottom of the mosaic, in what seems to be but out in the stone. This sets the stage for the entire attraction, since it is told through the Beast’s perspective.

As they board enchanted bowls, guests see on right of them a mosaic double doors showing the Beast’s Hands as human, this is where the ride ends and exits.

The back wall of the load unload is a giant, dark, brick wall, covered in rose vines and lettering that says. “For Who Could Ever Love A Beast?”

board ride vehicles in the design of teapots (Don't believe me? Ask the dishes) from the movie.

To the right of them is a double door in mosaic of Beast’s hands turned into a Beast. This is where the ride beings for guests. (Note: I decided to keep the track, but have guests go “backwards” show scenes wise as opposed to Winnie the Pooh. So they’d start in the purposed Party scene and end in the Blustery day scene.) As the doors open and the vehicle goes through, the ride begins.



The First scene shows Beast looking at rose case as another petal falls, with Luminaire, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts nearby.


Beast: She'll never see me as anything...but a monster. (Another petal falls off the rose.) It's hopeless. (Lightning crackles in the window behind Beast)

Two doors open looking like trees into a deep, dark forest, a wolf jumps up out of a bush at guests (Similar to the Monstro effect in Pinocchio’s Daring Journey at Disneyland) the ride vehicles soon slightly turn to the right as they see Belle being saved by Beast from the Wolves in the deep forest. In this scene, you hear growls and roars from the Beast in this scene.


As you move through the snowy forest, the third scene quickly changes to Something There from the movie. The vehicles slow down as Belle sings out.


Belle: New, and a bit alarming - Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True, that he's no Prince Charming - But there's something in him that I simply didn't see.

Past a few trees shows Beast in this scene, with birds covering him head to toe as he tries to feed them. The objects (Luminaire, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, and Chip.) are looking from outside a window in amazement.

Double doors to the castle open as the transition scene shows Knights in armor whispering about Belle and Beast ever so often.


Knight 1: There’s a girl in the castle!
Knight 2: Maybe she is the one to break the spell!
Knight 3: (Sarcastically) With the Master?!

The vehicles look directly at Lumiere as he welcomes Belle into the largest showroom in the attraction.

Lumiere: It is with greatest pride, and deepest pleasure that I welcome you tonight. And now, we invite you to relax. Let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents...your dinner.

This funnels into a large spectacular of the classic Be Our Guest scene where guests are entranced by cutouts and static figures of enchanted objects throughout the kitchen and dining room. Bottles of Champagne “pop” at guests to the music, similar to the Hufflelumps and Woozles scene in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The ride vehicles also start to spin in this scene, similar to the teacups (very slowly).


Note: This scene change makes sense through the Beast’s perspective, considering he knew nothing of the original “Be Our Guest” scene, he would assume it’d be the night of the Grand Ballroom scene. Plus, let’s be honest – every guest would be incredibly upset if a Be Our Guest number wasn’t in a Beauty and the Beast attraction.

As guests leave the Dining Room, they discover the rest of the castle, while the music slowly is mixed to a rendition of Human Again which was originally envisioned for the original movie. Guests watch several enchanted objects (Such as the Wardrobe, the dog footstool, the coatrack, brooms, mops, feather dusters) throughout the castle dance and clean up for the Ballroom night. Guests see Lumiere and a silhouette of the Beast in the middle of the bustle. The script changes with three different bits of dialogue and guests can experience different commentary every ride.

Lumiere: There will be music. Romantic candlelight, provided myself,
and when the time is right, you confess your love.
Beast: Yes, I -- I can--No, I can't.

Lumiere: Tonight is the night!
Beast: (hesitantly) I'm not sure I can do this.
Lumiere: You don't have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring.

Lumiere: You look so...so...
Beast: Stupid.
Lumiere: Not quite the word I was looking for.

The next scene is opened up by red royal curtains, where we see the grand staircase on one side, with Mrs. Potts singing the classic song (via projection in the tray a la Leota effect) and Chip on a kitchen cart. Belle and Beast can be seen dancing in the Ballroom on the other side.
Mrs. Potts: Certain as the sun, Rising in the east
Tale as old as time, Song as old as rhyme,
Beauty and the Beast.

Leaving the Ballroom scene, we see a dark room transition (As most dark-rides have) and get a glimpse of Belle’s Little Town, depicted in a stained glass window, similar to the ones in the queue. The ride vehicles stop spinning in this scene.

Guests are soon brought into the atmosphere of Gaston’s Tavern where you see several townsfolk singing a rendition of Gaston with Le Fou, with the only sign of Gaston in the tavern being his mural in front of the Fireplace.

Le Fou: No one's slick as Gaston, no one's quick as Gaston
No one's next as incredibly thick as Gaston
For there's no man in town half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon!
You can ask any Tom, ****, or Stanley
And they'll tell you who's team they'd prefer to be on!

Townsfolk: My what a guy! Gaston!

In the same show scene, it appears that you see the exterior of the Tavern, with Gaston directing townspeople to kill the Beast. The townspeople (cutouts) are raising pitchforks in agreement to Gaston (Static figure) on que, as he holds a magic mirror viewing the Beast.
Gaston: We're not safe 'til his head is mounted on my wall!
I say we kill the Beast!

The next brief scene shows cutouts of Gaston and the villages breaking down the walls of the castle as they turn into the attack scene. Enchanted objects and villagers battle as a build-up to seeing Gaston hanging from the top of the room, shown to be stabbing the Beast, where you hear the crack of lightning and rain in the next scene.

The last big room shows a 360 peppers ghost illusion of the Beasts transformation to the right of guests, as the enchanted objects look in amazement on the left. Belle is seen crying, saying her famous line from the movie.


Belle: Please don't leave me...I love you.

The last scene blasts out the finale song of the movie as it shows Belle and the Beast (in Prince form) dancing in the Ballroom as the doors open and the ride goes back to unload.


Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Beast.

Attraction Economics
Costs will be extremely low in this project, with the most expense being taken from the Transformation scene with the peppers ghost illusion (Which is already used in the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh), and the scene with Mrs. Potts singing Beauty and the Beast. All main characters are static figures while the castle's enchanted objects and villagers are 95% cutouts and art. The ride vehicles are moderate cost - but low maintenance cost in the long run - which makes it a perfect "future investment" for this project.

Belle's Library - Gift Shop

To the right of the attraction Is the Gift Shop, named Belle's Library - is entered at the end of the attraction. Guests are often seen taking a picture at the finale mosaic within the center of the shop.

Belle's Library sells beauty and the beast playsets, VHS tapes of the movie and sequels, CDs, Beast and Belle plushies, hats, autograph books, Kodak camera products, and much more!

Belle and Beast Meet and Greet

On the far right of the attraction is a small Meet and Greet with Belle and Beast in a rose garden. A Kodak Camera stop is near, just in case you forgot your disposable camera or need extra film!

The End

The Good:
- This is by far the most descriptive for the facade and queue.
- This is another unique perspective as guests will be experiencing the ride in the Beast's eyes.
- Belle's face in the saving picture :hilarious:
- I liked that you explained why Be Our Guest was present

The Bad:
- If this story was told from the perspective of the Beast how did he know about Gaston prior to the battle? It sticks out in a storytelling perspective
- With the route being flipped, how would you enter the gift shop as the current unload would be where the load is, and it seems rater costly to build a bridge over to the gift shop. Would the gift shop not even be connected to the ride?

The Conclusion:
- Eisner's main complaint was how were guests going to reach the gift shop. He also wished that you incorporated the sequels in some way even if it was a nod. A map would have greatly helped helped your proposal.

Broken into 2 because of only 20 images per post

After I learned that Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was closing and I was in charge of Imagineering a new ride in its place, I sought out to develop a timeless, ingenious ride that fit perfectly within that particular place in Magic Kingdom. I immediately started to research Fantasyland and learned that Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was in the Enchanted Forest section of the land. After seeing this quote, it sparked my inspiration for the ride I created:

“Here is a land of imagination, hopes and dreams. In this timeless land of enchantment the age of chivalry, magic and make-believe are reborn and fairy tales come true. Fantasyland is dedicated to the young and the young at heart, to those who believe that when you wish upon a star your dreams do come true.”
— Walter E. Disney, July 17, 1955

Using these crucial words and phrases from Walt's quote, I kept them in mind as framework and insight while putting my ideas to life.​


Tales of the Enchanted Forest
Be transported back into your childhood when you let your imagination soar.
Journey from your own backyard into the mysterious enchanted forest.
What lies ahead is entirely up to you.


The queue will be similar to The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh where guests will be walking through a garden with interactive components. The story behind the queue line to the loading dock will be that the guest is playing around in their backyard and walking through the garden towards the entrance of the forest. The queue line will include pieces of an idyllic, dream-like backyard for a child, as well as a grown adult. It will be similar to the Children’s Garden at Longwood Gardens; it is a place where both adults and children are able to interact with their environment (maybe incorporate a Mr. Toad statue as an Easter Egg? ;)).
The queue line will also be inspired by the game Dream Chronicles, which is a hidden object and puzzle game with fantasy-like aspects. These puzzles will be physical games (i.e. pressing a button to change the direction of a fountain, pressing lit up buttons in order to turn a fountain on) incorporated into the queue line and will hopefully change throughout the years once we develop better technology.

The queue music will have music similar to the song below (which I played in Concert Band one year!), where it will be dreamlike and nostalgic to childhood.​

Loading dock:

As guests approach the loading area, they will be brought inside (added walls at the end of the queue line) to the place where they board. The room will be equipped to look like a superficial view of the forest. In other words, the ordinary look of a forest when you simply glance at it. The wall will have something similar to this:

The loading area will include a scene of some birds in the trees, a trail, deer off in the distance, and a family of foxes. Overhead you can hear the birds singing, branches snapping (because of the animals walking around), and the leaves rustling from the wind.

The cars will be designed to look like rustic wooden wagons that will take you around the forest, of course more cartoon styled. Similar to something you might have ridden on as a child.

Loading dock to Scene 1:

After guests load onto their wagons (which seats 4-6 people) and before they directly enter the Enchanted Forest, they will go through a tunnel of trees. It will be similar to the Tunnel of Love in Ukraine. This will act as a "magical portal" that will allow them to see the mysteries deep within the forest.

This part of the ride will introduce the background music that will be heard throughout the ride. It is meant to act as a storytelling device where it will coincide with the atmosphere of the ride. It will be less dreamlike/childlike and will incorporate magical tunes, like harps, lutes/flutes, and chimes. It will be something similar to Mythical Creatures (a piece I also played in concert band recorded by my actual band!!!):

Scene 1:

The first scene that the guests will come across will be a circle witches (both male and female) holding hands, dancing and chanting a happy, joyous song in front of a bonfire. It will be a very happy scene, with bright colors and flowers. There will also be a wolf in the background (werewolf?? little red riding hood wolf??..it's up to your imagination ;)) that will be howling at the full moon.

Scene 2:

We continue from the good, happy witches over to the famous candy cottage owned by the witch famous from the tale Hansel and Gretel. In this scene, guests will see a beautifully dressed candy cottage with an evil witch looking from the window. There will be two children (who other than Hansel and Gretel) walking up to the house. This scene is noticeably darker than the scene before and the guests can smell a faint smell of candy (similar to the smells from Figment).

Transition from Scene 2 to Scene 3:

After scene 2, guests are greeted by a mischievous sprite who obviously winks at them. Above, the night sky glistens and is filled with stars. The trees on the walls are lit with different colours. In the background, guests can hear faint laughter and chatter as they enter the next scene.

Scene 3:

The sprite escorts the guests to the next scene, which is a village filled with dwarves in elves. In this scene, we can see their families, a marketplace, and the mythical creatures hard at work.

Transition from Scene 3 to Scene 4:

After the cheery, friendly scene guests enter a darker room with just a subtle green glow. They hear the words "Fe fi fo fum" along with other words from a deep voiced individual as the cart shakes, which means to emulate the giant approaching.

Scene 4:

Guests enter the next scene, which is the darkest scene of the entire ride. They first see a view of Jack and the beanstalk with a shadow of the giant's foot next to the beanstalk.

Then, the guests see menacing goblins plotting revenge on somebody. The images will be similar to the poem "Goblin Market" (poem published in 19th century) where they are seen as envious, conniving, and treacherous.

Transition to Scene 4 to Scene 5:

The sprite returns again (symbolic for only returning to happier scenes) and once guests see it, pink lights slowly turn on and they begin to see beautiful flowers. They basically "follow this light", while observing the forest light up from different coloured fireflies.

Scene 5:

The second to last scene is the brightest scene of the ride. This is where guests will see creatures like faeries, unicorns, and pixies. There will be an idyllic-looking pond in this scene and will include beautiful flowers.

End Scene:

End scene is a cozy bedroom filled with books and toys. A mother and a father (who looks like Walt) are reading a book to the guests. PLOT TWIST: THE GUESTS HAVE BEEN DREAMING THE ENTIRE TIME!!!

Exit/Gift Shop:

Exit walls are aligned with clouds to symbolize dreaming. The inside will look like a cottage.

The gift shop will have particular fairy tale objects, like wands, wings, plushies, etc.

Lastly, there will be a character spot for any magical characters, like Tinkerbell, any witches (The Evil Queen, Maleficent, etc.), and the dwarves

The Good:
- Its an original concept

The Bad:
- It seems to take place in modern day Winnie the Pooh, and not the original version of Pooh. This was mostly highlighted by the queue which sounds like the interactive queues that have been introduced with New Fantaslyand. I also believe that Fantasyland back then was all one entity no one part had a singular name to it. So I don't Toad at the time was part of the Enchanted Woods
- The it was all a dream cliche

The Conclusion:
- Eisner feels this belongs in Animal Kingdom with all the mythological creatures like pixies and unicorns. However the fairytales embedded into the ride do ground it in Fantasyland.

Challenge 1: The End of a Wild Ride
@IDInstitute's Proposal- Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough

The year is 1998. To the sadness of many, many Disney fans, just a few weeks ago on September 7th, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride came to a permanent closure in order to make way for a 10-month overlay to a new attraction. For replacing such a popular attraction as Mr. Toad's, this new ride must be just as, if not more, grand and spectacular than the original. While The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh is a cute ride, I know what you're thinking- "Eh, that ride isn't really all that great or as worthy as an IP". Well, luckily, I have a different attraction idea in mind. I'm here to rewrite history and present to you a new proposal for a replacement for this space- Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough!

Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough will be a new, immediate-classic dark ride much like Mr. Toad's. It will tell the story of the characters' adventure in an experience many fans of the movie and the parks still wish they could have today. Not to mention, with the movie coming out not too long ago (cuz, ya know, it's 1998), it is assured popularity keeping with the hype from the film (the synergy is there!). Plus, coming from the future and all, I have the added benefit of knowing that this film stands the test of time much better than Pooh.

With this dark ride opening, The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, which which will have had opened in 2001(Sheldon Cooper time travel grammar ftw), will now have a different project take place there with Aladdin and Jasmine going to Fantasyland where many people agree they fit best.

Facade & Queue
The exterior of this attraction will match the elegant, royal princess theming of Fantasyland by having a design resembling the outdoor courtyard of Jasmine's palace. In this queue will be a main fountain like in the movie, and other nods to the film such as a ladder against the wall and the bird cage. However, keeping with the project of guidelines of this attraction staying roughly the same scale and the fact that old FL queues are rather small and condensed switchbacks, this will more or less be the extent of the theming. The exterior of Tokyo Disney Sea's Jasmine's Flying Carpets gives a good resemblance of what this area will look like.

The loading area is in this palace courtyard area too, with guests shortly leaving into the first scene. Vehicles are very similar to the Winnie the Pooh vehicles, however themed to look like a magic carpet. In addition, vehicles have a similar "tigger bouncing" motion in them, however will be made use to simulate the motion of being flying on the magic carpet. In addition, when entering vehicles, the safety spiel includes the genie's famous humorous quote of exiting anywhere/exit spiel of when they land on the island.

Ride Experience
Excluding the loading dock, the ride consists of 13 different scenes. The story of the ride starts with Jasmine escaping the palace, and follows the daring, magical journey from there.
View attachment 165028
(The above image represents how the 13 scenes + load fit into the current track)

Scene 1: Marketplace
This scene has guests riding down the main walkway of the marketplace. Animatronic vendors shout at you trying to sell their goods. In addition, an escaped Jasmine animatronic, and Aladdin and Abu sitting on top of a tarp.

Scene 2: Rooftop Walk
This scene directly follows it in the movie, with Aladdin and Jasmine having met each other, and are hopping from rooftop to rooftop on their way to Aladdin's home. The charming music from the movie that encapsulates the love story between the two can be heard here.

Scene 3: Palace Reveal
This straightaway in the ride path here is once riders make it to Aladdin's home with him and Jasmine. Before making a sharp turn into the next scene, an Aladdin animatronic pulls the curtain open for the grand reveal of the palace view.

Scene 4: Aladdin in Trouble
Suddenly, this sweet moment is interrupted as danger ensues. With a quick turn into the next scene, palace guard animatronics are waiting to capture Aladdin and throw him in the jail under Afar's orders.

Scene 5/6/7: Jafar's Plot
This next string of scenes that occur quickly with the zig-zag ally type track layout follow the saga of Jafar's plot to use Aladdin to get the lamp from the Cave of Wonders and abandon him there. Scene 5 consists of an Aladdin animatronic locked up in the cellar, with the disguised old man Jafar telling him what to do to escape. Scene 6 has Aladdin entering the large Cave of Wonders set piece with a glowing fiery effect behind it. And alas, Scene 7 is when Aladdin and Abu are in grave danger, holding on for their lives as Jafar betrays them, letting the characters "fall down" (on a track of course) into the cave to be abandoned forever.

Scene 8: The Lamp
This is a short scene serving as a transition from the previous exciting danger segment to the large musical scene coming next. It consists of Aladdin, Abu, and the Magic Carpet, all sitting in the cave, seeming hopeless. Aladdin sees the lamp lying down on the ground, and begins to rub it to make out the words. Suddenly, smoke starts to come out of the lamp, with the Genie soon to appear!

Scene 9: Friend Like Me
This scene, taking the place of the Heffalump scene, will be the largest and grandest in the ride. It is the introduction to Genie, and does so in musical form with Friend Like Me. There will be many Genie animatronics everywhere in different forms, shapes, and doing many different silly activities much like the number in movie. In addition, this scene will make use of the magic carpet movement effect in the ride vehicles.

Scene 10: Stopping Jafar
This is another transition scene, this time between the Friend Like Me and the upcoming climax battling Jafar. Because this ride will have to condense the story quite a bit as it isn't that long, it will skip a few scenes from the movie here. The point of the scene though is to lead up to the climax battle against Jafar, with the main hero character group together talking about their plan to stop Jafar and save Jasmine.

Scene 11: Battling Jafar
This is also a rather large scene, and is the climax of the ride. Riders are in the main room of the palace. First scene is Jasmine trapped in the giant hourglass, with Aladdin shouting her name. Meanwhile, Jafar is looking evil laughing and commenting on how he will become the most powerful in the world. Continuing riding around the corner, A very large snake figure (which is Jafar) is hissing at Aladdin, with the dark music in the background, proclaiming his goal to become even more powerful, and thus wishes to become a genie. Continuing further we see a giant projection of Jafar as a genie, coming out of a lamp. However, Aladdin remarks how genies are locked in by their masters, and thus the projection of Jafar sucks back into the lamp screaming in defeat.

Scene 12: Happy Ending
This second to last scene has all of the characters as animatronics standing on the palace ledge, with Aladdin and Jasmine hugging in their happy ending love and Genie celebrating being free about to go on vacation! Of course, the Sultan, Abu, Raja, and The Magic Carpet are there too, celebrating their happy ending.

Scene 13: Arabian Night Legend
Before pulling back into the loading dock, there is one more quick scene, passing back through the marketplace like in the first scene, this time at night. You pass another stand with a merchant behind it, however this isn't just any merchant- it's the guy from the Arabian Nights scene at the start of the movie. He's holding the lamp, with a projection against a fog-themed screen of Aladdin and Jasmine riding off into the sunset. This is to close the story of how the movie starts using the lamp as the journey of how the lamp changed the life of one diamond in the rough.

Exiting the ride, guests walk down the path into an Arabian marketplace gift shop where they can get some souvenirs of their magical journey!

Overall, Aladdin: A Diamond in the Rough will had have been a fantastic addition to the Magic Kingdom, and celebrate this amazing film more appropriately than a flying carpet spinner, and will stand the test of time much better than Winnie the Pooh. I hope you enjoyed the concept, thanks for reading! :)


The Good:
- No Magic Carpets at Adventureland
- Friend Like Me is there

The Bad:
- Tents are not royal nor grand :p the design of the palace will most likely stick out like a sore thumb in Fantasyland, or wait is it a tent :confused: as your proposal suggests that it's Jasmine's palace while keeping up with the theme of Fantasyland with the tents?
- This sounds like it'll cost Disney a pretty penny as already in the first scene the majority of the characters are AAs.
- The story feels a bit clunky specifically after Friend Like Me
- Where's a Whole New World, that's like the song from Aladdin, and its absent :cyclops:

The Conclusion
- Eisner likes that your brining in one of their biggest IPs, but wishes you had included A Whole New World, and have focused less on the battle between Jafar and Aladdin.

Results soon...


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Original Poster

I'm sorry guys. I didn't even know we had started. I'll make sure to watch the Imagineer forum much more closely.

I'm still up for submitting a project for this challenge if it's okay and if not that's fine. I'll be sure to do the next one.
Sorry I didn't respond this week. I got blindsided by school, and how full fledge entries for this competition can be. I'll definitely be back for round two though!
Stay tuned, as by the end of the night the next prompt should be up! :D

And don't worry there's no penalty this time around, and possibly next round. Just have to check with my outline:bookworm:

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