A Toddler at the Grandparents + Two Parents = An Amazing Disney Vacation

My husband texted me the other day to remind me that a year ago he began to plan our first vacation ever (we have been married for 13yrs) and our first trip to Disney World. Like many of you, we spent countless hours poring over books, brochures, blogs, podcasts, DISCUSSION BOARDS and articles about the World to aid us in having a trip of a lifetime. Now that our amazing trip is over – we are going through withdrawals and other than planning for another trip to Disney the only thing I could think of to cure this withdrawal and depression is to write a Trip Report.

So, here we go!!!

Who: me (Catherine 38yrs) and my DH (Rob 35yrs – yep, I married a younger man..LOL). We were leaving our 3yr old with Grandma and Grandpa for the week… yippee!!!!!!


When: Oct 16th (happened to be my bday) thru Oct 21st
Resort: All Star Movies

Before I begin… thank you everyone who have posted trip reports in the past (HollyBelle, Fractal, Blackthidot, WDWFigment, MillerPoppins, etc…) you helped us make the time go by fast as we counted down to our vacation. Well… with that – my first trip report….

On Saturday morning, October 15th we packed up the car and strapped our 3yr old in and headed “downstate” Michigan. (that is what us folks from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan say when we head below the bridge) We were headed for my husband’s folk’s house, where we would be spending the night and leaving our little boy while we traveled to Walt Disney World. (we decided to go by ourselves since he is young and since we’ve never been on a vacation together) Our trip downstate for the most part went well. Despite a traffic jam due to construction on the Mackinaw Bridge that slowed us down CONSIDERABLY, it took us an hour to go a ½ mile.!!!

But, we made it to Rob’s folk’s house and after a long day called it a night.

Day I
A journal entry on Sunday, Oct 16th at 5:45AM (while we were waiting to board our plane)
Happy 28th Birthday to me! (ugh, 38???)
We said goodbye to Jonah last night at bedtime. He was not phased at all and didn’t care that we wouldn’t be there when he woke up. He was more interested in grandma and grandpa and all they had planned.
We left the house at 4:50am and headed to Flint! What a gorgeous fall morning! It was still dark out of course but it was calm, no snow and no deer!!! It was a quick drive! Our arrival at the gate was just as smooth! We didn’t have any issues at security and didn’t get a pat down or a body scan…. darn! haa haa (note the sarcasm)
Oh, I’m so excited! I feel so close to my husband now – we are on an adventure together and the only goal is that we enjoy being together and we have fun. I’m pretty much at the point where no words are even needed.


The flight was smooth (it seemed to take forever though – even though we arrived earlier than scheduled). We paid a little extra to board early, which was a great decision! As the morning sun was rising over the clouds, I couldn’t help but feel like a child – amazed at what I was seeing and jumping inside with excitement due to our destination!


We made our way down to ME by 10am and waited in line for maybe 20min. It was amazing to see in person all that we had read about and seen from everybody else’s trip reports. We couldn’t believe we were finally there! We hopped on our bus and we were off.

The obligatory photo of the airport..

Trying to stay cool and collected on our monorail trip to the terminal.


Off we go!

Now, the ME was not quite what we had heard it was or could be. Our poor driver couldn’t really speak English well and his loud speaker didn’t work either. So, he spent the whole trip talking into this speaker that he KNEW wasn’t working and then in this accent that us Northerners could not make out exactly. to add to it, the movie on the bus wasn’t working either. It only played the opening and then would get stuck. This bus had issues. It didn’t bother us though – I felt real bad for the driver but I entertained myself with looking out the window at all the wonderful birds, vegetation and sights! I was overwhelmed already and we hadn’t even made it to Disney World. haa Yea, we’re from a small isolated area up in the U.P.


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Last days are the worst :cry:

Everyone raves about the Boo To You parade so I'm really excited to see it in September!!

Last days are the worst - it was like there was a cloud following us. But, a last day in Disney is still better than a day in the "world". You'll LOVE the parade... you sure have to get a spot though fast. It was crazy how long people stake out their spots!!!

Thanks for the update. I was beginning to worry. :)

Yea, I'm sorry. Life got in the way for a bit!!! Hope you enjoy the conclusion!!!! I can't wait to read your future reports - y'all are going back down soon aren't you?


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The Conclusion......

Rob was a bit tired – ok, exhausted is more like it. He was lacking patience and while we both neded some space, he walked to get fastpasses for Soarin’ and I took pictures. Fair deal eh? haa

Once he got back we headed for Mission Space (Orange Team).


It didn’t disappoint and again it was a great experience!!!! Our plan was to take in Test Track, but unfortunately, TT was down! Bummer! So, we mooped over to Ellen’s Energy Adventure where I loved the chance to sit down and Rob took a nice 30min nap.



I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors!!!


Rob came out of EEA with a bit more of a spring in his step and a bit less cranky and I was raring to go (I was feeling great and had a good amount of energy … I guess my bad day was Tuesday). So, as we made oour way from EEA to the other side of Futureworld we took in the Jaminators and some of Innovations. I think if we had our son with us he would have LOVED innovations. There were so many hands on things and fun things for the kids.

We walked on through though and headed for The Seas paviliian. When we had been there on Monday we just went in quickly to take in the Living Seas with Nemo and Friends. But, we didn’t really spend much time looking around or going to Turtle Talk. So, we took in the aquariums and stood in line for Turtle Talk.


We waited maybe 10min for the show to start – soon we were filing on in and finding our bench amongst the exhausted parents. This was great!!!! It made me miss Jonah though but I just thought it was so creative and I was amazed once again at how someone THINKS of the idea and then others are able to make it happen. Our imaginations are endless aren’t they?

Speaking of our Immaginations…. that was one pavilion that I hadn’t been to yet (Rob went by himself on Wed night, but I hadn’t made it there yet) so the colors and fountains began calling our names. Oh…. but not before our fastpass for Soarin!!!

We walked up to The Land (again, that hill to The Land isn’t that big, but when you are exhausted it might as well be Mt. Everest). We hoped on our glinder and once again too in the sights and smells of America…. oh, those orange groves!!!!!!

After Soarin we were getting hungry so we decided to stop and have a bite to eat at SunShine Seasons. The place was dead at this time (it was about noon – ok, the entire park was dead). So, without any wait Rob got the Turkey and monterey jack on focaccia with chipotle mayo and a side of potato salad. Not to mention a yummy key lime pie!!! I had the beef and broccoli stir-fry with fried rice and the Strawberry Shortcake. (Tom Bricker – if you are reading this…. thank you SO MUCH for the suggestion on this one – I loved it!!!!!!!)


Everything was good but I have to admit that I was coveting Rob’s sandwich – it looked so good. Next time (I can’t wait till next time) I will get the focacia!

With full tummies we headed over to the Imagination! I didn’t have any desire to see the Journey Into Imagination or Captain EO, but I did want to take some time playing with the fountains. Yep, I’m a kid!


We spent a lot of time taking pictures, video and Rob spent a lot of time just sitting. The poor guy had officially hit the wall! (Where is an ORANGE GRAND MARNIER SLUSH when you need him in a good mood?) We decided it was time to make our way out of the park – it was time to head back to the resort and to catch the bus back to the airport.


However – we first must buy some gifts for our family/friends. So, we stopped by MouseGear and picked up some little gifts along with some little things for ourselves. We didn’t buy a lot when we were there – I’m so proud of us!!!!

We made our way through FutureWorld and before leaving took our last spin on SE.




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Again, another walk on…. (imagine taps being played)…… we said goodbye to the little guy making papyrus, and to DaVinci painting away, I think the lady in the computer room with the afro was crying when I waved goodbye and finally, as we descended down Dame Judy Dench’s voice was quivering. It was a sad ride. We walked off and headed solemnly to the bus.



We were basically the only ones on the bus.


It was a very quiet ride back. We didn’t say a lot – we didn’t have to. We were both exhausted and at the same time – sad that what we had been planning for so long was coming to an end. All those LATE LATE nights talking about what it was going to be like, picking our places to eat, “walking” through the parks on Google Earth StreetView, and the TONS of smiles that we exchanged were coming to an end.


We arrived at the resort and as Rob rested a bit on a bench…



… I strolled the resort a bit and took pictures. (I hadn’t done that when we first got there)






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Then we both had a quick light bite to eat and we headed outside to wait for the ME. Our bus ended up being late. There was a breakdown with one of the other buses so it threw everyone else off I guess. We FLEW to the airport and then again, FLEW through security and the monorail to the terminal. We had hardly any time to wait before we boarded our plane. We were just on time!

The plane ride was quiet. Rob slept most of the way – I on the other hand counted down the minutes till I could stand up and rise from the lack of leg room!!!! We had a non-eventful ride home and when we got to the front door of the airport – Rob’s dad was waiting for us.

The next morning we were greeted with the little yells and laughter from our son. He was excited to have us home and “all was right with the world”.

We were happy too that we were all back together. Walt Disney World is a place like non-other. You not only become a better version of yourself while you are there but you also learn that our only limitations in life are what we place on our creativity. I have taken this and thought of it several times since, just when I think I “can’t” I think of Soarin, the Haunted Mansion, the monorails, SE, StarTours, and the Tree of Life. My can’t quickly turns into a “why not?”.

In the words of Walt……

See Ya Real Soon.


Well-Known Member
So sad it's over :( Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit! Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you guys had an awesome time!! You certainly kept me entertained in waiting for my trip (23 days!!) When you finally do decide to bring the little guy, he will LOVE it, no doubt!


Well-Known Member
Wonderful trip report!

I agree, going with your son will add a new dimension to your trip.

Thanks for taking the time and effort! :)

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