a stroller question-SORRY!


Original Poster
I was wondering about those red strollers WDW was selling in their shops last year. Do they still sell them? Has anyone used them? How much do they cost? Will they fit in a locker? How compact are they to carry on buses? We are going in Feb. and my son is 4 (36 inches-30 pounds). As I recall, it is an umbrella type stroller and I am concerned about whether he will be too big also. Well, I guess that's question overload-I'll stop for now! Thanks for any help!


Active Member
they are $50 and are a pretty good size. If you have a car just go to wal mart and buy the $25 umbrella stroller. We did that for our 11 day trip a few weeks ago and it was the best $25 we spent all trip.


New Member
go to walmart. Walmart is 4 miles away. The strollers are a scam. If anything I would try to bring your big one. With all the storage you can bring your own food and drinks and save tns of money n your trip. Plus they have really good stroller security with the people that put them in order. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The umbrella stroller is a best bet when getting on/off the buses. You can fit just about everything on/in a umbrella stroller rather than a full size.

When my kid was under a year, we used the full size, but trips after that we used the umbrella and had no problems.

The ONLY real noticeable difference with an umbrella stroller is that if you hand a ton of stuff off of it, as soon as the kid comes out of it, the stroller flips over. The full size ones don't seem to do that as much.


New Member
I wouldnt even try to use the bus system with a full size stroller. I recommend the jeep umbrella strollers, they are easy to push, get the one with a cup holder for both you and the toddler!


New Member
Totally agree, get an umbrella stroller for using on the bus. Worry less about cup holders and more about how easy it is to push with a 4 year old and some purchases on it. Do you need a new stroller for home? I like bringing my own for use at the aiport.


New Member
go to walmart. Walmart is 4 miles away. The strollers are a scam. If anything I would try to bring your big one. With all the storage you can bring your own food and drinks and save tns of money n your trip. Plus they have really good stroller security with the people that put them in order. Good luck!

What do you mean "stroller security"? I will be there in a couple of weeks and was wondering about just leaving my stroller while we are on rides. There are people there to watch the strollers? Is it safe? I know it's Disney World, but people steal from churchs now adays, so Disney isn't immune to the economy either.


Well-Known Member
1- There are tons of reports of people having things stolen out of their strollers. Everything from cameras and merchandise to a diaper bag with nothing but diapers and wipes inside to the actual stroller.

2- We have never experienced this.

3- Disney does have CM's at each stroller "parking area" (ie- the place they tell you to park your stroller before you go on a ride or see a show). These CM's are there not to watch your belongings, but to keep the strollers "in order." To my knowledge, their job is to constantly move/ fill in open stroller parking spaces in the designated stroller parking area. If someone comes up to your stroller and takes a bag out of it, chances are they will have no way of knowing it is a thief instead of you! :(

4- Lesson: Take anything you can't live without/ can't afford to replace with you on the ride or have someone watch your stuff. :) But if it's nothing but stuff you can live without, just leave it in the stroller and hope for the best!! :D


New Member
There is no CM dedicated to staying in certain stroller parking areas. Some roles (Greeter for example) are to watch the cue and move strollers in order, but we are not always in the strollers section.

And please, park your stroller with some sense, think "Would I park my car like this?". I do not like when Guests park behind people parked behind someone parked behind someone, etc. It's very frustrating, thanks! =D


Active Member
I can honestly say that over the course of the last 3 years, 2 visits a year, we have never had anything taken from our stroller. I do leave the diaper bag in there, but luckily nothing has been touched. With that said, I don't leave anything irreplacable in it.


My wife just asked me the same question about theft.

Here is my question. Not really about something missing from the stroller, but is there any theft of the actual Stroller getting stolen.

Right now she is leery about using ours because of ppl telling her it will get stolen. I said it'll be fine.

We both agree, its more comfortable than a rental, but we had gotten this decently priced stroller for a baby shower gift with our first child and now she's worried it will get stolen.

Any thoughts? Use ours as I planned, or really, just go get a double child rental?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I have heard reports of strollers being stolen but mine never has been. I had a Graco City Lite (bought in 2003). It wasn't expensive but I wouldn't have wanted to replace it. I also only saw 1 other stroller like it while in the parks and that was on our last trip in 2006. I suggest putting something bright and colorful on your stroller to identify it. I've also heard of people putting a diaper with fake poo in it on the stroller. No one is going to touch that! lol I don't think I would take an expensive stroller along. You just never know.


Well-Known Member
Right now she is leery about using ours because of ppl telling her it will get stolen.

Have these "ppl" ever been to Disney? From experience, you really don't have anything to worry about.

You could always bring a small retractable "Ski" lock with and just lock it up each time you leave it if she is that worried about it. At some attractions you may not be able to do that, but it can be done at most. Then after she realizes that it will be OK, then you don't need to use the lock anymore. They make many kinds that could be easily stored and used.


Thanks for the re-affirmation for her. I have been to WDW 23 times and have told her she has nothing to worry about. I think the ppl she is getting this from are ppl who know nothing and its all here say.

So now I can tell her that these suggestions came from someone other than me, and she will most likely listen since its not from her hubby.

Thanks again.


New Member
while I have heard of 1 "stroller theft" report, I will take those odds any day!!!!! I actually like the Disney strollers despite their obscene price...but I do bring 1 from home for DS b/c he's 3 and can use one outside the park (resorts, boardwalk, airport).

Bring your home stroller- or go get something better than that red thing they sell (I have heard bad reports with older kids) and keep in mind, the graco's that people love to recommend here have a weight limit that may not get you to your next disney trip!!!!


New Member
I was wondering about those red strollers WDW was selling in their shops last year. Do they still sell them? Has anyone used them? How much do they cost? Will they fit in a locker? How compact are they to carry on buses? We are going in Feb. and my son is 4 (36 inches-30 pounds). As I recall, it is an umbrella type stroller and I am concerned about whether he will be too big also. Well, I guess that's question overload-I'll stop for now! Thanks for any help!

Yeah! I've seen those red strollers when I have been there.They cost around $50 I think.I don't know about the features of those strollers,since I used Disney Pushchair for my baby.


New Member
Stroller Swap

Try the storller swap for the resort you are staying in. Maybe the dates will be open. Then you won't have to pay anything.


Look at the Combi line, they are light, compact, and have high weight limits with a decent basket. They're sold at Babies R US and Buy Buy Baby plus everywhere online. I recommend seeing them in person and testing size before buying. They're a good quality stroller that will last more than the one trip. Good luck!

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